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Posts posted by Chasingamymatt

  1. 5 hours ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

    So, they got in touch with me around August, had a phone call with the producers with them basically picking my brain about who the best people are to talk to, the best way to tell the story, stuff like that. They didn't ask me to be on, at least not yet.

    I assume you just pointed them to the Graham family as "its always his idea"

  2. 4 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Thing is he's done the serious no-character type deal before on the main roster and it got him nowhere. To just completely drop everything that has made him popular would be a bit crazy. There's a middle ground to be found there somewhere - just look at how he was on his last Smackdown appearance.

    Yeah I get your point. I think Im just bias as i find the New day stuff so much over the top with the nonsense they come out with. Not saying he cant show his real personality just that a toned down version would in my opinion suit him better as a proper main event player

  3. 4 hours ago, Joe Blog said:

    This may be the worst post of the year. Have Big E ditch one of the most popular aspects of his character? 

    sorry I get he likes the goofy but its just not to my taste for a main event player. Personally I cant stand the new day but each to there own

  4. I thought Roman for the 1st time in god knows how long looked great. But whats the endgame? no way in a billion years does Rock face him, Movie Career,Insurance for incoming projects ect NO WAY so whos the babyface to slay him? Dont get me wrong this is a great Roman but whos the Babyface to overcome? 

  5. Got a fun "what if" for a nearly finished the week.

    DX invasion of the Norfolk Scope - instead of them faffing about outside Bischoff opens the stutters up with Nitro filming the whole thing. "ok guys you think your tough, fine, you can come in but ONE member of my roster is going to stop you" and out struts Meng. DX imediately look terrifed and back off.

    DX is now dead as faction, HHH never gets pushed as Bischoff takes delight in showing him panicing when its 5-1 odds on NITRO tv. Maybe E&C & the Hardys get moved up sooner without the Outlaws, mabye LOD are booked better, X-PAC probably survives as he is so good in the ring at this point. HHH jobs in Warrior Mania fashion until he is released and thanks to Nash and Hall ends up in WCW.

    With HHH in WCW and Shawn out with his back maybe Bret sees the writing on the wall and fences are mended. He stays off until he is revealed as the higher power because Taker respects him so much and he wants a piece of Vince. Owen doesnt do that stunt and eventually we get the Shawn Bret series we all wanted and deserved.

    A few jumps but i think the Scope part was certainly possible. Failing Meng Scotty :)

  6. 41 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    I’d given up on WCW by then, excusing whenever Bret was on. The number of turns between Uncensored and Road Wild turned me off completely. Losing track of who was on who’s side between Nash, Sid, DDP, Flair, Hogan, Sting, Savage etc and spotting lads on each other’s team that had cost each other the World title the month before was almost a weekly occurrence.

    The tourney for the WCW title that finished at mayhem is the worst tournament i've ever seen. And i've watched KOTR 95. Even the final was a let down as, suprise suprise, it had run in's and ref bumps. Oh thats one thing i forgot in my original post. I confidently predict that 80% + of matches i watched included a run in, ref bump, no contest or a "swerve". clean finishes obviously banned in 1999 for both the big two.

  7. At the start of Lockdown (i'm still working from home atm) I began watching the Nitros / Thunders & PPV's for WCW from September 99 to close of company. My god that was a fun car crash. And anyone who says WCW picked up at all by the end is flat out incorrect. The only and I mean ONLY good thing on the shows is Scotty Steiner. Flair & co have never looked older, more out of touch and cartoony. The amount of turns were bewildering, even watching all the shows I missed tons of them. Still filled up the time until MLB came back.

  8. As god aweful and boring and out of touch that WWF is in 1995 - early 1996 its more fun and an easier watch than WWF 1999 is. After Rock/Austin at Mania and Backlash the TV, title picture, mid-card fueds and stories are trash. This continues until Armageddon at the end of the year. KOTR/Fully Loaded/Summerlam/Unforgiven/No Mercy/SS have about 5 decent matches between them and the Corporate Ministry was fooking horrible.

  9. 3 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    They had Superstar air fresheners, so there was value in the wrestling fan not smelling like shit.



    Nash smells of Korean BBQ and Goldberg smells of Ricky Tomlinson in the Royal Family?

  10. 3 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Think the only PPV that High Energy would’ve been on together would’ve been Survivor Series 92

    You win the prize mate. As im bored i just looked and he does it in the headshrinkers tag. 

  11. 15 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

    Completely forgot about that brief little spell when Owen Hart was using that sitout Tombstone piledriver after SummerSlam 97.

    On Flash Funk;


    And Dan Severn;


    And the Severn one must’ve been close to a year after the Austin injury because Owen’s got the old Nation outfit. Surprised they risked it again. Were there any other matches he used it in or was this it? 

    The Severn one was done on purpose as part of the angle where he "injured" dan using the same move that made him want to retire. Steve Austin was....unthrilled about the angle as no one told him.

    I do remember Owen using it when he was teaming with Koko years before this but cant for life of me remember the PPV, maybe a rumble?

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