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Posts posted by Chasingamymatt

  1. Ok i accept this is sacrilidge as its th best year they ever did but...hear me out

    Jan-March - no changes HHH gets over Foley gets an amazing way to say bye bye

    April - HHH rock main event at mania Rock over clean Austin does the run in

    May - Rock Benoit, i shift the Fullyl oaded match up a month. Exactly the same senario

    June- Rock Benoit iron man. Benoit gets it as he was the champ then got it taken away, Foley agrees as hes comish, 3-2 going into last 5 mins taker returns costs benoit as he chokeslams him - Rock goes over 3-3 as he drew and keeps the belt

    June - Rock, Benoit, HHH, Jerhicho 4 way, Rock wins

    July - SS Rock beats Angle who Won KOTR

    August - Rock Beats Angle but due to HHH (Steph storyline)

    Sept - Angle beats Rock and HHH due to Steph (who kicked HHH in the balls)

    Oct - Austin Returns to fight HBK who admittted he ran him down to give his best friend a leg up. Austin HBK closes with HBK winning after intereference with HHH & Benoit who has been paid off to help "the cliq" Title match Rock looses to Angle DK

    Nov - 4 Man elimination HHH, HBK, Benoit and Angle vs Rock, Austin, Jericho and Rikishii, HBK team goes over with Benoit last man standing

    Dec -  Angle beats Benoit, Rock and Austin beat HBK and HHH when HBK leaves HHH to the sharks

    Jan- Austin wins Rumble. Rock beats Angle. HBK and HHH loose to Kane/Taker with HBK turning face at end and decking HHH

    Feb -  Rock beats Angle, Benoit beats Jericho in a ladder match. HBK HHH does to a no contest when HHH tries to run him over

    April Mania 17 - Austin over Rock clean, HBK over HHH in a cage, Benoit over taker, Angle over Kane (gives then excuse for tag teams) Jericho defends the IC in an open challenge who turns out to be SCOTTY STIENER who Shane has given a contract to as Vince has made some screw up and not removed Shane from his position after the last WCW nitro. and Scotty batters the crap out of him and wins the IC belt.

    May - go with it

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