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Posts posted by NoUseforaUsername

  1. I tried to broaden my horizons by watching Bill Burr: "Why Do I Do This?".

    I had to turn it off after 15 minutes.

    Why are so many comics so loud and abrasive?

    A large part of the reason Louis CK works for me is the delivery of his jokes. It's his timbre; he's easy to listen to. Like if I'm driving to work I'm not going to listen to a DJ who sounds like Gilbert Gottfried, because it's distracting.

    It's why I think Dave Chappelle is good, too. His style is informal. It's like he's talking with you, not at you. It's relaxed. It's not like a lot of modern comics yelling out overly rehearsed sounding routines. 

    I don't know how critically acclaimed Burr is, but he reminded me a lot of Denis Leary, and Leary isn't a critical darling.

  2. Watched World's Greatest Tag Team v Los Guerreros on the episode of Smackdown where Brock and Kurt had their Iron Man match.

    Los Guerreros won the title in a fantastic match from start to finish with everyone on great form.

    As I recall WGTT had a blinder with Kidman and Mysterio at Vengeance a few months earlier that featured an all time favorite near fall.

  3. @IANdrewDiceClay Jason said on one of the DVD extras that he walked up to Larry David and told him he'd quit if he was ever left out of an episode again. The episode was "The Pen", which also didn't feature Michael Richards.

    Jason is a great actor and he's a pretty cool guy, but his guest appearance on Curb Your Enthusiasm, the scene with Larry, alludes to how seriously he takes himself.

    @ColinBollocks Jerry's facial reactions and his delivery of the "didn't come true" line in that scene are proof positive that he doesn't get enough credit as a comedic actor. Brilliant stuff.

    Which reminds me of his scenes with Neil Giuntoli in the episode with Kramer's illegal bootlegger friend. That's an underrated guest role if ever there was one. Giuntoli cracks me up every time he's on screen.

  4. Watching Louis CK Live at the Beacon. Ever notice how filthy his t-shirts are? The stains? With what we know now, they have to be cum stains, right?

    Just like the constant masturbation jokes, he was hiding out in the open. TotAlly getting off on it.

  5. I forget the name of it but Paul McCartney hosted a doc about Buddy Holly, which helped nurture my appreciation for the early years of rock music.

    I never understood why McCartney gets a bad rap. He seems like an inoffensive guy to me. 

    Compared to Mike Love, who seems to court his reputation as a dickhead.

  6. It kind of put me off hearing about Jason and Julia threatening to leave the show cos they weren't written into one episode.

    I wish Jerry and Larry called their bluff, seeing how their post-Seinfeld careers panned out. *I know Julia rebounded eventually.

    It also makes me wonder if their egos are why they get way more screentime than Kramer, despite Kramer being the layman's favourite character.

    Don't mistake this for me playing down the importance of their characters. The ensemble was hugely important, but the show had so many characters (Newman, George's father, Kramer's acquaintances, various boyfriends/girlfriends) that we barely scraped the surface of, that it didn't need to be wedded to these four characters ALL the time.


  7. Ever hear of Mark Twitchell? An aspiring filmmaker from Canada who was inspired to become a serial killer by the TV show Dexter.

    Similarly, he lured a man to his death by posing as a woman.

    Some good footage on YouTube including that of a ride along with two caricatures of cops trying to extract a confession from him while he sits obstinately silent in the back seat.

    Before I go on a tangent, Gerard Schaefer is the be all and end all when it comes to serial killers.

    The interview with him on YouTube is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen.

  8. 16 hours ago, Fox Piss said:

    Do they have a DNA sample off the Zodiac? 

    The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, was linked to the killings.

    Arthur Leigh Allen is who it was commonly believed to be, but that's mainly because Robert Graysmith pinned a lot of circumstantial evidence on him, and a lot of people hitched their wagon to that due to his book and the movie that was based on it.

  9. 10 hours ago, Porkchopcash said:

    @NoUseforaUsernameI think the Peado thing goes back to them 13 or 14 year old girls who looked at you and you thought they clearly fancied you. 

    I wasn't looking at them, though, so I'm confused about the whole "pedo" thing.

    And, she clearly found me attractive (not that I give a shit), but I take an ego boost out of it - same as if it was a man or an old woman.

    *I know the difference between being ogled for an uncomfortable amount of time and someone seeing you in their peripheral vision; guess you had to be there.

  10. I don't really enjoy stand up comedy that much. I much prefer the medium of sitcoms to make me laugh.

    In saying that, the only comedians I'd watch at any length are Louis CK, George Carlin and Dave Chappelle. Jerry Seinfeld's alright, too.

    Louis CK's last special barely raised so much as a chuckle, though, so I'd recommend his older stuff first.

  11. Halfway through LA 92, the documentary about the riots. 

    It's engrossing. Unusually, it doesn't have any talking heads. It's all footage from that time period.

    It really builds to a crescendo at around the 30 minute mark, and ever since, it's been a visceral thrill ride.

    Highly recommend.

    You've probably heard of the term "going postal". It originates from some of the earliest mass shootings, which were committed by postal workers.

    Murder by Proxy: How America went Postal is a relatively brief (73 mins) documentary about some of these mass shootings, which I recommend.

    Colleagues etc. are interviewed.

    Unusually enough, some of the shooters aren't entirely portrayed in a negative light as some colleagues shine a light on a culture of workplace bullying and harassment.

    Pretty interesting stuff.

  12. I keep asking for someone to point out to me how what I said in the original post makes me a "pedo" and until someone does it, it looks like ye are getting off on pedo fan fiction and/or projecting something about you on to me.

    So, water off a duck's back and all that.

    If I may divert the thread away from namecalling, and back on topic somewhat, does anyone think Sirhan Sirhan was brainwashed into taking out Robert Kennedy? 

    It's been established that MKUltra was actually a thing; the CIA experimented with mind control back in the sixties.

    With that in mind, it's worth looking up the Wikipedia page of Frank Olson, a biological warfare scientist and CIA employee, who killed himself in a pique of madness back in the fifties.

  13. I've mentioned it before that I enjoy Patton as a guest actor occasionally in shows like King of Queens, but I've seen some of his comedy, and it's not good.

    He also comes across as a bit of a know it all dickhead, and narcissist, on Twitter and in interviews.

    Or can short, conventionally unattractive men not be narcissists? 

    Some of his tweets prior to and following his wife's death were lamentable; I remember one a few days before his wife's passing that he probably regretted for it's irony.

    Anyway.. let him carry on hocking his ex-wife's book and having a dick measuring contest over who should get the credit for catching the killer. 

    I'm sure it's really important to the living victims and families of victims.

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