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Posts posted by Briefcase

  1. I've been in a relationship also where you kind of feel sorry for them for having a difficult past/upbringing or life and then find excuses for when they do wrong as if you can justify it because it hasn't been easy and you get sucked into the whole not wanting them to self destruct but if I am honest then all it means is that you take on all the emotional guilt and other problems and they don't change at all and only bring you down to their level. I understand some people genuinely have difficult upbringings but sometimes you have to ask yourself that if they are not willing to learn lessons or try to change or appreciate someone such as ourselves who walk into there lives then its best to just let it go and walk away because at the end of the day its either them self destructing or you.


    It feels shitty now but I think you will look back in a few months and realise (in the nicest way possible) how much you put in and how you were taken advantage of but of course it will make you stronger in the long run having learned the hard way, as to what happens to her you've done all you can so she can't ever feel sorry for herself if she's lost someone who gave everything to make her happy.


    Some people are just broken and will never fully be fixed, just concentrate on yourself and enjoy life, I think the biggest regret I had wasn't so much the relationship but trying too hard at the expense of my own happiness and wasting a few years of my life in the process. Life eh?

  2. Raw was quite enjoyable but was predictable Reigns was winning as soon as you saw who was in the matches so kind of takes it away a bit, they missed a trick by not somehow having Ambrose on the PPV and winning a match to put him in the frame. 


    Speaking of Reigns I thought they made him look weak against Kingston and that match dragged on forever, main event was a good match though but I think what Reigns lacks is awareness and attention to detail, when he came down to the ring in the main event Rollins is sitting at ringside and he didn't even look at him or make eye contact at all as he hoped over the barrier and went into the ring, little things like that to me makes the little bit of difference, if you think of former champions such as Brock, Triple H, Austin, The Rock etc you know they would have made eye contact or try to intimidate them.  


    What do we all reckon the Survivor Series big match is going to be this year?


    Wouldn't surprise me if they go with something like Kane needing to get his job back so he teams up with Reigns, Ambrose & Orton to take on the Wyatt Family.

    Orton is out with a shoulder injury, that's why they've changed the match on the pre-show.

    No fucking way are they going to be able to stretch out something involving Reigns and Wyatt into November, it's overstayed it's welcome and needs to end after the cell match this weekend, move bother onto new things



    They did stretch out Rusev & Cena for four months. I don't want them to go with what I suggested but this is the WWE after all. 


    Orton & Cena off tv too means the focus will have to be on Reigns/Ambrose and probably Kane. I would guess Undertaker may also be off TV for a bit after HITC. 

  4. I said this a few weeks ago but overall ratings are much lower these days than they used to be because of many more channels, pay services (e.g. Netflix) and online.


    Other than live sport are there many shows these days with higher ratings than in previous years? If you take Eastenders for example, its highest ever rating was 30m back in the early days of the show yet last years big storyline with Lucy was only between 10m-12m and that was its 30th anniversary with much more publicity and advertising (and everyone talking about it).

  5. On top of the legends appearing, I saw no advertising of these guys in the days leading up to Monday night.


    Not even on last weeks show was there any mention of Austin, Michaels and Flair appearing, although the latter may not have had fans frothing from the mouth for appearing, so I doubt even advertising them would have produced a better rating, but logic might tell you they never gave themselves a chance to better the number.


    I'm sure Michaels & Flair were advertised, Austin was initially advertised then it changed to the pod cast thing. But defo saw something advertised last week.


    Of course with the ratings quite low it means nothing if no one tuned in to watch Raw anyway. 

  6. I'm not sure whether its because I've had a long day and am knackered but nothing from that Raw got me into the show at all.


    It seemed like the show was re-written and they just went with it on the go. I'm sure Flair said he was hosting the last hour (or one of the commentators) yet it didn't come across like that during the show.


    Anyway, nothing much to take from the show. Maybe the Shield Re-Union will tease/build towards mania but surely there is no way Reigns will win the rumble again and I can't see Ambrose winning it either. In actual fact the way the show is booked and written no one is strong enough to win it and be credible. 

  7. I remember when Raw was mainly all promos, a story within the show with the climax at the end of the show and the match you would be dying to see on the following PPV.


    Now 2/3 of Raw is the same match you have seen a hundred times over the last two months, no excitement or drama to make you want to see what happens at the end of the show and a PPV with matches you have seen on the last two PPVs (Cena vs Rusev was 3/4 PPVs on the trot?).

  8. The worst part about the Rusev/Ziggler/Lana/Summer-Rae angle was that we had to sit through that shit for months only for it to end just like that. 


    The crowd were so poor too, fair enough the content is the same old shit but you could hear a pin drop during the show. 


    Next Monday is meant to be a big one and setting the seeds for WrestleMania being in Dallas so hopefully things pick up fairly soon. 

  9. I was watching one earlier and it was Ziggler chatting one of the Bellas up (or trying to get back with one he was going out with five years ago) whilst Cena was in the ring. 


    I know its WWE and not much makes sense but even if its scripted like Eastenders then from a wrestling point of view Ziggler is going against his WWE character and when you throw in his thing with Lana it makes even less sense. 

  10. But aren't ratings lower these days in a world where there are thousands of channels, lots of different platforms to watch shows and what not?


    I know The WWE Network is aimed to solve part of that problem but TV Ratings for most shows seem much lower in this day and age than 15-20 years ago. 


    The product may not be as hot as it once was, but would the ratings be that much higher if the attitude era was now? (by that I mean with more channels, tablets, on demand, online and via other means of watching programmes. 

  11. Not sure if this is the right place, but if you have been asked to work elsewhere doing exactly the same job (e.g. We need you to travel one hour to work at Costa Coffee) then do those count as 'working hours'? 


    So if I were to work 40 hours elsewhere but had to travel an additional two hours a day for five days then would that count as working time bringing me up to 50+ hours?


    Can't seem to find a definitive answer on this?

  12. I had a tiny spider abseil its way right from the ceiling in the middle of my front rooms without any walls as if was a scene out of Oceans Eleven. To make matters worse I felt sorry for it and let it run across the floorboards, watch it grow into a monster and kill me.  :(



    OK Just my little input, you can go back to slagging her now lol, see how much i have mellowed.


    I would never dream of slagging off Paige. Or indeed have any kind of negative dreams about her.


    its a tongue in cheek thing buddy, everyone has an opinion, my daughter is living her dream making lots of money, making her family proud, cant ask for more, some wont like her but far more do going by her merch sales, lol so all is good in the Knight world, oh i nearly forgot look out coming your way The Knights the movie based on our documentary, yep all is good. 



    Out of interest and of course you don't have to answer publicly but do Divas do quite well earning in the WWE? I'm not sure of Merch numbers or commission but it seems as though she is doing alright for herself where as you often hear stories of some WWE wrestlers struggling to make ends meet whilst living the dream. 

  14. I actually found the Divas spat quite entertaining in a silly, typical girl bitch at each other type way. One of the best parts I thought in any diva related storyline in recent memory and it made me watch rather than fast forward my way through like I normally do. 


    I don't mind Kane either, and its been building for months now so its not like its been randomly thrown together, there is history and substance to it all. 


    I have no idea what the WWE will do with the new Wyatt guy, he looks a monster but is he likely to be a longterm thing? Or will his aura be ruined once he loses a few one on one matches? 

  15. I must have seen four or five spiders since the start of the spider season. if it wasn't for the girlfriend I have no idea if I could have survived until now but nothing too close yet just on curtains, sinks and walls (and near my toilet). 


    Feel creeped out just thinking about them and my heart sinks each time I think I see one, you know the little picture clips on the walls you've forgotten were there or a bit of cat fluff on the carpet or cut on your hand. 


    Kay Jutler is a hilariously stupid and lazy name.

    Isn't he British, used to go under the name Cannoe Tango?


    I can't fathom how they've included Daniel Bryan. They've excluded Jey Uso, who has been much, MUCH more active within the period they've based this on.



    Both USO's are on the list. 


    Out of interest with tax, I overheard someone recently say that you pay 40% of tax if you earn over £31,750 and that when they were offered a job they suggested £31,500.


    Tidy trick but is that actually how much tax is paid in that wage bracket?

    No. The 20% tax threshold is the £31,785 plus your tax-free personal allowance (currently £10,600 for most people) so you pay 40% tax on earnings over £42,385. And remember that last bit; you only pay 40% tax for earnings above that amount, not all of them.


    So the trick about going for the £31,500 is in no way beneficial.



    So at the risk of sounding thick, what if someone were to earn £32,000? Do they not get the £10,600 personal allowance? 

  18. Some of the CV's I have seen as well are just brilliantly terrible. One that springs to mind was from someone who didn't type fluent english so had spelling errors everywhere and had things like "I started in a factory and was sacked after two weeks" which was comedy CV gold and another CV was under the name of 'READ ME' but didn't even give any clue as to who the name was, great for catching attention but seriously?



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