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Posts posted by Briefcase

  1. I'm not sure what is going on with Rose but it feels as though he is throwing his life away, I know everyone makes mistakes in life but first the 60 suspension, now this and from the documentary thing I saw I know his daughter has a tough medical condition. Hopefully he sorts himself out and gets some help, of course it doesn't make right what he did but doubt the WWE will offer any support, probably cut him loose from his contract.

  2. I would put money on an angle when Enzo Amore comes back that's Cass feeling upstaged by him since he was there, kicking ass all while Enzo was out and we get Big Cass vs scrappy, charismatic Enzo Amore. That obviously ends with Cass going over because he makes Vince wet.


    I'm for this personally. They should use the Enzo concussion to make Enzo crazy and forgetful, have him come back and attack Cass or even forget they were ever a tag team and take a dislike to him. Enzo could pull it off and throws a new spin on things. 


    Oh, and does anyone else get the vibe that Shane & Stephanie are acting like a divorced couple forced to work together who will eventually re-marry?

    Yes, just finished watching Raw and that's precisely what I came in here to post (Well, I was going to go with people who start out annoying each other but end up falling in love in a chick flick).


    It's written that way, it's being acted that way, and it's kinda disturbing.




    I do worry where this is heading....


    It wouldn't surprise me if something (storyline wise) happens to Vince and then it all turns nasty between Stephanie & Shane.  

  4. I don't know what people expect when you put Styles & Roman together into a programme. Of course your going to get cheers & boos. On one hand the smarks will be cheering Styles and probably booing Roman and of course the younger audience will probably be behind Reigns. If you don't want boos you don't put these two together. I think the story is developing nicely and the WWE are very smart as its more the reaction than the face/heel dynamic.


    I thought the Rusev pin was awful, the referee took about 5 seconds to get to the count and it made Rusev look shit.


    I'm still loving Charlotte.


    I quite like Cass by himself, I am playing devils advocate here but I would love for Enzo to come back and play on his concussion and in a sense forget everything he's done with Cass and be a loose cannon as a singles star. 

  5. Might just be me but it isn't half annoying reading the whole 'Khan is the first Muslim Mayor' on both the positive & negative side of the press. 


    Religion shouldn't even brought into this, the guy should be judged on his job not his religion/background.

  6. Are there any decent Madeline documentaries?


    Seen a few articles in the last week or so with conflicting opinions so wasn't sure if there is any good reading/documentaries on this. 


    Or even a thread on here? 

  7. Cheers for the advise about the temp thing. I liked the look of the place when I went to the interview and they said it could be a long term thing but four months gives me a chance to see how it goes, for them to see how I get on (if I impress I'm sure they will keep me one way or another) and at least I know to be looking for work so can apply for various things at the end of the summer. Also 9-5 Mon-Fri with weekends off in time for summer will be amazing, as previously worked a lot of weekends so nice to go back to them hours. 

  8. I've been offered a temp office job for four months which sounds quite cool. Does anyone have any experience of temp office jobs? Like does it generally lead onto potential long term jobs if any positions open up? Or is it a risk doing this for four months and then being back on the job market looking for more jobs?

  9. Raw was boring this week. Too many long matches again. Nobody gives a shit about Apollo Crews because he has no personality or character on Raw. The USO's are awful and that idea of splitting them and choosing sides is possibly the worst idea I have ever heard. They should be no where near Roman in top level feuds, here & there maybe but not into a full on program. 


    Cesaro just can't deliver on his promos, just make him a machine (will probably come out as a Robocop next week) and don't make him talk, keep it simple.


    This whole Vince/Shane/Steph thing is also shit, we've gone from Shane having a match with Undertaker to get control of Raw, he loses that match then gets given Raw for one night, then somehow he still has had Raw's the last few weeks (because of the WWE Universe) and now Steph is back with no explanation what her role actually is? And all of a sudden its a big thing this Sunday without any real fight or reason. 


    On the plus side, I liked the three way promo with tag titles, Miz is always good and Styles is gradually getting there character wise.


    Its probably going to be a brand split, Roman retains through various screw jobs, then Styles takes the Smackdown title into the new era of the brand split, Smackdown won't change unless they make it live, thats the only way they could save it. 

  10. If that's all you can afford. They might sell it as a debt to an agency though if you don't pay when agreed. If it's a big company they might not even bother.


    Yeah its quite a big company, well known brand name. So hopefully they might let me off. I have no real issue paying it back just after a three week holiday and now out of a job the last thing I need is money deducted in one go from my account. 

  11. They'll ask you to send it back to them. I have had this happen at a couple companies. I didn't pay it back but I'm in the habit of giving fake references all over the place. If you need a legit reference you'll have to pay it back.


    Cheers. Yeah I get that. Just didn't want money vanishing out of my account, could I offer to pay it back in 48 month instalments football manager style?

  12. May as well ask here....


    So I have just left my job and should get my last pay check tomorrow (have checked and I have something pending into my account).


    However I'm sure I owe them like 80 hours of holiday so can they just take that out of my account in future or do they have to ask me first? 

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