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Posts posted by Onyx2

  1. Speaking of old games: anybody seen this? It's a handheld console running Linux with about eight bazillion different emulator ports available. Has a hardware video scaling chip and comes with a full suite of Linux media software preinstalled. That makes it much more compatible than a default Windows install, let alone the MP4-only PSP. And it has a TV out port!Downsides - no 3D chip (Playstation emulation is available but realistically it's 2D only), not directly rechargeable (takes AAs, which you can obviously recharge if you want), no networking.I really don't need it, but I'm sorely tempted - for the geek value, if nothing else. :)

    The problem is its yet another all-singing all-dancing handheld that isn't made by Sony. It will fall by the wayside, great though its specs sing :( I don't know why investors keep pouring money into gadgets like this.
  2. A great MegaDrive compilation is coming to PS2 and PSP .Games include: * Alex Kidd - The Enchanted Castle * Altered Beast * Bonanza Bros. * Columns * Comix Zone * Decap Attack * Ecco the Dolphin * Ecco: The Tides of Time * Ecco Jr. * Eternal Champions * Flicky * Gain Ground * Golden Axe * Golden Axe II * Golden Axe III * Phantasy Star II * Phantasy Star III * Phantasy Star IV * Ristar * Shadow Dancer: Secret of Shinobi * Shinobi III * Sonic The Hedgehog * Sonic The Hedgehog 2 * Super Thunderblade * Sword of Vermillion * Tac/Scan (PS2-only unlockable) * Vectorman * Vectorman 2 * Virtua Fighter 2 * Zaxxon (PS2-only unlockable) * Zektor (PS2-only unlockable)That's a great selection. There's no point saying "why isn't so-and-so there", there's just too much choice. Shinobi III, the Golden Axes, Eternal Champions, VF2... those on a PSP would be awesome.
  3. Singstar Anthems (never confused).Only 20 songs instead of the normal 30 odd - grrrrAlso, "Relight My Fire" is virtually impossible as you're doing three parts all mixed into one. Gary Barlow's lead vocals, Lulu, and bits of the backing. Ridiculous!!!However, Laura~!

    johnnyboy, Brighton born and bred. Especially this weekend. Serendipitous timing on this release, eh?
    It's sailing over my head.Gay Pride march or something?
    Like you're not there in feather boa and tache. (Sounds like Hulk Hogan :duh: )
  4. Singstar Anthems (never confused).Only 20 songs instead of the normal 30 odd - grrrrAlso, "Relight My Fire" is virtually impossible as you're doing three parts all mixed into one. Gary Barlow's lead vocals, Lulu, and bits of the backing. Ridiculous!!!However, Laura~!

    johnnyboy, Brighton born and bred. Especially this weekend. Serendipitous timing on this release, eh?
  5. Also still playing Everybody's Golf. PSP owners really do need this game. I got my first albatross at the weekend. Never been made so happy by a computer game in my entire life. :D

    Indeed very little beats the albatross :cool: apart from the elusive hole in one. It's a seriously well-designed game, so diverting. And why is collecting the right outfit so addictive?!Still playing Guitar Hero (Frankenstein on Expert, yee-haa) and LocoRoco.
  6. Free games~!


    A list of half-decent recent PC freeware.


    I've also discovered the pure joy of Guitar Hero with two players. It's insane fun.


    I've been hammering the LocoRoco. It's beautiful, sensational. Stupid chunky bubbly graphics, bouncy babbling music and hysterical level design. It's like the fast clever bits of Sonic with all the annoying shit taken out. Not everyone will like it, it's like eating fried sugar covered in honey, but the game design is fantastic.


    This is the game PSP has been waiting for. SONY, ADVERTISE THIS ON TV NOW.

  7. Eternal Champions (was it?) took fatalities to the next level.

    Yea, ET was awesome!i have the mega drive version, nothing beats throwing your opponent into the bonfire :D
    But the sodding over-accuracy :angry: Such a nice game engine, why on earth did they throw it away on just two games? Larcen Tyler was cooler than school.
  8. Can't help thinking that the PSP is still missing it's KILLER APP.

    I've seen some really favourable reviews for LocoRoco. It seems to be a cross between Mercury and Pikmin with Katamari-ish Japanese weirdness in the presentation.The reason I bring it up now is that there's now a playable demo available on Your PSP. I'll be all over it when I get home at the end of next week...
    I'd seen the reviews too, but didn't have a reason not to download the demo. It was good, a little niggly, and a lot of fun. Just for daring to be different I bought the game. I'll let you know what the full version is like.
  9. After slating it as a gimmick and happily being proven horribly wrong, I will be buying a DS this weekend when the Lite version is launched. You know, the version that doesn't look like a Barbie My First PDA.

    You don't have to buy it in pink, you silly little man.Eurogamer have put together a nice article on their favourite DS games to coincide with the release of the DS lite.
  10. Like others I have also been SingStarring it up. The decidely GAY~! SingStar Anthems looks extremely shit however.

    Apart from "I Will Survive" and the cunting Weathergirls I think Anthems looks pretty good, certainly better than 80s which I didn't bother buying.
    You are missing Come On Aileen, a crime in itself.Top score on any song? I'm pretty sure mine is on Keane's Somewhere Only We Know, 9730 or something like that.
  11. Good to see the thread's still a-thrivin' a year on. Incidentally, has anyone spotted why I 'shouted' "WHAT PLAY YOU?"? It's a very indirect quote. Moj, I'm looking at you.


    I have been mostly playing Guitar Hero and trying to get to insane levels of fretworkery. My current obssession is playing songs with my back to the screen. Cowboys From Hell hurts :(


    I've also just finished Shadow of the Colossus after an intense week. Some awful camerawork, grating horse control but by golly you cna let it all go for the enormity of the scale. A breathtaking achievement, although those fellow over at GameFAQs take it a wee bit too seriously.


    I'm about to embark on the final part of the PoP trilogy, Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. But, erm, not having played it I can't really tell you about it. Duh.


    I have been romping through the Silent Hills recently to mop up missing endings. SH2 is still the dominant force in the galaxy, and SH4 has some horrid sections that are nearly not worth playing (enemies you can't defeat? Yuk).


    The odd blast of Burnout Legends on PSP has been mangling my thumb. Still a well-judged game. Can't help thinking that the PSP is still missing it's KILLER APP.


    Like others I have also been SingStarring it up. The decidely GAY~! SingStar Anthems looks extremely shit however.

  12. So, yeah, recommend me some good games, especially for the Gamegear and NES; two consoles I never really had the chance to play as a kid. I'm pretty open to all genres.

    The GameGear Streets of Rage is all I can think of.On NES, Double Dragon 2 comes to my mind. Good fun. And the MGS titles. The TMNTurtles side-scrolling/alternating top-down game is worth a blast too.
  13. This wasn't really big enough of a point to make a new thread, so I thought I'd post it in here. Screenselect have now added games to the list of titles you can rent.

    A lot of firms have picked up on the game-rent thing. Amazon offer it as do some firm through Eurogamer. Now if only I could rent time :(I'm playing MGS3 again (just caught up to where I left it before). And, er, the SingStar games. I challenge anyone to best my Uptown Girl :cool: On a more serious note, does anyone know where I can get the original SingStar game for a not-ridiculous price?
  14. There was a great C64 Superman game back in the day. Overhead grid of a city, you could fly in between the buildings. One player was Superman, the other Darkseid. Supes shot heat vision, which you controlled the length of, like a laser in Gradius. Darkseid shot... something similar, that was blue. There were deflectors to angle the shots round buildings, and lots of citizens walking around that you could either grab and pull to safety or murder horribly, depending on who you were. So. Much. Fun.

    Dozens of minigames too! Somehow Darkseid devised this bizarre 'beam' that could capture citizens and bring them back the way he wanted, like Spidey elastic bands or something.And paralysing someone with the longest blast of heat vision ever~!
  15. How people can complain about topics plugging shows and not about this kind of crap is beyond me.

    I'd much rather let these two whoevertheyares bitch at each other in this pathetic self-contained thread where I can ignore it, rather than wading through pages of crap about repetitive bland events that weren't interesting or important the first time round.
  16. I've just learned that Zelda: Twilight Princess isn't due to be released until November 24, 2006. Absolutely harrowing.


    Still, it'll give me a chance to play and finish MGS: Subsistence, Shadow of Colossus and Ico :(

  17. I watched The Aristocrats on DVD over the weekend, which I know was mentioned earlier in the thread (Seven said it I think). It's about 75 comedians telling the same joke in a different way.


    Sounds odd but after about fifteen minutes of settling into it and 'getting it' it becomes absolutely hilarious as comedians ranging from Eddie Izzard to Gilbert Gottfried to Whoopi Goldberg displaying their respective genius. I heartily recommend the DVD to hoover up the generous extras packed with extra gags (George Carlin's Dirty Doctor comes highly recommended).


    I'd be quite interested in seeing a more UK-centric version of this too.

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