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Posts posted by Jon-Carr_92

  1. They also got a few dates in Germany in conjunction with WXW, so I imagine they'll have a few on that. I think it's ingenious because it gets extra people on the big show without looking forced as there are a few promotions who tend to have quite a few throwaway multiman matches, be they scrambles or tags. But the deal they have with the league table to determine entry gives them all something to wrestle for. Plus GYV having to defend the Championship as well as any subsequent Champs should they lose it makes things more interesting.

  2. 6 hours ago, Simpo said:

    Ughhh, it's gonna be a long week. Thanks for the heads-up though.

    I'm definitely gonna go to the Liverpool tapings, it should be interesting as it's a theatre-style room. And there should be well established characters and storylines by then, it's fasinating to think how those shows will look by then.

    Are there going to be UK-based "PPVs" for the Network, or are they gonna tag on UK matches onto Takeovers? I like the idea of one supershow a year, maybe the night before Mania, as the one time NXT UK has matches over there, possibly with an NXT US vs NXT UK gimmick.

    That would be good in an Ashes style format where the home advantage changes each year as it were. Might make an interesting TakeOver.

  3. 15 hours ago, lightningxlock said:

    Do we know when the next Manchester show is? I left straight after the main event but overheard a conversation that the next Manchester show was supposed to be when this US tour is. I believe there was talk of rescheduling? 

    The next one was August 12th I think, but that's when they're in Detroit. They are finalising a date from what I've gathered. The last one this year is November 11th.

  4. Flash and Haskins are tagging in the Thunderbastard Tag Match. I really like what they're doing with the Tag Team Series. Round Robin Tournament to determine entry positions and the Tag Titles will be defended throughout. So if GYV lose, the team that beats them have to defend them up until Wembley.

    I think there's a possibility of a big name to boost sales. Wouldn't be a bad thing if not. 4,000 is pretty good going if true. Still 4 months to go. That's around what ICW Fear & Loathing got at the Hydro last year which was down from the announced 6,193 in 2016. I wonder what the final figure will be on the night.

  5. Yeah. It's pretty wide open this year. I'm expecting Flash to do well as Triple HA are on his side. GYV may be worth an eye out as they got to decide which of them takes their spot. I still haven't got a pick this time. This will set up Wembley nicely for sure

  6. They pretty much changed that storyline after that because the deal was he screwed the Pastor over and cost him the Progress title. He claimed he had a secret. They had the match at Chapter 36 where the KO happened. After that, he said because the bell hadn't rung when he clotheslined him, it constituted assault. He then made him his bitch/slave/manservant. Whatever you want to put it for months afterward. That street fight was after Chuck Mambo came out and used his legal know how to point out the statue of limitations had expired, he was no longer able to sue him and that what he was doing constituted blackmail. It ended after that. The Pastor was on Jim Smallman's podcast and they did discuss how that storyline was originally headed.

  7. I do hope that bit of him in the movie was improvised because it was so brilliantly done and laughed my head off. I honestly think he should play a Gunnery Sgt Hartman type character and just let him improvise his insults like R Lee Ermey did because who knows what he could come up with?

  8. He's doing his own thing which is respectable. He's one of the biggest actors in Hollywood at the moment in the peak of his career. It certainly would be great to see him again at some stage. It's really a matter of if, not when. Probably for the best he didn't wrestle barring the squash v Luke Harper since both Cena matches, he got injured which put movies he was doing on hold which is obviously very expensive in many respects. I love seeing him in recent photos with his greying beard and how he hasn't shyed away from it because it shows he's aging gracefully. And have to agree. Brilliant read that.

  9. 1 hour ago, MVP RULZ said:

    Is Jericho busy with Fozzy that weekend? 

    They got a gig that night in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. It's the last few dates of their current tour that week. It wouldn't be very feesible for him to fly over, do the match and fly straight back for the gig. So another time NJPW permitting.

  10. Motörhead as a whole would probably be a better shout than just Lemmy on the grounds he never did anything with WWE solo. I've mentioned before they'll probably keep it simple and just induct the final lineup (Lemmy, Phil Campbell and Mikkey Dee) as they were the ones who recorded the themes. Lemmy's son Paul will represent him since the deal they normally have is one posthumous induction per year unless the tag team/stable inductee have at least one deceased member.

    I remember watching WrestleMania XXV on DVD since that occurred during my years in which I drifted off wrestling and the way Justin Roberts made his announcement about the rules of a Battle Royal in the days a women's one meant elimination meant leaving the ring in any way as opposed to over the top rope as the match started and I honestly thought he made the announcement prior to introducing Kid Rock prior to singing his medley as if they tacked it on until I later saw the performance as the entrants came out to one of his songs and I realised that's actually what he did.

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