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Posts posted by boytoy

  1. Finn will be fine as long as he doesn't become a sicknote. My Mrs and her few friends that like wrestling adore him, kids like him and he will shift a lot of merchandise. People always talk about someone being the next Stone Cold or Cena but if he can fill the role of an 05/06 Jeff Hardy or Rey Mysterio he will have done well. I suspect he will be traded for AJ Styles too which might not be the worst move in the world. Kurt trading for AJ and Shane wanting to get rid of him would make sense.


    Samson will be a good mid card heel on one of the shows, Ohno is needed on NXT, presumably to restart his feud with Roode once Nakamura fucks off to one of the main shows after Mania


    Nakamura is advertised for the NXT tour in June. Unless they're working people to make his call up a surprise?



    I heard that ticket sales aren't great so they have drafted him in to help out. I think he could still do the UK NXT dates and be on the main roster too.

  3. I was thinking there's no reason that they can't work around another Goldberg win on Sunday, and maybe have Lesnar just destroy Goldberg on Monday night - full on brawl all over the arena.  Next week, Goldberg retires, hands the belt over and walks out head held high, and you can then run a PPV or two off a tournament.  Which would also coincide nicely with Balor returning to reclaim the belt he never lost.


    I am not a huge fan of protecting people on their way out, I love the idea suggested of Reigns retiring Goldberg and Taker in successive nights. They are going to have to bite the bullet sooner or later and give Reigns a proper run with the title, they might as well do it now. My preference would be for Balor to chase for a while anyway. Get his rematch right off the bat but get screwed over starting an upper mid card feud before having another go at Reigns at Summerslam.


    The only thing I hate about this scenario is that it would only leave post curb-stomp Rollins as number one contender for a while which would probably suck.


    I am more interested in what they do on the raw brand after Mania with the title situation, finn returning, new gm, joe/hhh, debuts etc. The Mania card isn't really aimed at me so might skip it this year, especially if it runs as long as 32. Optimistic for something good after the annual refresh!

    If it's like last time, Lesnar takes the belt home with him and the US title becomes the key one on the brand week to week.

    Lets hope not, my optimism is fragile enough as it is.

  5. I am more interested in what they do on the raw brand after Mania with the title situation, finn returning, new gm, joe/hhh, debuts etc. The Mania card isn't really aimed at me so might skip it this year, especially if it runs as long as 32. Optimistic for something good after the annual refresh!


    Read some reviews that last nights impact was the worst episode of a televised wrestling show ever. Anyone watch it yet? I am morbidly curious now.


    Csonka of 411 once again with his bullshit. It wasn't bad, main event was good. Josh is REALLY pissing people off its an angle to write him off as he is leaving the commentary table. Wasn't a home run but it wasn't as bad as Csonka or Voices of Wrestling make out.


    Thought as much, did sound a bit like hyperbole especially compared to WW-ECW. I will leave it for a bit and see how they get on, I hope they succeed. Seems a bit weird to write off a commentator though.

  7. It's a tightrope for sure. I think it would work better if Sasha was a heel as well but as long as Bayley isn't doing it I think they will get away with it. I don't see Charlotte as the babyface but it is more confusing than it needs to be. Charlotte isn't quite in Rusev territory yet.

  8. Really good show.


    Agree, I thought Fast Lane was terrible but they did a good job with this episode. Owens/Jericho is the feud that has had the best build going into mania and I am really excited about their match. 
    It was good to see Brock getting one back on Goldberg. Neville had a cracking match and I am glad they addressed Bayley not wanting to cheat to win.
    I can take or leave Reigns/Undertaker but the setup was as good as post-streak Taker matches could be expected. It is going to be interesting when Reigns beats Taker and Brock on back to back nights though!
  9. Might have been more effective if they hadn't used pretty much the same finish four weeks ago. Is entrance music now the deadliest move in the WWE?


    Starting to get a morbid curiosity out of Mania main events the past few years. I thought they would have to really go some to top Reigns/HHH but they could have surpassed themselves this year. I can't complain too much though as I will still watch like a gimp.

  10. Not a good pinning position, though. The leg isn't hooked, there's no pressure on the mid/lower body. Hogan never just sat there on his opponents face after his finish.


    Nia Jax is supposed to be a monster though and has a huge size advantage over her opponents.

  11. Magnus would be mad to sign with TNA at this point at time, he's always going to have that as a fallback whilst Jarrett is there. With his wife working for WWE again and the TNA lads doing surprisingly well there he's never going to have a better chance of getting a foot in the door. Plus he's still only thirty so has plenty of time to go the NXT route if it became available.

  12. Rollins was decent when Joey Mercury was doing his security and he was curb stomping everyone and threatening to break peoples necks. He has been gash since mind. He has a case of the Dolph Zigglers in that you never believe the character he is playing, always just feels like he is trying too hard.

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