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Posts posted by TheShowOff

  1. But the search tool is utterly useless. There's no point whatsoever using it and, seeing the vats majority of shows they put up don't have chapter marks, the chances are the search is never going to work properly.


    Agreed. I was searching for Bret Hart matches the other day (incidentally, you will also find a bunch of Bret Heart matches) and a lot of the search results are match conclusions. So you think you are selecting the match, but what actually comes up is the last few minutes of it. 

  2. I assume there will be some non-tournament matches on there. I have a version of the show (somewhere in my loft) and I seem to recall Dan Severn defending the NWA World title, which I don't think was on any commercial release of KOTD95 before but I could be wrong.


    It was against Tarzan Goto. It was on one of the earlier VHS releases. To this day one of the few VHS's I have left because when I first started tape trading, I remember this was my must have tape after everything I had read about it up to that point (around 1999). It came in a white hard case box.


    Here's the cover:



  3. I would much rather sit through JR's musings than Jericho's hilarious intros. To be fair, I tend to skip everything leading up to the interview unless it's Austin. But JR is laid back which often lends to me forgetting / not being bothered to buffer. Jericho is so painful he leaves me no choice. 

  4. Watched the Brodus Clay YouShoot. What a pile of shit! It was a serious chore to watch, basically two hours of nothing. And I'm pretty sure the main camera was out of focus to boot. Fucks sake. 


    Does anybody else have issues forward winding on an Xbox One? It will forward wind nicely, but resume with no audio.

    Did you solve this? I'm having this issue and didn't have it before



    Yes mate, if you press down the left trigger and then press play after 2 seconds, it re buffers only a few seconds back and normally comes back with the audio. Occasionally you have to do it a couple of times, but on the whole its an easy and quick method. 

  6. Just a sign of the times I guess. I predicted this would happen months ago as everybody these days likes to feel like they have a voice, whether that be because of Twiter, Facebook, boards etc. It's the old adage of if we didn't make you, we'll break you. Whilst I agree he hasn't been pushed that hard, it's still very obvious. I think the fan choice is Ambrose of that group as he is closer to what the vocal minority want. Roman just has to learn how to do a flip or two and he'll be fine! 

  7. Loved part 2 of Foley on Austin's. The story about mistakenly texting Vince made me laugh. Hopefully there are more Foley additions on the podcast down the road. The two had great chemistry and their friendship really comes off which is great to hear when they just start havinfba laugh.

  8. TNA has put out the following: 




    TNA issued the following, confirming our report of the timeslot move for Impact Wrestling:

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Aug. 14, 2014) – TNA today announced its flagship program, IMPACT WRESTLING, will make a permanent move to Wednesday nights at 9/8c on SPIKE TV beginning next Wednesday, Aug. 20.

    "Moving IMPACT WRESTLING to Wednesday nights gives existing fans and new viewers an opportunity to enjoy both wrestling and live sports even more throughout the week," said TNA President Dixie Carter.

    IMPACT WRESTLING has enjoyed sustained ratings growth this summer, drawing over 1.5 million viewers each week this quarter, and is among the most watched cable series in key male demos in its timeslot.


    Parts of that are obviously quite funny. 


    Most of the sensible stuff I've read indicates this is was a reaction to the NFL. I actually think the move is good news for the TNA / Spike situation considering how little time there is left on the existing contract. It makes you wonder if they'd bother moving days if they weren't going to be sticking around... 

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