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Posts posted by TheShowOff

  1. Exactly Rick, two scenarios off the top of your head where both men, could have been (as per my first post) world champions. Pictos is intent on making this an argument of should have been and forcing a rewrite of history to make his argument. With name calling~!   

  2. Resorting to lots of name calling? Comparing the fabric and timeline of Bruno's reign to Hogans? Ignoring all of my points and running in a different direction? Asserting your opinion as fact? All brilliant stuff. 

  3. It starts with "well if Jack Swagger and Sheamus can win world belts, Roddy Piper should have had one!" because they can't distinguish between eighties wrestling and modern wrestling...



    What are you going on about now? Jack Swagger and Sheamus being compared to Roddy Piper and Ted Dibiase? Jesus Christ.


    Again, you can't think of a way to work Mr T into a singles match with Hogan and Piper? Putting Mr T in a similar role to Tyson at WM14 would have still got the exact same amount of press. Or postpone the tag to another MTV special a couple of months later whilst everything was still hot? And again, you ignore the WM4 period completely... 


    You seem to be getting far away from claiming Piper and DiBiase as World Champions would be idiocy choices to hold the belt... 

  4. Pictos you must have one dull mind if you can't think of creative situations to make an already fine formula better. I don't think the WWE would have fallen apart if Piper "stole" the belt a WTSTS and Hogan reclaimed in an anticipated rematch at the first Wrestlemania just a short while later... Hogan would have still have had the "champion" press going into the MTV special, and the main event of WM1 would have been a bigger deal than the tag match with Hogan wanting "his" belt back and getting everybody behind him. 


    Likewise DiBiase going into WM4 as champion instead of having a dull tournament full of five minute matches and non finishes. 


    Either way, implying that both these guys weren't fit to hold the position of World champion, the original case in point is dumb. 

  5. My comment was geared towards how over both were in their primes combined with the fact they were both excellent. Inferring either having a run with a belt (even if just for the chase of a Hogan / Savage type) idiocy is wrong.  


    Would you argue a Dibiase run with the belt around Wrestlemania 4 time or Piper around WM1 / WTSTS would be "idiotically" chosen? 


    Piper and Dibiase could have easily been world champions in their prime.

    Because I enjoy poking morons: When would Roddy Piper and Ted DiBiase been better choices for WWF champion than whoever actually held the title at the time?



    When did I say anything about better choices? My dinner tonight will be pizza and it will be great, doesn't mean curry wouldn't be an excellent choice either. Just because pizza will prove to be great doesn't mean the very qualified curry wouldn't have been.  


    You may want to find somebody else to poke...


    Jake was always at home as an upper midcard heel or babyface. Roberts supporters will say he'd have been the king of wrestling if he wasn't smacked off his tits most of the time, but is that really true? Jake always stuck me as a bloke who we seen the best of, just for a shorter time than we thought.


    That whole club of guys that people now idiotically say should've been WWF champion (Jake, Piper, DiBiase, Perfect, Rude etc) were nowhere near Hogan, Warrior and Savage as a standard-bearer. 


    Piper and Dibiase could have easily been world champions in their prime. Thinking otherwise is idiocy, actually. 

  8. As a couple of the mods know I paid some money to become a paid member to get my name changed as I secretly hate mine. Emailed Moo but I didn't hear back so it doesn't look like it's going to happen as it was quite a while ago. Not to worry though as the money will go to the board upkeep regardless which I imagine is quite costly and I'm using it a fair bit. 

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