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Posts posted by TheShowOff

  1. Wonder if they'd have still brought the Rock back for Summerslam if Austin vs Triple H was still going to happen?


    Probably, Rock waa white hot when he left to go filming. 


    2001 was the height of my fandom in many ways. I was chopping at the bit to see Rock get revenge for Mania 17 and the post Mania Raw, but it never really happened. Him and Austin had a throw away on a UK PPV, and finished up a Survivor Series where the empathise wasn't on their feud. It felt like a huge void at the time. Looking back, it still doesn't seem right... 

  2. Anyway, I was doing my research and going through some of the statistics on the new company's website for which I would be responsible and I was surprised to find a few errors. Apart from not exactly shining a great light on the new company, it got me to thinking should I point these out in the interview? On one hand I think it would demonstrate I have been thorough in my research and that I have an eye of detail, grasp of complex statistics - all qualities that they are after. But on the other, I suppose I'm worried that I might come across as a bit of a cunt. What do people reckon? Is that sort of thing appropriate behavior in an interview?


    I wouldn't point them out as errors, just respectfully highlight them as areas for improvement with a reason for why you think so. 


    I said "could" not "should" have as you desperately tried to steer this towards. 

    How much of a slowbrain are you, honestly? I just gave you the initial quote that you got defensive about. Did you misread it or just forget what you'd actually responded to when you decided to clutch at semantic straws?  :laugh:


    Did you misread my first post then:




    Piper and Dibiase could have easily been world champions in their prime.


    You started going on and on about fitting them into a pre existing timeline to make it work under the assumption that anything other than what happened would have been gash and where applicable citing your opinion as fact. You keep on ignoring this in lieu of childish name calling which undermines anything constructive you may have to say.


    EDIT: To summarise amongst the waters you have muddied; I'm not saying history should have been different for Piper or DiBiase to have been World Champions (like you are trying to spin). I'm saying both were talented and over enough for it to have worked, had they of rolled the dice that way. You keep on missing the point in your massive melt downs.  

  4. I said "could" not "should" have as you desperately tried to steer this towards. 


    Playing devils advocate, I took you up on your offer to present some possible scenarios (as Rick did) which would have made sense at the time, which may have, or may have not worked as well as the original. You then went onto some weird butterfly effect rants talking about Wrestlemania 5 being screwed, implying the loss national press, etc ignorant to the possibility things could have actually been better, asserting your opinions as facts. For example how do you know a year long DiBiase run wouldn't have resulted in the most hated heel of all time and produce a better main event for Wrestlemania 5? You don't. You've created a stupid argument where all history is perfect and any change would be gash.   


    I like to think talented people and creative minds could have made everything work just fine. Thus, could. Oh, and something about Jack Swagger apparently. 

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