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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. Final DayTriumph HurdleKatchitDegas ArtBrit Novice HurdleKazalTrigger The LightGold CupExotic DancerMy WillChristie FoxhunterWhyso MayoHonourable SpiderGrand AnnualPablo Du CharmilMadison Du BerlaisCounty HurdleFair AlongSublimityThe news that Ruby Walsh is to ride Brave Inca still does not get me off Hardy Eustace, although it does make me have more doubts about it.

  2. Day ThreeJewsonMoncadouChief YeomanRyanairOur VicMy Way De SolzenWorld HurdleMighty ManBlazing BaileyRacing Post PlateMadison Du BerlaisTamarinbleuNational Hunt ChaseHeltornicCharacter BuildingPertemps FinalAdamant ApproachChristaldo

  3. Day TwoBallymore PropertiesWichita LinemanHairy MollyRoyal And Sun AllianceDenmanGugaduQueen Mother Champion ChaseWell ChiefMonets GardenCoral CupCopsale Lad (Alternate)BurntoakboyFule Walwyn Kim MuirLittle Big HorseLady of ScarvaghChampion BumperFivefourthreeMad FishThe last three races are very tentative selections indeed.

  4. This is the start of my Cheltenham selections. I will be backing all of these and the following selections for the other three days as well with my hard earned money. I have selected two for each race generally short priced and then some value, but not always. Feel free to question my selections but these are what I will be backing.Supreme NoviceAmaretto RoseSilverburnArkleJack The GiantBuena Vista (Alternate)Champion HurdleHardy EustaceWilliam HillIrish Raptor (Alternate)Homer WellsCross CountrySpot ThedifferenceNative JackFred WinterPouvoirLausta BadObviously that is if they all run. There will be the next remaining days to follow.Non Runners taken out and alternates selected where I have them.

  5. Not long to Cheltenham now. I am really looking forward to it, especially the first day as I am going. The Champion Hurdle should be a cracker. I will have most of my bets up by Tuesday of next week. Going to put in 2 solid days of research first.

  6. Only had the 2 bets today, Unowatimeen (won @ 9/1)

    I was at Rasen today. That was a 9-1 second favourite you picked there against a favourite that was 1-4. Good work. I got Character Building at 9-4 and Loulou Nivernais at 11-4. returned home with a profit. Next racecourse outing for me will be Cheltenham for the Champion Hurdle.
  7. I do agree with some of your points LOTM, but some of the points are crap too i'd say half of your post is some very valid points but the other half is crap and your just posting shit!You said your caring for the business i also think steven cares for british wrestling but he got it wrong!And i was not attacking you personally i was attacking them that post anything without know what they are posting correct or wrong!

    I admitted that the crack point was a low blow and took that back. Tell me where else you think I am talking crap rather than just generalising. It is a discussion forum. Discuss rather than just having a hissyfit when people disagreeing with you.
  8. I think it was nice to have an insight of a 1PW fan that isn't a mong.

    But he was a mong. It was still a fuck you haters stlye rant
    It was a fuck you haters it was an inside, i gather your one of these who only know what the internet is saying, like i said in my orginal post id ont mind people who bad against 1pw as long as its true or got some valid points.If you want to believe everything you read dont go to the fiction section of the book shop cos that might not be true too :sleeping:
    No I don't believe everything on the internet, and are you saying that I had no valid points within my post, or are you choosing to ignore them because I am semi-right and you can not think of a coherent answer to the points I made, so instead you choose to insult me because your argument has risible substance.

    I dont think LOTM, has made a mistake in his life or done something he shouldn't of had, you learn by your mistakes but i agree with you your acting like hes killed a kid or raped someone!

    Once again with the personal attacks, but anyway to answer your point. Yes I have made plenty of mistakes in my life but never when I have had a host of people telling me I was making a mistake and when the majority of those people had vastly more experience of the situation than I did. My mistakes also did not cost other people lots of their money, nor have any of the mistakes damaged the business I was in. I also accepted criticism whilst making my mistakes and did not feel the need lash out at all who disagreed with my point of view.I am in no way acting like he killed a kid or anything, what I am doing is reacting to a person who has damaged wrestling in this country, which is something I care about, so excuse me for caring.
  9. First of all reading this section of the board and you wonder why UKFF has a bad name?

    The UKFF does not have a bad name. It is people like Gauntley and his apologists that have a bad name that then transfers itself on to here.
    No it's the cunts on here that give the forum a bad name.People who have no actual intrest in 1PW, never even been to a show perhaps, but like the Kriss Sprules bullshit, love bandwagons.
    There are cunts everywhere, and they are no better or no worse on here than anywhere else. As for Sprules that may be full of bandwagon jumpers but as only about 20 people have ever been to his shows what more do you expect, especially when he comes up with this alter ego skydome booking bullshit.

    Don't say that. I feel like I live on some bad ass estate or a ghetto neighbourhood that the other forum users are too scared to go in as it's a bit rough.

    It is a bit rough on here. I am still giving Moj my dinner money because I am scared of him! He is living like a king on the proceeds.Fair enough on the crack front, I have no evidence either. That was a low blow and I take it back.

    I think it was nice to have an insight of a 1PW fan that isn't a mong.

    But he was a mong. It was still a fuck you haters stlye rant
  10. First of all reading this section of the board and you wonder why UKFF has a bad name?

    The UKFF does not have a bad name. It is people like Gauntley and his apologists that have a bad name that then transfers itself on to here.

    Yes I am a 1pw fan, but I'm not blind either. Some of you really hate 1pw I don

  11. I really don't think Chris is anywhere close to the other 9 on the stupidity scale. I really can't see any reason why he's winning, apart from his posts in this thread which probably inspired more people to vote.

    I think you hit the nail squarlely on the head as to Exactly why he Chris is DOTY Chris is not stupid but comes across as such in his posts, wheras the others are fuckwits who just can't help it
  12. I just read this entire thread. Every single post, start to finish.It made me sad.

    I just read this entire thread. Every single post, start to finish.It made me laugh.

    I hate everything!

    I agree with all three of these statementsWhen do we find out that another one of Kriss Sprules aliases was Ryan Hewson? Mystery money men, booking the Skydome, libel threats, not a clue about promoting. The signs are al there.
  13. I do feel sorry for Stephen, as he started 1PW with the best of intentions

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions herbie. Your a business man herbie and you realise that to have more money going out than you have coming in is the wrong way to do things. Don't feel sorry for Gauntley, he tried to live his dream the wrong way and it all ended in tears, as predicted by everyone but Stephen and his arse kissers.
  14. My advice on getting your money back would be that if you bought your tickets with a credit card from 1up/1pw and you have insurance, get them to get your money back for you. It is what I have just done. HSBC don't fuck about.

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