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Posts posted by WWFChilli

  1. Quite, but no one fucking cares anymore. People will protest, he'll do speech. Journalist will try and justify bits for click bait and just to be different, normals will tell him to fuck off, and he'll tweet it was amazing and the biggest speech for Parliament ever. Unless someone throws shit at him.

  2. To get this thread vaguely back on topic:


    Kellyanne Conway has come up with a complete fabrication about a ‘Bowling Green Massacre’ that was supposedly committed by two radicalised Iraqi refugees in order to justify the immigration ban. This 'Massacre' didn’t happen.


    In more encouraging news, the New York Times hit a record 3 million subscribers yesterday.

    I believe the Massacre actually happened on the Gulf of Tonkin.


    The inring part is,, wrestling hasn't moved with the times, it did briefly in the 90s then in the 00s WWE and TNA regressed back to what they knew, wrestling, because the owners only knew wrestling.



    Same with Dutch and Jeff now, all they know is what they were brought up on and with that we can go back at least 20, 30 years right? WWE is the same. People that only ever know one thing. They only know wrestling. TNA will never change because there is no one new in charge, it's wrestling people running it and wrestling does not draw, television does so it'll just be the same old stuff. People arguing over belts, climbing ladders, climbing cages, nothing new to see and the wrestlers will just be regular looking guys in trunks and boots. Who's gonna sit and watch that? Wrestling fans. How many wrestling fans are there in the world? Not very many. Therefore it's only ever gonna reach a small audience.




    And why is Jeff there? Cause no one wanted his GFW. Why don't they want his GFW? Cause it's wrestling and wrestling doesn't draw anymore and hasn't for 20 years. TNA is Jeff's only shot at getting involved in a wrestling product on TV. If he had gotten his GFW on TV, he would never have went back to TNA.

    I don't like you.


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