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The King Of Swing

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Posts posted by The King Of Swing

  1. Nostradamus's predictions make perfect sense once you put something that almsot matches into it.


    they dont make much sense now


    I dont know much about his predictions but if the third anti-christ is due in a couple of years, what happened to the first 2?


    I think Hitler is believed by many to be one of them but I have no idea who the other is supposed to be.


    Jeremy Kyle maybe? :laugh:


  2. I loved the sequel and the final 10-15 minutes or so was fucking awesome bomb.




    The first movie had a few tense moments but it was nowhere near the "scariest movie ever" tag that had been attached to it and it almost killed horror for me and the only reason I even bothered with the sequel was because my mate paid to see it.

  3. Tell a lie long enough and people start to believe it, logically only an idiot or a complete wack job would follow the ideals of the Nazis but logic didn't stop many people from doing just that and there are people today who still do.


    The 9/11 conspiracy has been drummed into peoples minds so much now it really is no suprise that more and more people eventually buy into it plus Bush and co. obviously exploiting the attack to do pretty much anything they want didn't help matters either.


    It's the same with Holocaust denial only a blind idiot would trully believe it never took place but some people will always believe what they want to believe.

  4. Wasn't it something like "flying angels", hitting a "great city", or something? Or am I heavy tripping?


    I can't remember sorry but that sounds believable because Nostradamus's predictions were always kind of trippy sounding from what little I can remember.


    Like I posted I wish I still owned that book because it was filled with all kinds of wacky shit from UFO's all the way down to Ghosts, reincarnation, etc.


    I gave it to a mate but I think I'll ask if he still has it.




    I'm pretty sure this is the one I read.


    The sky will burn at forty-five degrees latitude,

    Fire approaches the great new city

    Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up

    When they want to have verification from the Normans


    I found it after a google seacrh and there was a few variations off it (one claiming the dead would walk the Earth or some shit) and I'm almost postive that is the version I read years back and if not it is the closest to it.

  5. I owned a book years back (90's) about all sorts of paranormal/supernatural kinds of stuff that had an entire section dedicated to Nostradamus and it listed a large amout of his predictions (and entire chapter filled with them) along with interpritations and one them was interprited as predicting a "massive air attack on New York City"


    Coincidence or not looking back following 9/11 that was pretty fucking creepy.


  6. Thats one way of looking at it.


    I'm sure there was a report that a group of Israilie's(sp?) were seen celebrating when the attack took place and were later detained and eventually sent back to Israel, may have been mentioned in the report I posted but I didn't watch all the way though so I may be wrong.

  7. It's rubbish though. Maybe some agencies had wind that something might be in the air, but it's frankly inconceivable that they knew any specifics of the plot, or they would surely have thwarted it.


    Most likely though some claim that an attack on the US would somehow work in Israel's favour.


    Not sure how though.

  8. Wasn't there claims that the FBI knew in advance about the 1993 WTC bombing?

    Recordings have (allegedly) surfaced from US agents that show the FBI knew in advance that the '93 bombing was going to happen.

    This has fuelled the theory that they (or another agency) knew in advance of 9/11 and allowed it to happen as the scapegoat to trigger the Iraq invasion (which was being planned in January of 2001).


    The allowed to happen scenario has always been top of my most believable theories list when it comes to 9/11.


    One hardly mentioned story/theory is that Israil had advance kowladge of 9/11


    Yes it's Fox but it's the best I could do at the moment, it's part 1 of a 4 part story concering Israil spy's withing the US.


  9. Wasn't there claims that the FBI knew in advance about the 1993 WTC bombing?


    This is all I was able to dig up about it but I didn't really look long I must admit.



    Anyway I love a good conspiracy theory I'm not saying I believe them of course but the subject has always interested me.

  10. I have to agree with harry on this.


    At the end of the day if we cannot act in a civilised manner and allow even a cretin like Nick to have his say (he was elected in a democratic election plain and simple) then we have no moral high ground at all and will just end up giving ammo to likes of Nick and his ilk.

  11. Chances are Nick will just be heckled every time he attempts to speak.


    Best case scenario is that the fence sitters and protest voters will finally get to see him for the cretin that he is and worst case he his singled out so much and given so little chance to speak that people will see him as some sort of victim.

  12. but the only way to defeat twats like Nick Griffin is to engage them in serious debate in the most public forum possible and show them up for the useless, ignorant cunts that they are.


    Thats pretty much my view on the BNP.


    Most BNP supportes I come across are either unemployable (it's all them immigrants fault of course), shut ins who are afraid of their own shadow or chav scum who are probably too thick to vote anyway.


    Of course not all BNP voters are complete thickos and I think many gained votes in the last set of elections were more down to protest then actual support.


    As for Cameron I don't think he do will much if anything to improve things.

  13. I bet the audience at Nick's first QT will be filled with people of colour, immigrants (the legal kind) and Lib Dem supporters also I bet other MP's refuse to appear on the same show as him and the one and only BNP supporter in the audience will be a mong of epic proportions.


    Either way it should be fun seeing Big Nick squirm though thats assuming that he can even get a word in.

  14. they have as much right to a platform as any other political party in the country.


    As much as I loath the BNP I have to agree with this.


    The obvious double standard when it comes to the BNP is what sickens me, I mean people (rightly) slam them as a facist party yet their solution to them is to try and get them "banned" (and in some cases threats of violence) instead of smacking them down with reasonable debate.


    Both the extreme right and the extreme left are populated by facist retards.


    It's just two sides of the same coin.

  15. What hacks me off about this is that they have had plenty of time to take this kind of action against the BNPeaBrains yet only bothered now that the party has started gaining ground in Europe and as the report states at a time when the EHCR is faced with internal problems.


    If the major parties had the balls to call a serious debate on immigration in the first place (as well as actually kicking out those who failed to claim residence here) instead of cowering at the thought of being called racist by the PC Brigade this whole sorry mess may well have deen avoided.


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