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Posts posted by Kiffy

  1. I think you will get brought up in been happy about them been stabbed as for what I think I'm not saying I'm happy about it but I'm not going to be shedding any tears over it either probably like what happens to a lot of loud mouths sooner or later they opened their gob to the wrong person.


    TBH I wouldn't mind if every member of the EDL and MAC as well as any other group like them were shipped off to an deserted island and just let them fight it out between themselves without having to disrupt anybody else's lives


    That'd be my choice as well, get the pair of them out.

    Re being happy about them being stabbed though, is anyone on here gonna shed any tears if Jim Brown gets fucked up in prison? Course not, scum sometimes get what they deserve, and it's tough not to feel they should do.

  2. Pleasingly, looks like a couple of your lot actually get stabbed yesterday, by muslim youths apparently


    Whether this was the MAC lot or just a couple of normal muslims who rather dislike the "Fuck allah" signs and things like that your lot bring, I have to confess it is good to read that people are actually stabbing you. They lived, unfortunately, but it still seems a good start.

    And yes, the MAC lot demanding sharia law and using the day of 9/11 to do it are a bunch of cunts as well, and it's a shame none of those got stabbed.

  3. Notice how he had to get an EDL dig in there


    Besides the point, why are MAC not in the "Hate Groups" section of the website?

    Legitimate question


    It's actually a half decent point annoyingly, much as your lot are a foul bunch of cunts who should be wiped off the face of the planet (yeah richie I was comparing the EDL to paedophiles, they're both scum) MAC are certainly no better. If you're against your lot you should proably be against them as well. Personally I am, and I think hope not hate should do more on that side of things.

    The only justification I can see is that the police, the secret police, the media, america and a fair few others are all over muslim extremism and it's getting rather dealt with. Chap got four life sentences last week in a sting operation as he tried to recruit undercover old bill to go and fight in afghanistan, despite what you morons think quite a bits being done to combat muslim extremism whereas it's only recently they've started to look at your lot as violent criminals in the same way.

    So yeah in some ways they should highlight more the problems with muslim extremism, not just at hope not hate but at UAF and the liberal left in general. But on the other hand that's already being done quite a bit, whereas no-one other than hope not hate is really shining a light on what cunts you lot are (and I know Adam, it's just a conspiracy to hold the white man down and I'm delusional to believe any of it, you're a smashing group of blokes and the union of journalists, and myself, and everyone else that's been around you, we're just making it up as part of a muslim conspiracy to take over the world).

  4. I actually think Mickey does a good job of keeping his cool and not rising to the popular slating of his beliefs.


    More power to you big Mickey.


    And Jim Brown'd do mighty well to keep his cool under the popular slating of his beliefs that it's ok to wank off to pictures of naked children. But he'd still be a paedophilic cunt, and this mickey fellow, despite his ability to say "Only joking" after suggesting we bomb all muslims, is still a far right delusional mentally ill fuckwit.


  5. Of course you'd know that because it's been spoon fed to you by ITV news.


    And seen it in person, and read the union of journalists account of being assaulted for attempting to cover it, and seen the footage of EDL members breaking into an asian restaurant and scaring the shit out of women and children working in it, and have friends in the police force who have to deal with what these cunts do when they come to towns, and seen the arrest figures, and seen the overlap between the BNP and national front, and seen tommy robinson in his BNP days standing next to an openly holocaust denier and national front member.

    Don't be a cunt mate, you either have no idea what you're talking about and you're assuming I'm as ignorant to the reality of the situation as you (and that'd be a mighty fucking silly assumption) or you know full fucking well what's what and you're playing the same game big mickey's doing (while searching for a cause big enough to distract him from killing himself and con himself into thinking his life has some worth) with the whole media conspiracy about these lovely reasonable EDL members who only dislike extremists and wouldn't dream of violently abusing any asian they see.


  6. Yeah, liking this weeks alot.

    Tempted to point out that Steven what's his face (known to EDL supporters under his fake name as tommy, the bloke who goes onto newsnight and stuff) has been imprisoned for breaking his bail conditions, and is doing a little hunger strike thing about the unfairness of him having to stick to the law's of the UK (Irony at all?) but unsure how to do it as general political news (which it would seem to be) without being accused of trying to stir stuff up.

    I'm hoping if I leave like I did above, it's just political news, rather than stirring stuff up.

  7. In non EDL news


    "Those who make the wrong decision,who engage in criminality, must be identified, arrested and punished, and we will make sure that happens" August 11th, home secretary theressa may outlines her no-nonsense approach to criminal justice.


    "The United Kingdom further states that criminal prosecution of bank employees due to participation in tax offences is highly unlikely" 23 Augus, Clause in UK-Swiss Tax deal agreed by chancellor George Osborne. Proving there's one set of laws for Britaiins Teenage miscreants and another for it's bankers.


    From private eye this week.

  8. Not really too up on this EDL malarkey and the rest of it, but how/why can anybody ban a protest/march in a modern society? Thats pretty outrageous.


    Incitment of racial hatred is a crime in this modern society, one could make a decent argument that that's the core premise of EDL marches.

    But that wasn't actually the reason, there's been rioting and disorder on the streets a fair bit recently and anything which looks like going the same way has been temporarily banned in the aftermath of the disorder.

  9. Seems they didn't actually get as far as tower hamlets, http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/sep/03/e...ice?INTCMP=SRCH with the local community and anti fascists mobilising the police decided was best to keep them away from it. Which I do like, puts me in mind of the battle of cable st back in the 30's, same area of london, and again the fascists didn't get to get where they were going. This time due to a coalition of groups called united east end. Chants of "You shall not pass," again, very reassuring to see that.

    60 arrests of for the EDL, including an entire coach of EDL supporters, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-14778429 and looks like Steven Lennon (the chap mickey refers to as tommy! a former bnp activist and convicted woman beater and police assaulter) will be remanded in custody today or later for breaking his bail conditions.

  10. Probably good for the EDL and UKIP if the BNP go under, neither group has the same stigma attached to the BNP either, although I'm sure the media will soon start the smear campaigns against them.


    While someone on here might say it's not justified, and I'd say it is, I think the EDL already has the same stigma attached to it as the BNP. Certainly they're referred to in the media as a fair right group, the prime minister called them sick, and the authorities are treating them as another terrorist group in the uk.

  11. One doesn't like to get complacent, but with senior figures now being chased for the money owed, a split party, funds going down, votes going through the floor, there really doesn't seem to be any way out for them.

    Which, agreed, is a reasonably popular state of affairs.

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