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Posts posted by NEWM

  1. John Cena's arms out and silly expression after rumbling Vickie and Big Show's affair

    The Hornswoggle/DX/Cena segments before Survivor Series

    Steiner, Post-MEM

    The Santino/DX/Dusty Shockmaster Segment, and if it was a different one, the one where HHH and somebody else LOL'd over Shawn not being around to 'make all that money' in the Attitude era.

    Christian and his Survivor Series team

  2. On a Raw in between Summerslam and Breakdown (14/9), before his usual spiel, the Road Dogg said "the show must go on". The announcers didn't mention it and even Jammes himself glossed over it. Anybody know what he was on about? Somebody die/get injured or anything?

    I know they teased a Billy Gunn heel turn around this period, because they came out with a blow up doll dressed as Gunn on an episode of Raw. Another thing, Triple H had done his knee in and wasnt seen with DX until around Survivor Series time. I assume it had something to do with one of these incidents.


    Funnily enough, I remember around the same period, Kevin Kelly asking Road Dogg "will DX go there seperate ways" and Road Dogg gave a total shoot comment saying "When it comes to DX, whether you like us or not, money is thicker than water, Kevin and I think you no what I mean". Basically the same reason John Cena and DX have clogged up TV with a stale act, is because money is higher than whatever you think about the quality of the product.


    I remember (and know am a few weeks away from) the "Mona Gunn" inflatable doll deal, but you might HHH is on the same episode. Though I know he crocks himself around this time (and may already have done so), so maybe he knew something. And yeah, that RD quote stuck out to me too. Of all of the half-talent guys that made a truckload of cash in a hot time, Dogg struck me as one of the most self-aware. In an interview with Raw Magazine a few months after DX split after WM15, he constantly mentions being gutted about finishing it, more because of merchandise losses than anything else. Ironic considering he and X-Pac feuded with Gunn & Chyna over DX rights in a passion vs money sort of thing at the time.

  3. On a Raw in between Summerslam and Breakdown (14/9), before his usual spiel, the Road Dogg said "the show must go on". The announcers didn't mention it and even Jammes himself glossed over it. Anybody know what he was on about? Somebody die/get injured or anything?

  4. Finally got round to seeing Saw 6, really enjoyed it. I'm a big fan of the franchise anyway, but it was still largely enjoyable. It didn't have the brilliant cat and mouse between Straum/Hoffman from 5, but I think you get what you put in with Saw films. As a fan, there is a ton of stuff I feel is put in just to pay off my investment in the series, and as long as things don't get too contrived, they're still totally enjoyable. Unlike after 3 (when I felt the whole thing was satisfyingly paid off), I now welcome number 7, as long as it stays creative. I'd be interested in other fans of the series views, but my order of enjoyment of the Saw films is as follows: 2, 5, 1, 6, 3, 4. I still think Saw 2 boasts one of the best ever twist endings with Detective Matthews' Game, and I just love Straum's quest for the truth in 5.

  5. Predator Raw, back for a new series on FX last night. What a fucking result. I've missed Chris Hansen and his paedo trapping ways. Great, great telly.


    Agreed great show but unfortunately you have already missed two episodes, it started on the 13th :thumbsup:


    What a fucking cunt. Thanks for the heads up though, I'll get to downloading. I hope there's plenty left.

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