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Posts posted by NEWM

  1. Lots of lost/raped/beat dogs around at the moment, that seems to be the new trend. I'm sure I've seen the same dog but with a different name and location. It's like when you're on a less-than-reputable website and the box in the corner says "21 YEAR OLD FLANGE IN (your post code, your city)".

  2. Joel Ross was a DJ on Yorkshire Coast Radio when I was a kid, I was amazed he achieved any level of success in the mainstream for a bit, because he was always fucking shite. To be honest, he's still punching above his weight on that dusty broom cupboard show on Challenge TV. Turns out fellow YCR alumni Greg Scott likes wrestling too, give him the job. I bet he could deck Joel Ross too.

  3. For some reason, I've always called it the "Geek Forum". It seems to have got me out of explaining what it actually is to people at work who just assume its a film/music thing, and to mates who don't give a shit or my missus if she sees me on it, it just seems to have stuck from that. I think the work thing is the origin of the name, but the lad I watch wrestling with who doesn't give half as much a shit solidified it when he would always ask me "what did the geek forum think?" about a particular storyline or wrestler. One mate who's into wrestling a bit who saw the Booking Contest trophy the other week (as it currently sits parked on a chest of drawers in my dining room, Nicko, how about that eh?!) said "Oh, is that what you won off that Geek Forum thing?".


    So there you go, actually saying "UKFF" sounds weird, when I think about it.

  4. Video shop multiple re-rental for me as a kid. But of the million FUCKING ACE things on the show, what's best out of this lot, because I change my mind every day.


    - The Powerplex

    - Mental Sherri

    - Goldigger Saffire

    - Perfect and Heenan going spastic

    - Hebner's shirt getting torn

    - Earthquake getting his back murdered

    - Piper hates Warrior on commentary


    Fabulous PPV.

  5. Fucking Anderson, jesus wept. There's no salvaging that sad cunt is there?? Good lord. Argh. I really enjoyed the whole episode and am sitting here getting legitimately angry at what an annoyance he is. I sit there imagining how all the other wrestlers must dislike him real life because I just refuse to believe he's anything but an irritating dog turd of a man. Fucking hell.

  6. I'm with Pity, No Holds Barred is the new Last Man Standing for being the big disappointing gimmick match announcement. I get what you're saying with Brock in this case, but its become so void of resonance that you don't associate the stipulation with any particular character trait anyway.

  7. This NHS breast enlargement girl is getting an absolute thraping from people isn't she?! Some goon will spew bile on an NHS page, call her a 'slut', 'slag' and allsorts, and then have six thousand likes and comments from flaming torch types screaming misspelt rage. I know it's a bit of a contentious issue, but this kind of angry mob stuff for a tit job really isn't on.

  8. To me, the problem with Punk is that he rages against the machine, but really aspires to just become the main cog anyway. He's smart enough to know he can't change how it works, but he tries to walk this tightrope of being the outspoken rebel despite knowing his real goal is to BE a Rock or Austin, not change the role of the big star.


    As innocuous as some of this interview might look, I wonder if he might catch some legitamate shite for this. He's basically undermined the level of his spot on the card which is fucking absurd, all while he's supposed to be selling this PPV, not just forwarding his own agenda. Thing is, if he got (rightfully) punished for such a thing, he'd bark the usual shite about being held down for being different.

  9. So is the mystery guy Angle beat up Joseph Park then? Will they make it so he's gone schizo with the Abyss side of his personality and Aces and Eights have channeled that? Moreover, would Angle not just tell people on Twitter or something if this were "real life". Aces & Eights basically need to beat Angle into a coma to stop his identity coming out don't they? Which they may have done after with that kicking I suppose. I hope that's what happens and the secret doesn't get revealed until Angle makes a miraculous comeback in a month or so and reveals all.

  10. He puts significantly less juice into the gimmick from when he first started too. I remember we all threw babies in the air for the "SORRYBOUTTHAT", "SHEYYYYAH!!!!" and the like when he got started. Unusually for a character like this one, the character was actually more fleshed out on night one and has regressed ever since. But yeah, the Tensai team felt like an instant hit. It's been more than seven years since both Too Cool and the Hip Hop Hippo. Let's get a proper Dancing Disasters on the go.

  11. Firstly, cheers for all the nice comments. I alluded to this in one of the other posts, but it provided some surprisingly amazing relief to be able to just let out all the news somewhere, and to do so where yous were all so incredibly supportive was a serious, serious help. So thanks again, you're all top banana.


    My other reason to pop in here was to happily report that today is a month since Charlie (seems easier than typing Baby NEWM each time!) was born and he is completely free of any of the complications he was born with. We got home just over a week ago, and it's just been the best experience. I suppose it sounds obvious saying how much nicer it is than just being with him in hospital, but I can't overstate how brilliant it has been for us to settle in to normal parenthood. He's so far been a pretty chilled out baby, with no major concerns for us since he was discharged, and the health visitor was pleased with everything when she came out for the first appointment. And whilst I wouldn't say we've exactly confronted the Downs Syndrome head on, it becomes a little bit easier to deal with every day. Though it gives you some pretty low moments if you let it, being with him is just too fantastic to make you worry about stuff, and we'll just tackle any unexpected things as they come. I'm totally biased, natch, but I think he's fucking class. Here he is having a kip and possibly a shit. He's no bother.




    (Apologies if that's the biggest picture of all time and it totally breaks your computer).

  12. Was Matt Hardy really any good as a singles guy, or did he just have a good entrance gimmick?

    I was trapped in the epicenter of my 'net fan nerdiness in 02/03, but having watched back some of his Smackdown run, it holds up pretty well. He was better as the "star in his own head" goon who ran interference for Brock Lesnar and got decked by The Undertaker without realising he was was just being used by Paul Heyman. That was by far his best chance at being used as a fill-in Main Eventer, and had he injured Rey instead of A-Train that time in late-02, he might have made the gimmick work off a strong feud with Edge. Once his association with the top guys ended, his Crusierweight Champion Dumb and Dumber deal with Shannon Moore was exactly where he belonged.A proper ascension to the Main Event would have required a pretty dramatic shift of in-ring style for him too. He was too much of a Hardy Boy then, but by the time he figured that out, his window was long closed. The closest he got to it was his US Title feud with MVP and ECW Title run. He was pretty handy in ring around that time. Silver-Belt ECW era had some fucking great talent attached actually, that was a brilliant spell for the show.
  13. Virgil wore something just like Ba's there in 92 when Sid fucked his wrestling superstar face up. Mountie even walloped the poor sod with his own mask in that match at Sheffield Arena.


    Sorry Loki, I know that's not really a proper answer, but I love it when wrestlers are treated so unsympathetically in angles that it just becomes funny at their expense. Zack Ryder's plights this time last year spring to mind.

  14. Another stupendous Office last night. The first 40 minuter in a while but it was totally worth it.


    I can't get the spoiler box to work on my phone, but without giving loads away, I loved the Jim and Pam story again (especially the manager of that office), the long awaited Toby payoff was great, and the end sequence reveal was again an exciting reward for long running fans. What a fantastic final flurry this show is going out with.

  15. That Chinese wrestler that Fin Martin bums all the time and the podcasts always rave about, Tanahashi I think? As a non-JapWres fan, is he so good that if I watched a Youtube video of one of his matches completely void of context and story, would I still love it?


    On Live Audio Wrestling, Meltzer compared him to Flair and Michaels, who are two guys who absolutely can entertain like fuck on their best day with none of the above working for them. Is he that good? He's won the PS50 about 40 times now hasn't he, and I'd at least like to know if he's worth the effort to watch, but I've just never been able to enjoy Japanese Wrestling so only some fucking brill matches will convince me. What I saw of Misawa and the other bloke in the 90s, they were pretty good, but this bloke just gets so much press that I sort of want to see what the fuss is all about.

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