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Posts posted by NEWM

  1. Joe Gagne and Justin Shapiro's WWF yearly reviews through the 90s are by a long way the best and funniest podcasts on the internet. Shapiro is especially hilarious on it. They are clever as well. Giving a take on what a modern day version of certain events be. The latest being working out what a modern version of the 1995 Wild Card Match would be.



    Brilliant recommendation! Never even heard of these but tried the 1990 one and was pissing myself! Thank God for Beefcake's parasailing disaster or Shawn would have just ended up shoving Marty off the little interview platform. Will be through these in no time. Thanks for the heads up Ian.

  2. Brutus Beefcake is a prize bellend in the 1989 timeline shoot. He goes on about his 84-87 heel run as if it was Hulkamania and Austin 3:16 combined. He's a proper old school self-promoter in the interview, always embellishing everything, giddily ignorant to plenty of the truth being out there on the net or Youtube to view and disprove in ten seconds. I love it when the older guys forget how easy it is to go and do that now. It's a fun watch though.

  3. The Batista hype video and the Cena/Punk/Langston promo were fucking brilliant. Stars being stars (and one hanging out with stars and looking the part). Kofi's new tights were horrendously fantastic too. I don't need too much to enjoy a show, good Raw!


    EDIT: And I never watch or read about Smackdown so it was great to see the Shield beatdown segment to build to the Main Event. And Cena's nearly-white shorts too. Gear changes are a big deal.

  4. Jim Duggan usually comes across as a massive cunt on shoots (Steve Austin? Nah, not that over, who'd he ever beat?!), but his 1988 timeline is pretty great. Late 80s WWF gossip is always brilliant, and he doles it out in spades. Comes across pretty personable and tells some fresh anecdotes. A nice surprise.

  5. I just rewatched my favourite match this year - John Cena vs CM Punk from Raw, and it is SPECTACULAR. Actually better the second or third time round after a few months going back to it, because you forget some of the false finishes and it really sucks you in.


    Punk had really grown up as a Main Eventer after siding with Heyman to me and his working style reflected it too, but as usual, he's only a shining *star* when he's in there with Cena. We've all bummed these two's chemistry before, and with good reason. Their characters are an absolutely perfect mesh, the promos make EVERY match they have seem like the best thing since sliced bread, and brilliantly, each contest ends up acting as another layer of build-up to the next one. I'd argue this is their best (and that's a cracking debate in itself), because Punk was really peaking as a wrestler, the stakes were typically high, and they worked that 1% of doubt in the result through the match brilliantly.


    Cena's comebacks were on another fucking planet in the match, the finish reversal sequences were so much more organic than most of the others you get in WWE Main Events these days, and the fans were jizzing their dicks off on Cena's nearfalls, sensing his doubt that he just could.not.beat.this.man. The little extra bits of icing on the cake like the Punk Piledriver (he's done, that's it, it's over!), Cena's Batista Bomb and the Cenacanrana added specialness, and the beautifully simplistic psychology of knowing each other's moves too well to tease big spots rather than just delivering them was something else. Most of CM Punk's best ever matches are with Cena, so I'd stretch to say this is his best match ever, and for me, this is maybe Cena's best too (I need to give that more thought though). Not sure it's better than his match with Lesnar, but that in itself almost stands alone on an island, compared to this traditionally-styled sensational wrestling match.


    Like most years in this current era, there's a good crop of MOTYCs this year, but they all fall below this one for me. What a fucking match. I might watch it again right now.



  6. Anyone else get the feeling that TLC could end with Triple H becoming the Undisputed champion? He'll come out tip the ladder over when Cena and Orton are battling for the belts and he'll walk out champ. The King of King rules again. Hopefully not but I can see it.


    I would piss my pants with giddiness if that happened. Would proper mix shit up as well.

  7. Did we do Review-A-Mania last year? I have a feeling it was attempted but too soon after the Rumble one to really float. Doing it in plenty of time for a good run up at WM-30 would be great, and I'd imagine 29 people would throw their names in and be happy with whatever show they got, good or bad. Shit idea, or not? The Rumble thread really was topper.

  8. Cena's pretty great for this in an Undertaker/Rock sort of way. His usual spots are over like fuck, but it emphasises both his wanting to win (in storyline terms) and the size of the match when he's busting out the Cenacanrana or top-rope rocker dropper. I think if Cesaro was to get to a high level we'd probably see less of the giant swing but the crowd would come unglued when he hit it.


    Orton's always bored me in his matches too and I'd never considered this as one of the reasons but it's true. The RKO probably gets such a big pop because at least people know it's finally fucking finished.

  9. I was floored by it. I saw the Newcastle IWF at Northumbria Uni and it was a bigger room and turnout. Staggering how they make it look decent on telly. Credit to the wrestlers for ramping themselves up to work in front of two sides of fans and face absolutely nobody when they're talking to the hard camera too.


    Was that the one with Road Dogg that D'Lo Brown and Spike Dudley were also meant to be at? I took two of my friends along to that and they haven't wanted to go to a BritWres show since :( .


    It was! Funnily enough, me and my mates ended up going to shows for the next year or so after, including seeing PAC a few times. Strange to think of Road Dogg working his way up the WWE ladder now having titted about on the indies like this not that long ago.

  10. Was at Universal Studios this evening so had a nosey in the new soundstage they're in just before the taping started, absolutely tiny. Even smaller than the old Impact Zone, will upload a few pics when I get a chance. Didn't stay for the actual wrestling, the wife tolerates enough of that shite at the best of times, I'm not putting her through Impact with nobody she'd even recognise. We went for a cracking pizza instead, so I'd say my TNA evening was a total success.

  11. I've been refreshing this page today as if it was my twitter feed or something, what's the 411, Nicko?! Forget telling friends, family, talking it over with each other, or any of that nonsense! It's right here on this forum full of strangers where you need to be sharing this sort of thing.

  12. A lot of people on my feed are sucking their own cocks (or lady cocks) for donating to the Philippines causes tonight. All of them fishing for empty praise for chucking a few quid in. I'm not against charity or donating at all, but I'm fucking really against wanting showers of appreciation for it afterwards.

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