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Posts posted by WeeAl

  1. My sky recording cut out just around the time he was ttalking about his dad, but my goodness was it touching stuff even before that point and I can just imagine it got more emotional as it went on. It's incredibly sad that he has had to retire and as fans we'll be lucky to ever see anyone like him again. Bryan is just so damn dead on its crazy. In a businesses filled with as many irredeemable characters as this one, Daniel Bryan epitomises how you can be a good person and still get everything you want from your dreams if you work hard enough for it. The way he spoke at the end about being grateful for everything that he had was another genuine moment from him that is, unfortunately, all too uncommon in not just wrestling these days but in all walks of life and he'll really, truly be missed by millions of people. I'm just glad he got out with the rest of his health still in tact to be able to live a normal life post wrestling.


    As for the rest of raw :


    Ryback losing already? So much for gettimy excited about a possible push there.


    They seem to be doing things quite sensibly with AJ styles so far which hopefully keeps up.


    Bubba as a heel in singles or tags will be a refreshing change and hopefully he can run with it to freshen things up in the tag division a bit.


    The opening angle I thought was pretty hot, but I don't think Ambrose or reigns came out of the second angle particularly well. Is there potential here for Ambrose being lesnars mania opponent instead of Wyatt?


    As for the rest of the show, the less said, the better.

  2. Well, that soon turned into a self indulgent bit of nonsense at the end didn't it? The epitome of a crowd just wanting to get itself over at the expense of what actually seemed to be a pretty decent match from where I was watching it. The obvious high ponts of the show were the Lesnar and Heyman heavy segments, I ate all of that up and it was a very good bait and switch, perfectly done actually to write him off tv. Stephanie McMahon though, I think she hurts more than she helps, they should have at least had Rousey smack her about properly at Mania, though I guess maybe that's being saved if they have something worked out with her. It's just as a heel she never gets the level of comeuppance that her actions suggest she should.


    Lesnar was great tonight, it'll just make me look forward to seeing him come back down the line and Steal the show again. As for the rest of the show, the two title matches were good, Sheamus Returning with a bit of a new look for what looks like a feud with Bryan should be good. Debuts for Neville and this Lucha Dragons tag team ( I don't watch NXT so it was my first exposure) had the right crowd to get them off to a good start for getting a star reaction and they looked well coming out of it.


    It seemed to me that Rusev and Cena was over now but my guess is commentary told a different story. Hopefully if it continues it will be a cage match or something at exextreme rules.


    The divas got a lot of time to have a good match but the crowd seemed to have other ideas at this point, which leads me to the main event. I understand the logistics could be an issue but surely WWE could think about moving the Post Mania Raw to a different city to avoid such smarky, 'let's put ourselves over' reactions to their main programs going forward. The fact Seth Rollins was out there, who this crowd should have been eating up the night after this title win, shows they only wanted to get themsmselves over. I was at the show but it peaked early with the Lesnar beat down and it finished on a bit of a low with that nonsense reception to the main event.

  3. GTA is the only game I ever buy. I play FIFA the odd time round at mate's houses, and maybe Madden now and again if I can pick up a cheap old copy, but I do buy GTA straight away. But what's the best way to get it this time? Pre-order to collect, pre-order to deliver, just go into Tesco's on tuesday etc. The last new game I bothered with getting was GTA 4, and I think it was even my brother that dealt with getting it and I just gave him the money.

  4. Today's updates seem to take the piss more than ever before. I had a cousin write "I'm going to Hawaii for 25 months", as she's planning on going to Hawaii next year for a wedding I just though of it as a typo, and took it to mean she now has the holiday booked. Then I get a reply saying it's for Breast Cancer awareness. Now my newsfeed is full of people going to London for 20 months, and New York for 33 Months, and Paris for 318 years and similar rubbish. I just dont get it.

  5. Only just got around to doing it there. It's only recently I knew you could stop seeing their stuff appearing on the wall without deleting them. I imagine over the next few days there will be a lot more people move from the "maybe" category, to the "I don't need to see anymore nonsense from you" category.

  6. Inspired by this thread I went on a bit of a purge of the friends list, and some of those pages that at one time I hit like to, only to find they post 1000 different pictures a day, 997 of which are generally shit. Unfortunately thereare a few people I'd like to delete that it just isn't possible to. Like certain family members that would find it a bit of a kick in the balls. Honestly, I really don't want to know that your sprog has had the runs all night, I exist just fine by not hearing that.

  7. Yeah I watched the first two episodes of Newsroom, and I've really enjoyed it so far. I'm glad it's started when it has, as everything else I've been following has finished it's current season. Anybody that hasn't seen it sofar and has a bit of time on their hands should certainly check out the first two episodes.

  8. I have Brazil (8/13) and USA (5/6) in a double tonight to beat Mexico and Canada respectively. Hopefully I can get off to a decent start for the Euro's. Speaking of which, I need to get my pre tournament bets made for that, as the prices are starting to shorten quite a bit.

  9. Apparently a lot of the Dutch expect Huntelaar to start up top with Van Persie out on the left or in behind Huntelaar. Whether it happens or not, who knows. But he's having a storming season so he'd be a decent shout. I do like the idea of Benzema though. Di Natale is in the Italy squad isn't he? He's had a great year, but god knows how the match fixing scandal so close to the tournament will affect them.

  10. Aside from even mentioning the Rocky films, I'm shocked there hasn't been any room in this list for The Breakfast Club, The Lost Boys, Stand By Me, First Blood, Tombstone, Backdraft, point Break, Roadhouse and Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Some very good films on the list, and some that I really never expected.


    I'd like to commend Gladstone on putting this list together. He's obviously put a lot of work into it and it's been great reading. I for one would have given up after reading about 5 e-mails.

  11. I really don't like Fight Club. In fact I was toying with putting it in my worst films list, not because it's quite that bad, but more because it's loved so much and I just don't get the love for it. Just as I don't get Anchorman, and hope to god it isn't still to come in this list. Number 1 and 2 should be Rocky killing the Russian and The Shawshank Redemption, based on not already appearing, but I have a funny feeling they won't appear at all. :(


    Edit: I just flicked up the Sky Movies screen and see Forrest Gump on it, and can't believe I totally forgot about it when making my list. It would have got a top 5 place in my list if I hadn't totally forgot about it. Not sure that it would have mattered anyway.

  12. I'll probably take Everton away to Wigan and Newcastle at home to Villa at 6/5. The only thing holding me back is Villa seem to have performed well in their past two games, so I'll approach it with caution. Depending on how I do tomorrow, I might be backing United at 7/4 on Sunday. All things point to a Man U win, apart from the simple thing of not being able to beat them at Stamford bridge. By lunch tomorrow I'll probably talk myself out of all of this so that I can just concentrate on doing a Superbowl bet on Sunday night.

  13. I'm glad The Sting made it in, I expected it to make it, but maybe a little higher than it finished. As for Robocop, I'm not a fan, and would have thought that The Terminator would beat it on the list. However I guess many people probably put T-2 in ahead of it, whereas I'd like to hope that Robocop didn't have this problem with it's sequels . . .

  14. Cascarino had a decent article in the Racing Post on Saturday about the Spain price. Pretty much saying if Spain can be bothered we'll all wonder why we ever tried to play it safe and keep low stakes or avoid it, but in the long run beaing cautious in the friendlies is the right thing to do. I halved my stake on my acca that had Spain in it after reading it, and am glad I did. Not that they were the only ones who let me down of course.


    Really hoping my NFL treble comes up tonight, I could do with it. :)

  15. There wasn't much too it to be honest. The first time I met him, it was him and Big Show and Show talked away, general chit chat. Henry didn't speak once, and wouldn't shake hands or anything. The 2nd two times he was a face on television, but acted the same way, so wasn't down to the character he played, and living up to that. Fair enough he might hate meeting fans, but even so, we can only go from our own experiences, and in mine he just seemed like a bit of a dick.

  16. Football results this past year have been insane. It's like a disease that started at the World Cup, spread through all last season, and into the Copa America. I'm just hoping that it might steady up a bit pretty soon.

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