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Posts posted by WeeAl

  1. For the full effect fall over walking out the gents.



    :D that part of it won't be a problem! Whenever I get a costume ordered I'll let all you good folks know and then I'll try and post the picture after the stag weekend of the state of the lot of us. It should be good fun though :)

  2. Thanks for the ideas folks, appreciate it. Just needed a bit of help with pointing out other names as didn't want to miss anything obviously good/easy to create. I think Honky Tonk would be really good, but I'd love a real guitar to kart around to go with it. Part of the reason I've found it harder to pick today is because originally we were just going to wear them out that night. But now apparently we're all booked in to do some It's a wipeout thing on the Saturday morning, and wearing the costume the rest of the day/night, which with facepaint needed for some of the gimmicks I'd thought of would be a bit of a headache.

  3. Right folks. I need some help here. I'm heading for a stag do in three weeks time and I'm late to the party when I decided I'd be able to go, but we're having to go dressed as wrestlers. Unfortunately a lot of the easiest/obvious ones are taken, so me and my brother are trying to come up with other options that are suitably goofy and obviously wrestlers, but that aren't going to get you into any bother (Iron Sheik, Sabu, Roman Reigns, or anything that isn't gimmicked enough to know that we're messing around) but could be easy to put together/or get our hands on. I'm having a hard time deciding.

    Here's what's already been taken:

    Stone Cold
    Hulk Hogan
    Shawn Michaels
    Bret Hart
    Ric Flair
    Randy Savage
    Big Show
    Hillbilly Jim
    Cactus Jack
    Rey Mysterio
    Big Bossman~
    The Dudleys
    Jeff Hardy

    The choices I've thought of so far are:
    Dude Love
    Hawk and Animal
    The Nasty Boys
    Million Dollar Man
    British Bulldog
    Papa Shango
    Sgt. Slaughter
    Ultimate Warrior (was taken until today and somebody changed their mind)

    I was going to go as The Big Bossman until I seen today somebody else had got there before me. Bastards.


  4. I would love the network to have a randomise button. I have an evening to chill out tonight to watch a show if I want and I have no idea what I'm in the mood for. We're spoilt for choice! However for those nights when you know exactly what you want to watch, the search function is a nightmare.

  5. Have to say Liam, I only started listening to your shows a couple of months ago, and I very much look forward to them every week now. I started with a timeline show and downloaded the back catalogue on podbean afterwards and they keep me regularly entertained on the commute. I'm running out of your back episodes now! Keep up the great work fellas.

  6. I was just watching War Games from WrestleWar 91 there, and big Sid really does try his best to kill folks. Clotheslines Rick Steiner, who promptly finds some way to fall head over shite, right on top of his bean. Then Sid seems to totally forget about the height of the cage, attempts to Powerbomb Pillman, hit's Pillman's feet of the roof and drops him on the back of his dome. It's amazing half the guys he worked with were capable of walking afterwards.

  7. I finished watching it there this evening, and have to say, I hardly remember any of it already. Hated the stuff with the New Day, which is getting to be the norm these days - cringeworthy rather than funny.


    Heel Miz is great in the mid card at being a proper heel that you want to see get beat up and lose. Even against Kane.


    I liked the highlight reel segment, thought everyone did a good job there. Even dowm to Owens wearing trousers for a talkie and Zayn being serious on his ring walk, instead of only turning the serious face on once the promo started.

  8. Apparently it was some kind of issue with scar tissue post surgery, probably not knitting back together properly. HHH said in the conference call that it was to do with that and that he didn't want him coming back nearly ready, only if he was totally sorted. So god knows when that will be as some surgeries that cause scar tissue trouble never heal. But then with the medical care and access to the best of doctors, surgeons and facilities that they have it's bound to be a very uncommon problem.

  9. Thanks for the replies folks. Found myself wstching a bit of SummerSlam 90 there this evening, it was a belting match they had with The Hart Foundation. I think it was the late 90's from I last watched it, the crowd really go fucking apeshit for the finish.

  10. I've been watching a bit more of the Network recently when I've had time. Something I keep noticing on programming from the 80's and 90's is the commentary. Most notably how, when compared to now, it wasn't just rose tinted spectacles and nostalgia. On any of the random shows and events I've watched this past month or so, the commentary could always be seen as an asset, or an enhancement to the show. These days it really does have a harmful affect on the product.

  11. Well thank god they attacked the lads on Raw then to save us from any more of that nonsense. Thats a series I have no interest in that's for sure, unless they put a loser leaves town stipulation on it, or buried alive without a digger being allowed to be present.

  12. I enjoyed last nights Raw. It wasn't fantastic but it was far from bad.


    I liked that Shane wasn't all over this show even if I was suprised by it. We need less authority figure screen time if possible. I like the idea of what others have suggested about a fun commisioner role though if there must be one on the screen all the time.


    I don't watch weekly NXT (though i'll be changing that) but I get the feeling the NXT guys that have been brought up are because they have spent a considerable time there and it's now sink or swim time? Wheras the popular choices for callups such as Baley, Joe, Balor, Gable and Jordan etc staying in NXT keeps NXT with plenty of strength and allows them to debut when they have plans for them. Corbin has been brought up because they are short of heels in general. Enzo and Cass did really well I thought. I'm not sure about Crews, he looks the business but I see him getting lost in the shuffle very quickly.


    The commentary team make me wish I was as deaf as my dog. The lot of them need to go but I fear we're stuck with them for a long many a year to come.


    I hate the Miz. And that's a good thing. A proper heel that I have no desire to cheer. I've no desire to cheer Ryder either mind you. But put Miz in there against anyone else and I'm begging for him to get twatted.


    I didn't mind Ambrose being off this show. I'm guessing he's going after the Wyatts now based on this show, so both of them being off it leaves it as something to do next week. There's no rush. I'm not a big Ambrose fan to be honest though. I think he's a good hand that definitely has talent but he irritates me sometimes. He was harmed at Mania with the way he lost but definitely shouldn't have been winning unless he's the guy they want to carry the torch, which he isn't.


    Glad to see the Dudleys involved in something following their heel turn. This could be fun.


    I totally fist bumped the air when Styles won. I was convinced when the match was booked that Jericho was winning which was pissing me off. Then the match drew me in and I was delighted when he got the win. It stops him being straight into the 50/50 club, its fresh and against an arrogant Reigns it should be good. I don't think it'll be on the next PPV, like others have said, I see it happening on Raw before then with HHH having a rematch at Payback. Styles to get cheated by Jericho, then a rubber match at the PPV which hopefully Styles will win to keep him with some momentum from May and beyond.


    What we got the hint of from Roman last night is exactly what he needs to be doing. A hard bastard that says little but kicks a lot of ass. Heel or face. As a heel he can crank up the arrogance and as a face he can just go into silent assasin mode if they don't want to turn him. But some new attire please.


    Please god no on the brand split. I can see it coming too but have zero faith in them to carry it out well at all. They already have two touring groups, and if they make Smackdown neccessary viewing for the storylines then thats enough. The writing crew is struggling enough as it is never mind trying to come up with enough shit to fill two totally different shows. "Come to puerto rico" is enough evidence that this idea needs to be sacked off fucking sharpish.

  13. What do you all think of the Austin/Foley podcast? I thought it was one of the weaker ones to date, the live crowd didn't help nor did bringing out Noelle though I can understand why they wanted to get her on there. It was pretty short as well but then that was down to the setting as well I suppose.

  14. I'm having a good bit of trouble with it at the minute, I have it burnt onto a disc, installed and opened. But when I click on start new game all I get is a message telling me I have no memory. "There is not enough available system memory to create the game. Please free up some more and try again." I think I have about 85% of my hard drive free. Anybody else had this kind of problem?

  15. I thought the podcast with Big show was excellent. I turned it on last night in bed, fully intending to watch the first five minutes and then the rest in the morning. The next thing I know Austin is talking about needing to wrap it up. I never seen the time go in and could happily have listened to them for several hours. Show seemed like a great story teller, humble, hard working, engaging and entertaining. For anyonr that hasn't yet watched it, I can't reccommend it enough.

    I thought the podcast with Big show was excellent. I turned it on last night in bed, fully intending to watch the first five minutes and then the rest in the morning. The next thing I know Austin is talking about needing to wrap it up. I never seen the time go in and could happily have listened to them for several hours. Show seemed like a great story teller, humble, hard working, engaging and entertaining. For anyonr that hasn't yet watched it, I can't reccommend it enough.

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