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Posts posted by deathrey

  1. That was a great episode, lots of unexpected bits but I'm glad the pace was quick, and I'm glad Jon's parentage is finally revealed though we all knew I guess. Nice to see Arya back and doing something interesting ☺


    My boyfriend has just started watching GoT and is only on season 2, it's going to be hard to not let anything slip!

  2. Yep, it can be hard work and my cousin has dragged a lot of people in to it so a lot of my relatives aren't speaking to me now. My attitude is very much they can go f*** themselves then. I'm a grown 33 year old woman, he's a grown 32 year old man. We are both single, neither of us is involved in any illegal or shady shit or drug addicts or anything of that ilk. We aren't doing anything wrong.

  3. You'd have to ask him to be honest Chest. I think it's a combination of things - he's an spoilt egomaniac who is used to being listened to, and he's told me no and I should listen, he and my partner are the only 2 single ones left in their friendship group, my partner thinks it's because his family is not very well off, and when I asked my cousin why not he said that my partner is not good enough for me and is just like him and he doesn't want one of his relatives with a guy like that. On the flip side when my partner asked him he told him I was no good, I would keep him under the thumb, treat his family like crap and argue with hid mum all the time and that I'm not good enough for him.


    I'm not sure what the truth is to be honest, but in March me and my partner got seen together and after threatening my partner with a 'its her or your friends', my cousin hasn't spoken to me since, he does still hang out with my partner though so I guess he must believe some of the stuff he says about me.

  4. That can be quite common. No, my situation is wierder than that, he's the 'right' religion and cast, but he's one of my cousins best friends who has a VERY big problem with us seeing each other and has shit stirred massively - he's gotten most of my relatives and parents involved - so until we decide if we want to get married or not it's easier to keep it a secret.

  5. None of my family know we are seeing each other so never! But I do get people trying to set up arranged marriages every few weeks, my parents have taken to trawling websites for potential suitors themselves in fact. Last week my mum rang up some random guy and gave him my number.....

  6. I look and sound the same but whatever borned my purple patch before has well and truly gone. Most of my mates are off the market (have become dads or are about to be dads) so simply heading out with the lads is less of an option.

    I don't do well with Internet dating and I don't seem to notice if anyone looks at me. Plus, coming from an African family, I'm already expected to be married with kids (as I'm in my early 30's) so it's all fun and games. Haha

    I'm in a similar boat, only I'm female, Indian and in my 30's so my parents are about ready to get me married to any guy that offers

  7. That was an excellent episode. I was really hooked during the battle scene amd that's quite difficult to do with me these days, my attention span has become microscopic.


    I was a bit miffed to see Rickon die so quickly, I thought he could have been a bit of a savage or a wild card, but hey-ho. The beating on Ramsey was great, you could just feel how much Jon hated him.


    Now bring on the Littlefinger show.....

  8. When I worked at Argos they really drummed the idea into us that we'd go to jail if we didn't ID people.  The first person I ID'd was a 42 year-old woman who was so obviously at least in her 30s but I was terrified.

    It was Poundland I went in to, they may have a similar strategy I suspect

  9. Ooooo sounds interesting, what kind of Eversholt is particularly bad for that? I've always been curious, I always get bad skin and my periods go out of whack when u exercise a lot, unless I take the pill. I've always knew training had a hormonal impact but had no idea that different types of training had a lesser impact. I hate taking the pill so would rather avoid it if I can

  10. I went to the shop to buy a drink and thought I'd get some matches to light my candles at home and I just got asked for I.D. I'm 33..... The guy was really apologetic when I told him my age, but it's been a while since that's happened!

  11. Yeah it was pretty nerve wrecking, made worse by the fact he was one of my cousins best friends and when I mentioned he and I seeing each other my cousin had said over his dead body and told my fella to stop speaking to me (which lasted all of about 2 weeks).


    We had been friends for about 8 months when I told him. We'd become very close in that time and spoke pretty much everyday throughout those 8 months other than those 2 weeks

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