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Posts posted by deathrey

  1. jennifer-charles-photos-by-a-hrefhttpwwwalexmsmithphoto.3.jpg


    Jennifer Charles. Not really particularly hot to look at, but her voice does funny things to me. Good things.


    I dug out the Lovage album recently for the first time in a while after accidentally stumbling upon a sample from it on some jazz record I bought and it's great, and she sounds sexy as hell.


    I also re-listened to that album last week for the first time in many many years, I never got the fuss about her voice when I listened to it first time round, however listening to it last week I started to get it - she could sound sexy singing a shopping list...

  2. Funnily enough, on Saturday Kitchen this week they showed you how to make Choux pastry. I think they even used it for Eclairs. Could be on the BBC site.


    Thank you! I'll see if its on I-player!

  3. I know this isn't really a cooking thread but has anyone tried to make choux pastry before? Any tips? I really want to give it a go, im craving chocolate eclairs, I may have to go get one from the shops before they close but i really want to learn to make my own

  4. WWE is shown regularly in India, and has been huge there for as long as I can remember, its much more mainstream than it is in the west. Last time I was out there I went to pick my cousin up from school, and at least half of the kids where wearing wrestling t-shirts, and they are sold widely in the shops, literally alongside Nike and Adidas shirts, you will find WWE ones hung up, so most Indians will know the wrestlers. TNA is not as big there and I don't think it is shown as widely, but I would bet large amounts of money on this project being very successful

  5. Will there be any English commentary on this project? Presumably not.


    Lots of stuff in India is done in English so there is no reason why not. So many languages are spoken in India that English is usually used as something that everyone universally understands as English plus whatever the language is spoken in your State is usually taught in schools

  6. Anyone know what channel 847 is on freeview or is there a way of watching it online ?


    Its not available on Freeview, but it was being broadcasted online, im on my phone so can't copy and paste but if you look up Dara O'Brien's twitter he had a link for it

  7. What is 847?


    Sangat TV, its a Sikh TV channel based on Soho Road in Birmingham, they have been going out and filming the rioting live, the channel's presenter has been on a one man mission to get people to protect Birmingham

  8. Chest Rockwell quite rightly pointed out that I, on this day, have been a workplace idiot:


    So I bought some Rainbow Mentos today. I don't know why. I don't buy sweets or chocolate, so it was a bit of an odd impulse buy. Anyhow, they were alright. I like the idea of having a couple of each flavour lined up with the colours going down the side of the packet. It's real neat. The Watermelon ones are foul though. Just like the Jolly Rancher ones were. Americans like watermelon too much.


    Anyway, I was eating an orange one and I took a sip of diet coke. The flavour was quite pleasant. Orangey aftertaste blended with Coke. It's like when I mix Coke and Fanta at the Nando's self-service drinks machine. Everyone should do that by the way.


    I digressed again and I've already said "anyway". Damn.


    OK, so I liked orange Mento combined with diet Coke. So I thought, "what if I drop an orange one INTO the diet coke and let it infuse my cola with flavour? There is literally no downside to this idea."


    I had of course forgotten, despite myriad pop culture references and Youtube videos, that dropping a Mento into a bottle of Diet Coke is a BAD IDEA.


    The resulting eruption absolutely covered my desk at work, poured onto the floor and took out over two thirds of an almost full 500ml bottle. The sheer volume of exploded coke, the violence of the reaction and the emptiness of the bottle left me worried that nobody would buy my claim that it just exploded when I went to open it as cans/bottles sometimes do. Luckily for me, however, they did, and I swiftly downed the rest and consumed the potentially incriminating remains of the Mento at the bottom. They're a whole lot less chewy after reacting with coke.


    I would conclude with "don't put Mentos in diet coke" but there surely isn't a person in the Western World who doesn't already know that. I feel quite, quite stupid. Those last dregs of orangey coke were marvelous though.


    So it appears i am one of the aforementioned idiots that did not know that Mentos + Coke = Bad idea, but now that you have told me about it, i am incredibly tempted to try this out, i have a packet of half eaten fruit Mentos in the glove compartment of my car that are now crying out to be chucked in to some Coke..... I may have try out a science experiment in school tomorrow, i wonder if i can talk one of the students in to trying it out for me.....

  9. I watched Glee, enjoyed it for the most part, some f the musical bits were a little too cheesy and made me cringe a little, particularly when the male teacher would sing (i can't remember his name) but i liked it enough to tune in again next week. It seems like a relativley light hearted show that i can miss a couple of episodes of, but pick up where i left off next time i watch it, which is a good thing for me as i find it difficult to 'commit' to a whole season of a TV show

  10. some girls just seem to revel in the attention it brings them

    What sort of attention though? I see these girl as someone purely to recreate interesting scenes from porn with, not to have conversations with, not to spend "quality time" with.

    Apparently, girls do not like being seen in this way, so why present themselves as having no other appealing properties?



    The ahhh bless ain't she sweet, pat on the head type of attention. I'm making a huge generalisation here as i'm going only by the girls i know that do this, but generally the girls i know that behave like this are only interested in looking and being deemed desirable and attractive so any attention is good attention to them, even if it is people rolling their eyes and giving them a pat ont he head. I don't think they comprehend the idea that it is actually irritating as fuck

  11. I know a lot of girls who fake being stupid infront of men, it's incredibly infuriating, they are like different people when there are no males present. It honestly bewilders me, i'm not the sharpest tool in the box but i would i hate the idea of people thinking i'm stupid, and some girls just seem to revel in the attention it brings them

  12. I didn't look around to see if anyone here knew him but a lot of people I know have no clue who he is. A lot of people in other forums don't, either.


    Nice to finally be in a forum where people know who the hell he is <3


    You didn't see the big fuck off faith no more thread then? We're all gay for mike patton in there.



    Definantly, UKFF has the most Patton fans outside of a Patton forum that i've ever come across

  13. I didn't look around to see if anyone here knew him but a lot of people I know have no clue who he is. A lot of people in other forums don't, either.


    Nice to finally be in a forum where people know who the hell he is <3


    Mike can only be considered unconventional by those that don't know who he is, his looks are pretty mainstreamly hot. Plus he has some of the most dedicated fangirls & boys i have ever met, they almost all want a piece of him, even the straight guys.... Have you ever heard the Loveline interview?

  14. I haven't. It's on the list along with "The Women". And now "Nick and Norah's infinite playlist". It sounds heartwarming. :love:


    Dom't waste your time watching The Women, it is truely one of th eworst and most poitless films i have ever seen, they don't even bother to follow a storyline or anything, it's really bad, i usually like rom-coms. I thought 'He's just not that in to you' was a great film, i'm totally disagreeing with everything Mr Seven said about it, it was funny and highly enjoyable

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