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Posts posted by Steveo2007

  1. By the way, although I'm pretty confident of some of the responses I will get because, you know, you guys just have to feel better about yourselves right? Has anybody seen that series on the History channel called Ancient Aliens? Here's a few videos for those who haven't seen it;






    The general gist of the show is that Aliens have been around and interfering in the history of humanity since the beginning of civilisation. Great show for the tin foil hat brigade, don't you think?

  2. 2012 is getting closer, I can imagine more things like this will happen as 21.12.2012 draws ever closer.



    We're all going to die then, you know.


    I'm all for it. It's probably the only thing that will shut you and Duane up.

    Well that's not very nice is it? I'm not wishing you dead.

  3. I heard about this and I was trying to remember which film started off with birds falling from the Sky was it Armageddon?

    Wasnt it, The Core?


    Aparently some of them (in like sweden or something) died of external injuries, so make of that what you will.

    I think you maybe right, haven't watched this in years!

    Well there is the idea that the Earth's magnetic field is getting weaker, to be honest though I find this quite scary seeing as these are "unexplained"

  4. Gonna go out on a limb and admit to my liking of "Real Housewives of New Jersey". It's in the line of American "reality" TV bollocks that I usually wouldn't even think twice about, but the second season has recently finished here and I have to admit that I love it.


    Series 2 of Pineapple Dance Studios (Now called Louie Spence's Showbusiness) which looks to be just as good as the first series. That Andrew Stone's a bit of a weird one though. Still.

  5. Blimey.. this Baby Death/Swap storyline in Eastenders is so far fetched...


    Shit dont you mean.


    Turning Ronnie from 'likeable' tragic figure after Danielle's death to this bilge now has the missus in uproar,


    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    I mean if being abused by your dad, having a daughter killed by hit and run, a son die by cot death (or similar) and various others trials and tribulations she now swaps a dead baby for a live one and the audience is meant to care.. It's completely out of character and is a heel turn that isnt necessary with further emotional bollocks that completely undermines the character


    Couldn't agree more. Although I kind of liked the Stacey exit, I haven't watched much of Eastenders for a while as it's just become total shit. This being a prime example of how shit it has become.

  6. Been enjoying a few funnies recently:


    Miranda - women's humour, one the mrs likes along with Victoria Wood, that wouldn't have appealed to me years ago.

    How Not to Live Your Life - love this :)

    Peep Show - never fails to entertain.


    On a serious been it's been Ancient Civilizations, American Dream and the channel 4 WW2 in colour programme.

    I actually really like this. Kind of silly, but it reminds you of the old school sitcoms of the 70s and 80s in a lot of ways.


    American Dream's been a good series too

  7. Although it's wikileaks related, I've put it here as it deals with paranormal subject. Julian Assange was asked a question as to whether he's received documents relating to UFO phenomena and he provided this response which I thought was quite interesting. Although we don't know what the references are, it would be interesting to see.


    "Julian Assange:

    Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.

    1) that the documents not be self-authored;

    2) that they be original.

    However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs"

  8. I am a firm believer that dreams are far more important then we think they are. I spend a lot of my time taking various supplements so that I will dream more vividly and bizarrely, but most importantly more lucidly, so I am not unwilling to believe that somebody could have some sort of premonition. But coincidence should never be overlooked.


    I agree with you, but in relation to my story I wasn't dreaming, I was walking about when the thought popped into my head and the fact my wife immediately switched the conversation to premonitions was very jarring. If my dreams were a premonition, sadly I'd be spending most of my days dodging flying bananas or suddenly finding myself in a public venue sans clothes, and so on.


    Having said this and divulged the previous story, another instance comes to mind although I don't think this was a premonition or anything, I guess more a sort of demonstration of how the subconscious mind works beyond what we can comprehend. On my wedding night (or rather, in the early hours of the following morning) I awoke with a profound sense of sadness that my uncle had died. Except, as far as I'd have known at the time he hadn't. So, the next day when I was told (my uncle's immediate family kept the news from us until after the wedding), the news came as no shock to me whatsoever because I'd already accepted it. He was very ill (hence not being at the wedding) and I did know that he would not have long left, but it was a bit odd that I had such a strong sense that he'd gone that day which turned out to be correct. My timing was off by a couple of hours though, so it's not especially astounding I guess.

    I think there are things involved in the human mind that we may never understand. The statistic which says we only use 10% of our brains is shocking, and raises a lot of questions about what we would be capable of should we be able to unlock and use the other 90%. I have De Ja Vu (sp?) all the time, but what that is, despite the scientific theories, knocks me a bit when it happens.

  9. I honestly think though, that these are baby steps toward something bigger. First some scientist saying that without question there is life on other planets, us discovering microbes on Mars or some other planet in the solar system and then the natural progression to something bigger

  10. There's a White Paper about to come out which will reform our school systems.


    On the agenda is a proposal to deduct marks from GCSE results for poor spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


    My inner snob is highly relieved, because I abhor the piss-poor writing that I noticed in some of my own (undergraduate) students.


    But my reflective side isn't so sure. I see appalling English all around me in the office. Even when the English is largely OK the punctuation isn't good. Words aren't used correctly ("the solution is comprised of ... "), the writing doesn't flow.


    I was at an awards ceremony the other night where one host (an academic) used the expression "in terms of" at least nine times when introducing the winner and four runners-up. (I counted seven in the final two minutes, after I'd disdainfully registered that she'd thrown it around nonsensically on several prior occasions, including monstrosities such as "She was the first female president in history in terms of the Royal Society of Engineering.")


    And I wouldn't trust most markers to be able to determine what's correct in all cases. I recall one professor correcting my use of the past subjunctive in a hypothetical construction ("If it were ...") to the preterite ("If it was ..."). I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity to put him straight, but a kid who has submitted an exam paper wouldn't.


    So though I would wish to welcome the proposals, I can't help but think that it's hypocritical to dump on the kids, as though they're the ones bringing down previously high standards. Especially when the headline in the article that I read about the proposals is this:



    I actually agree with the proposal. Kids would largely go onto A Level and degree courses with only a very basic grasp of correct spelling and grammar.

  11. If you're waiting for the Tories to "create jobs" you'll be waiting a long time.

    Of course it's not something that will happen overnight. But the general feeling I get from people is that they see job creation in the context of the public sector growing and giving everyone work. You can only increase the private sector by reducing the public and lowering taxes, which will inevitably have a period of high unemployment until the private sector becomes confident enough to fill the hole left by the public sector. This is something the present government have openly acknowledged.


    Edited for cock-up

  12. I'm not telling or asking you to go along with anything.


    They are all a bunch of cunts in my eyes and its going to take a lot more then pandering to Daily Hail reading knuckle draggers before I take the current cunts that are in power seriously and I can just about remember just how shit things were under the last Conservative Government when the only work most people I knew could get was on the fucking fiddle so excuse me if I don't think this current lot are going to be upto scratch especially when it comes to creating jobs.


    When I start seeing "real" change for the better and not just some numbers being thrown about that says we are doing better then I may just change my tune.

    But what would you define as "real change for the better?"


    I'd define it as creating the right conditions to establish and maintain a strong private sector through lower taxation, which can only credibly be done through reducing the massive public sector spending.


    @Glen: sorry, it's just so easy to forget.

  13. I cant tell if you are being serious or if you are just being a sarcastic cunt for the sake of it.


    Why is it anyone in this thread that doesnt follow the mainstream idea that politicians are fucking us or are trying to run the poor into the ground are usually called a cunt or some other lame insult?


    It's not my fault that Steveo2007's last two posts look like nothing more then snarky bollocks.

    Well I'd love to go along with this "Tories are cunts" idea that seems to dominate the thread, but they're quite obviously the best people to deal with the deficit problem.

  14. Wasn't aimed at you, was more in the seemingly prevalent.. get the tories and the coalition at any cost type of attitude which seems to be on the increase amongst the press and various other sources.

    I'm not so sure about the press, but there will be an attitude of that type developing if the 'Tories continue down the path they are going down.

    Aiming towards responsible spending really is a bitch isn't it.

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