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Ro_y Disco

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Posts posted by Ro_y Disco

  1. I know I've missed the bandwagon, but I've gone beyond wanting an LAX t-shirt and into needing one.


    I don't really want to bother with eBay and I can't find that TNA Euroshop that was around.


    Where's the best place (cheapest, best selection) to buy TNA t-shirts online that deliver to the UK?

  2. Could anybody tell me a complete match/segment listing for Big Vision's Hardcore Homecoming/November Reign UK release double (quadruple disc) pack please? Thanks very much

    Assuming the UK release is the same as the original USA releases ...Hardcore Homecoming- introduction by Tod Gordon, Joey Styles, Cyrus, and Joel Gertner1) Mikey Whipwreck & Chris Chetti vs Simon Diamond & C.W. Anderson2) Blue Meanie vs Tracy Smothers- fallen heroes of hardcore tribute, featuring Tammy Sytch, Pitbull 1, Johnny Grunge, 911.3) 2 Cold Scorpio vs Kid Kash4) New Jack & John Kronus vs Ian & Axl Rotten5) Jerry Lynn vs Justin Credible (with Jason)6) The Sandman vs Raven (with Blue Meanie & The Musketeer)7) No-Rope Barbed Wire Match: Sabu (with Bill Alfonso) vs Terry Funk vs Shane Douglas (with Francine)The entire show was superb live, but due to editing out crowd chants and entrance music it comes across fairly poor on dvd.The main event and Lynn vs Credible are good matches, Raven vs Sandman was fun, and New Jack cut an interesting promo.November Reign1) Blue Meanie vs Danny Doring2) C.W. Anderson vs Spike Dudley3) Balls Mahoney vs John Kronus4) Shane Douglas (with Francine) vs Pitbull Gary Wolfe - Dog Collar Match- Terry Funk tribute with Tod Gordon5) Ian Rotten vs Axl Rotten - Taipei Death Match 2- appearance from Dawn Marie6) Jerry Lynn vs Justin Credible - Steel Cage Match7) Sabu & Terry Funk vs The Dudley BoyzThe cage match was very good and features a surprise run-in, the hardcore stuff was decent with flaming tables in the main event and Ian & Axl slicing eachother up - but like with Hardcore Homecoming, editing out entrance music really puts a spanner in the works.
    Thanks dopper :)
    IMO, Hardcore Homecoming is a great show, even with the editing on the DVD (although the PA system is terrible, so in that sense it remained true to the origanl ECW ;-) ). It benifits from having Joey Styles on commentry and is a very enjoyable show overall. Also, the extras on the double disc version are really great, with a couple of good XPW matches and stuff.Personally, I didn't really enjoy November Reign at all (although I only got the single disc edition). Losing Joey Styles to WWE really hurt the show. It also lacked some of the guys the first show had and only really gained the Dudleys.On the whole, despite the great start, the Hardcore Homecoming tour really lost steam as it went along and I think a lot of people might have been secretly happy when the tour ended at November Reign.WWE had similar problems when they originally had ECW as a seperate touring show, before merging it with SmackDown!The problem was the shows mainly drew due to the nostagia of the original ECW and most of the orginal talent were old and/or broken down, meaning crowds dwindled quickly.
  3. Okay, the dumbest of the dumb questions, so I appologise in advance, but the 12 year old in me is urging me to ask this:Where do WWE and co. tend to get their weapons? Tables, trash cans and so on seem to be similar in a lot of companies. Is there a company that specialises in them? Do they just take a trip to the local corner shop wherever they promote?I assume WWE is probably an exception, as there's a consistency to their weapons, and they're probably regular customers of a suplier.Any idea?

  4. A possible example is when WWE did their first Hell in the Cell match on Raw - Undertaker & Austin v Foley & Kane. WCW reacted by doing a DDP v Randy Savage cage match - the difference being, this cage had a roof on. While you may argue the concept of the roof on the cage match was created by Wargames - essentially, a WCW product - this really couldn't have been anything of a coincidence (IIRC, the Page v Savage match was decent, but looked totally low rent in comparison with HitC)...

    That's the sort of thing I was after thanks and thanks to fraserbee too.That does sound like a typical WCW response to WWF doing anything unique on a Monday night. Copy, copy copy.EDIT: A question to help out a really shitty Wikipedia article I'm trying to clean up:Am I right in refering to a barbed wire match where the ropes are left up and the wire wrapped around the ropes as a "Carribean Barbed Wire" match? I have no idea where I got the term from, but it could have been in Foley's first book.
  5. In the past or currently, has any 'top' company (WWE, TNA, WCW etc.) changed a gimmick match or similar on a show in light of what another show is offering around the same time?There's no correct answer for this, but if anyone has any examples of this happening (e.g. WWF changing a PPV stip because WCW is also promoting the same stip) or not happening (e.g. 2 rival PPV's offering up a cage match), or anyone mentioning a simlar practice in an interview etc that'd be great. Thanks!

  6. I've never seen or know anything about Armageddon 2003 and the card doesn't look particularly inspiring, but it's cheap in my local CEX and if there's lashings of claret in a match on the show or something, I may just invest in the DVD. What, specifically, made Armageddon 2003 get a UK 18 rating (as opposed ot the more usual 15)? Cheers.

  7. Question the two: What does Shawn Michaels mouth when he kneels down in his entrance? My house mate really wants to know.

    "My fucking knees..."
    :laugh::laugh::laugh: That's awesome.It's a prayer, no idea which one though. Probably something like "Thank you Lord for these extra precious years of my career, and for helping me screw Bret Hart"
    Thanks anyways. I'll prob tell my mate HBK just complains about his knees. He's a gullible sod.
  8. Question the one: Which company hosted the first Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match thingy in the USA? I think CZW claim to at their "They Said It Couldn't Be Done" show, but I swear XPW beat them at "Blown 2 Hell". Dates would rule too!Question the two: What does Shawn Michaels mouth when he kneels down in his entrance? My house mate really wants to know.Ta muchly!

  9. Maybe a stupid question, so sorry:In the old WWF logos, it's easy to make out the WWF letters- two Ws on top of one another with the right hand side forming the F. One thing that's always bugged me: in the WWE logo, are you supposed to be able to make out a similar thing (the letters WWE) or was it designed as such so they could use the 'get the F out' campaign, with just the F missing? I can obviosly see the Ws, but not really the E (not without a bit of imagination stretching).Thanks.

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