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Devon Malcolm

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Posts posted by Devon Malcolm

  1. I watched the Punk/Rollins/McIntyre segment finally and really enjoyed it.

    I wouldn't go as far to say it was one of the greatest segments in the history of our great sport or any of that but for a semi-shooty threeway angle where one of the people can't get physically involved, it was a lot of fun. The dynamic between the three is fascinating, too. Rollins and Punk actually hating each other, Punk and McIntyre doing a great job of making it look like that's the case, and Rollins and McIntyre somehow cobbling together a chemistry that makes their match seem like a big deal now. It's making for an unpredictable situation because of how it's slightly interacting with the Bloodline/Cody stuff and also in terms of what will happen in the match. In terms of selling angles and the match, it was exactly what was needed.

    I think all three of them pushed the boat out a bit too much with one or two things they said, but that's par for the course with wrestling now. It was about as good as anybody could reasonably ask for and Rollins is being dragged up to the level of Cody, Reigns, Punk and McIntyre whether he likes it or not. It feels like there's actual unpredictability with every big match they're doing this year. They've done some excellent work recently across the board. Everything is utterly chaotic and mad and it should be.

  2. Bit of a local one but I know a couple of regulars on here are visitors to HOME in Manchester, but I ain't one of them anymore.


  3. 28 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Somebody making a horror film starring Sydney Sweeney as a pregnant nun knowing I can’t possibly recommend watching it to my girlfriend without her knowing what’s up feels like a massive elaborate shithousing against ME!

    As long as you're not looking out for the side-on shots, you should be fine.

  4. Road House (Prime)

    A great time! About as stupidly enjoyable as could reasonably be expected of this. Gyllenhaal superb in the lead, three of the world's most beautiful faces for the lads (Jessica Williams, Daniela Melchior, Billy Magnussen), and, I'm sad to report, Conor McGregor is very funny. I'll have another, thanks.

  5. 31 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    No. It was flippant comment about one specific scenario, not all of wrestling. 

    Even if it was about all of wrestling, surely micro analysing everything as opposed to just watching it, enjoying at and not overthinking it is the more shallow and boring of those two scenarios? Maybe I've been watching it all wrong these past 30 years plus, I dunno.


    Nobody was micro-analysing anything. @LaGoosh asked a simple question, he wasn't asking for a thesis or anything. Nobody's advocating a deep-dive on all aspects of wrestling either. It's a wrestling messageboard, we're here to discuss and analyse wrestling. Or most of us are.

  6. Media companies will use reverse searches to find places that are using their content without taking it from the original source. They can then use statistics of it being used in other places and show them to potential advertisers. Even if they have snipped off or erased the watermark, doesn't make a difference, nobody should use clips from The Sun. And Starmer shouldn't be doing interviews with them after claiming he never would. He wouldn't want to be seen to be a completely untrustworthy lying cunt now, would he.

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