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Posts posted by DeanoTheGame

  1. DC are going about it completely backwards, if you ask me. Marvel built up a fanbase first with their Phase 1 movies, then announced Phases 2 and 3 and tie-in TV shows/comics etc. DC have announced movies all the way through to 2020 without building up a fanbase. Granted, films featuring Batman and Superman are going to attract people regardless, but Shazam and Cyborg? Seems like a crazy gamble to take off the back of Man Of Steel.

  2. I thought Ant-man was a strange choice when I first heard about the film, but I really liked the tone of the first teaser and I trust Marvel to deliver something decent. To be fair to them, I've watched everything they've released under the MCU banner (except the Daredevil show) and enjoyed all of it, bar a few iffy episodes of Agents of Shield. For me, it's the most consistently great franchise in cinema. 

  3. Yep, Aces & Eights killed my interest in TNA too. Shame as I really enjoyed the storyline to begin with. 


    For me, TNA has never been better than mid-2012 during that Aries/Roode series for the belt. I greatly preferred it to WWE back then. Although I still maintain that Jarrett vs Angle at Genesis 2009 is TNA's greatest ever match.

  4. Another vote for finishers being kicked out of.


    An indirect case in point for this is the end of the Cena V Rusev match at Mania.  Cena won after hitting a single AA, which ideally is the way it should be.  However, because in most of the recent Cena PPV matches his opponent kicks out of the first AA (and many more, see Night of Champions 2014 and Royal Rumble 2015 for example), Rusev falling to a single AA made him look weak.  I know I could look at that match as a start to restoring credibility to the AA as a finisher, but for me so much damage has been done that it is beyond redemption.


    I think the Angle Slam may be the worst finisher in this regard.  I remember Kurt Angle beat MVP with it earlier this year and I was shocked as I can't recall the last time he scored a win with it


    I felt the same about the Rusev/Cena one-AA finish. To make it even worse, Ambrose kicked out of one on Raw the very next night!

  5. TNA-esque move from WWE there, showing an advert spoiling the result of Riley vs Parker before the match happened.


    Riley was great on this though. The past few weeks he's been really good, but the backstage promo he gave before his match this week was one of the best I've heard in a while and instantly got me behind him.

  6. Main Event from around 3 weeks ago is up on the Network now, but it's listed as being from 18th February. Not sure if it's a cock-up or if Main Event is so unimportant they can pass an episode from last month off as a new episode.

  7. He was never going to slag off Kane though was he? And Kane has been a solid hand for years, it's just he's been massively over-exposed or over-used these past few years.


    Besides, him saying Bret Hart takes himself too seriously makes up for any opinions I disagreed with. Bret's probably crying right now.


    And I went to see Foxcatcher in the cinema.  Great film, but fucking heavy.  As good as the performances were, and as good as the direction was, its pace was SO slow that it really dragged in places, and they could have cut 20m from it without spoiling the effect at all.  Very powerful and I absolutely wouldn't watch it again.


    It really does drag, doesn't it? This definitely could've been around 100-110 minutes long. That's all it needed.


    Luckily, I'd avoided reading about any of the real-life happenings so it really shocked me.

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