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Chris Benoit dead


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Hart,Micheals and Hennig were all taking something Im sure. Just because they werent huge doesnt mean they werent taking it. Micheals was probably the biggest user out of those three.

They didn't look like it though, which was obviously the point.
That's it exactly.It was damage limitation. It had all been in the press about the steroid scandal and Vince's trial, so he made an effort to get rid of all the obvious users and replace them with more normal looking guys.
Definitely. I believe the old steroid testing routine lasted from late 1991 (although the policy was instituted that July) to early 1996. Thinking in terms of PR, who was or wasn't on stuff wasn't the only issue. As tiger-rick and Dirty Eddie both mentioned, it was also the overall impression the product left on viewers in terms of having some guys who looked natural. Leading up to and during the trial there was bound to be some curious viewers who tuned in to see if everyone was a roided up freaks or whether McMahon's drug testing policy was legit... At the time of McMahon's trial (June-July '94) the company's top feud on the House show circuit and the storyline being given the slow-build on TV was between Bret and Owen Hart. King of the Ring '94 which actually took place during the trial was headlined by Jerry Lawler against a very slim-looking Roddy Piper. The main event of the first Raw the week the trial ended was Bret Hart vs. 1-2-3 Kid.The next week (after McMahon had gotten off) it was Diesel vs. Lex Luger. :music: Edited by TheBigBoot
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channel 607

Cheers dude, any idea what time? :thumbsup:
10am tomorrow morning.
Thanks again, take it that won't be live then?
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Chris, please stop. A fucking blind man could see that McMahon shit himself in 1992 and tried to 'clean up' the WWF roster of any chemically enhanced monsters. You are defending the indefensible and looking pretty silly in the process.Just look at the roster from 1993 compared to 1991. It was a much more natural looking roster. The big guys were tall or fat guys, not roided to the extreme guys. They pushed Hart, Hennig & Michaels, who all looked natural, although Hennig probably wasn't. They made up the quota with freaks.

I must have been speaking a different language, because I completely agree McMahon got rid of a few guys off the back of the steriod scandal. My argument was that Bret Hart and more so Shawn Michaels got their spot because they earned it, not because McMahon was looking for a smaller person to put the belt on. Although that would be a nice bonus.
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Chris, please stop. A fucking blind man could see that McMahon shit himself in 1992 and tried to 'clean up' the WWF roster of any chemically enhanced monsters. You are defending the indefensible and looking pretty silly in the process.Just look at the roster from 1993 compared to 1991. It was a much more natural looking roster. The big guys were tall or fat guys, not roided to the extreme guys. They pushed Hart, Hennig & Michaels, who all looked natural, although Hennig probably wasn't. They made up the quota with freaks.

I must have been speaking a different language, because I completely agree McMahon got rid of a few guys off the back of the steriod scandal. My argument was that Bret Hart and more so Shawn Michaels got their spot because they earned it, not because McMahon was looking for a smaller person to put the belt on. Although that would be a nice bonus.
I agree. Saying Vince has never taken a risk on a small wrestler is just plain bollocks.
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Found this on Ebay today http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Chris-Benoit-Commemo...1QQcmdZViewItemMay be offensive to some people so don't look if you think you may be offended. Personally I think it's sick and I was quite shocked. Does anyone know ebay's policy on this type of thing?

"eBay may also, in its discretion and out of respect for the families of murder victims, remove listings of items closely associated with individuals notorious for committing murderous acts within the last 100 years, such as personal belongings of such criminals, letters or artwork created by such criminals, or novelty items that bear the name or image of the criminal."Definitely against the rules.
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Found this on Ebay today http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Chris-Benoit-Commemo...1QQcmdZViewItemMay be offensive to some people so don't look if you think you may be offended. Personally I think it's sick and I was quite shocked. Does anyone know ebay's policy on this type of thing?

"eBay may also, in its discretion and out of respect for the families of murder victims, remove listings of items closely associated with individuals notorious for committing murderous acts within the last 100 years, such as personal belongings of such criminals, letters or artwork created by such criminals, or novelty items that bear the name or image of the criminal."Definitely against the rules.
What was the item? It's been removed.
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Found this on Ebay today http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Chris-Benoit-Commemo...1QQcmdZViewItemMay be offensive to some people so don't look if you think you may be offended. Personally I think it's sick and I was quite shocked. Does anyone know ebay's policy on this type of thing?

"eBay may also, in its discretion and out of respect for the families of murder victims, remove listings of items closely associated with individuals notorious for committing murderous acts within the last 100 years, such as personal belongings of such criminals, letters or artwork created by such criminals, or novelty items that bear the name or image of the criminal."Definitely against the rules.
What was the item? It's been removed.
A T-Shirt with a picture of Chris looking at Daniel on the front with the slogan "Happy Families" and something along the lines "I bet he's thinking "You're fucking dead" on the back.Nice that some people find the brutal murder of a child to be so amusing.
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In that case I'm glad it's been removed. The person who tried to sell that needs a good smack in the mouth, which I'm sure he'd recieve if he dared to wear such a shirt to a WWE (or maybe any other) wrestling show.

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Saying Vince has never taken a risk on a small wrestler is just plain bollocks.

Taking a line out of context is plain bollocks. What I said was..."If WCW had not shown that guys like Jericho and Rey can get over huge, there is no way that Vince would have plucked them from the Indys/Mexico and pushed them - simply because he will never take a chance on smaller wrestlers. "And when he did push them, it was only after they had taken action to fit in with his vision of main event guys....wpmysterior.jpg WCWrey_mysterio_092244968.jpg WWEguerrero_eddie.jpg WCWEddieGuerrero.jpg WWEchrisjericho.jpg WWE Mid-CarderJericho0004.jpg WWE Main-Eventer.
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