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Live In Osaka Review - 17/7/07



Jimmy Rave & Genki Horiguchi vs The Briscoe Brothers - a rather convoluted opening segment results in this tag team opener. Horiguchi has the Mysterio/ Viscera contact lenses going on these days it seems. The Briscoes win a good match with the Spike Jay Driller.


In the first of many

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Well, I was a little hasty in pulling "The Larry Sweeney Show Starring Larry Sweeney" from the 6th Anniversary Show DVD (mostly due to my lovely & beautiful wife yelling at me over it). After putting together the DVD last night, I felt that this segment needed to go on so you could judge it for yourself.I stand by my apology and once again apologize if you were offended. Our goal in ROH is not to be controversial or offensive like some promotions. Our goal is to give you an enjoyable wrestling product. I still maintain that you will not see anything like this from ROH again.Hopefully we'll have this DVD out in the next few weeks. Myself and our production staff are all very proud of it with Shiozaki vs. Aries, Strong vs. Stevens vs. Necro and Nigel vs. Bryan all being stand out matches. Thank you.

Well at least we get to see it now and judge for ourselves weather it was too offensive.
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Well at least we get to see it now and judge for ourselves weather it was too offensive.

It's a work, obviously, but why are they working us like this? I can't figure out what ROH gain by delaying the release of the segment.
I love the way on the ROH board all the fans who complained against it are now saying "well done, Gabe, brave decision, look forward to seeing it"I wish Gabe's wife would intervene more often - particularly when it comes to B.J. Whitmer
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I just wrote this in a thread on the ROH forum titled "Someone please explain the appeal of Erick Stevens". I typed much more than I intended, so may as well C and P it here. It contains results of 2008 matches. I've liked Stevens from the very start of his run in ROH, when i saw him live (albeit for just seconds) at All Star Extravaganza 3. I later remembered being impressed by his potential vs Steve Madison on the FIP Impact of Honor DVD, where he wasn't great but played his role as the betrayed member of their tag team quite well, being full of fire in that Grudge Match. Then I remember the hype for Christopher Daniels' last ROH match and post-match speech, and when the DVD rolled around I was impressed by how far Stevens had advanced in the fifteen minute draw. He was hit by the abscence of Austin Aries at a key time in the Resilience vs NRC feud, as the battles between the two teams felt like they were just treading water waiting for Aries' return. Then, the Resilience really started to gel. People pick at the Resilience always losing, even in the Streetfight at DBDV Night 2, but for me, that was going to be the big loss that actually turned the tide for them. At Caged Rage, Aries threatened to dissolve the Resilience if they lost to three up-and-comers, at which point Davey Richards of the NRC forced his way into a team with Jason Blade and Eddie Edwards for a six man tag that was way better than anyone could have predicted and finished in a Dragon Gate style sprint where Stevens more than kept up with the fast paced action. He could have stuck out here, but he didn't. Stevens and Matt Cross were back to opening match at the excellent Manhattan Mayhem II show, and they won again over Quackenbush and Jigsaw in a match that was as good as it was likely to be for a ten minute opener. If anything, it was Cross who looked like the one who didn't fit in for me. Stevens got a surprise title shot at Motor City Madness '07, and for the first time heard some boos as he shockingly won the Four Corner Survival for the shot at Morishima. His opponents, Roderick Strong, Kevin Steen and Delirious had to be considered more likely to get the shot, so the reaction was largely one of surprise by the crowd as much as dislike. Stevens won most of the crowd back in the title match itself, and his mic work matched his role as the rookie powerhouse, who at this point had things to prove to himself as well as the ROH crowds. I liked the title match a lot, though Morishima was undeniably great at creating dramatic title matches by this point.Stevens shone in the concluding match of the singles series at Man Up vs Roderick Strong, providing one of Strong's best matches of '07 in a disappointing year for him in terms of match quality. It also showed Stevens could get over higher up the card. Going into the Undeniable PPV taping, there was an unusual stipulation in ROH added to the Stevens and Cross vs Richards and Romero match - the loser of the fall was to be out of ROH for (60 or 90?) days. While it was Cross who lost the fall, Stevens was then put out in an injury angle in what turned out to be a non-PPV match. This threw the DVD viewing fan in me off, as both guys were suddenly not on the DVDs. The second coming of Erick Stevens was the perfect time to try a singles push. Unfortunately, the reason for his abscence wasn't available on DVD until after his return, and his feud with Davey Richards, who put him out with the injury, was just a minor storyline when he did come back. A three month feud specifically with Richards, with Stevens coming out on top, would have been the perfect setup for his victory over Roderick Strong for the FIP title. Instead, the FIP title became his at Final Battle 2007.That said, who would have predicted Austin Aries winning the ROH World Title at Final Battle 2004? Look at how well that worked, and where Aries is now, despite the mixed reaction for the first three to four months of his reign. To his doubters, give Stevens another chance. I haven't mentioned his 2008 matches, as I'm currently half way into Unscripted III on DVD. The fact I get Stevens winning the FIP belt, and defences against Danielson and Aries soon after that, in the next few shows is something I'm looking forward to.

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ROH officials wanted to book Ibushi in dream matches that would give the fans the most action and highlight Ibushi's immense talents. Ibushi's ROH tour will see him compete in these bouts: -4/11, Boston, MA: Ibushi vs. Davey Richards -4/12, Edison, NJ: Ibushi vs. Austin Aries -4/18, Detroit, MI: Ibushi & TBA vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe -4/19, Chicago, IL: Ibushi vs. El Generico

The Genercio match should be THE shit but I can't beleive he isn't being paired up with Claudio, considering how well he works with flyers an all.Also I watched the GBH shows over weekend, what a match Morishima/Danielson was, 10 minutes of bad ass brawling with a great story, and the DQ finish fit into the context of the match perfectly. Great post match too as Nigel comes out to break up the brawl, only for Dragon to proceed to kick him in the injured bicep and then do a wonderful impression of the Jawbreaker Lariat :thumbsup: Anyone else enjoying Nigel's slow turn??? The stuff with Hero & his promo over said weekend were great.
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From Jimmy Jacobs Myspace blog...

I write this at an internet cafe in Germany. Thus far my trip has gone well and have found a lot of international support for the Age of the Fall cause. For those of you who have not seen my latest video message, it is on my front page on Myspace. I recommend everybody checks it out, as I have a had a lot on my mind and had a lot to vent about. Our Revolution is undoubtedly stronger than ever, with a new chapter of AOTF just starting in southern Indiana. I will not be at the Ring of Honor shows this weekend. As important as the ROH PPV, I will be holding a meeting for people interested in the AOTF cause. For those interested, please email me here on Myspace. And as always, go to ageofthefall.com for constant updates. On to something else that is of personal significance to me, Alex Shelley makes his big Ring of Honor return on April 18 in Detroit. My real hatred for him is multi-layered. Our history is well documented, but in recent years our paths have diverged. While he parades himself as a national tv sell out, I have started a grass roots campaign, not in search of fame and money, but a goal to make a legitimate change in this world one person at a time. While he uses his tv time to simply feed his ego, I have touched people's lives in a very real way from the bottom up. And all that aside, I do have so many unsettled personal problems with him. It was a feud that began in 2002 in Detroit, and to this day, has never gotten any resolve in my mind. Beyond that, many people seem to believe that along with his tag team partner Chris Sabin, that the Murder/Motor City Machine Guns are the best tag team in the world. Well, while they failed to defeat the Briscoes in 2007, Tyler Black and I were the team successful to finally dethrone them to become the Ring of Honor world tag team champions. With so much to prove to the world, to society, to myelf, to this business, to the fans, and to Alex Shelley, I'm making a campaign to bring our feud back to where it started. In Detroit, Michigan, the home of the Machine Guns, I'm putting the offer on the table to Ring of Honor as a company and to the Murder City Machine Guns to have the match... MCMG vs AOTF. The time to move is now.

Thoughts?Jun, I take it you saw the first two Danielson/Morishima matches as well? How did you find them? It's difficult to rate them against each other, as they each have their own different vibe going on, one following on from the other.
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The Manhatten Mayhem II match was definately my favourite, but the stories in the 2 & 3 matches are just great, both of them play their roles to perfection. Hopefully they get to have a blowoff match (Fight Without Honor, maybe a Cage) but with 'Shima winning the GHC Title if they do get to, it's only going to end one way.Edit ~ That tag should be awesome, their match in PWG was superb and it was Face/Face so with nice bit of story leading up to it it could be even better.

Edited by Jun Kasai
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Results for the 14/3 show nicked from the ROH board:

Show started 20 minutes late or so.Opener saw Roderick Strong defeat Pelle Primeau in a great opener.Roderick brutalized Pelle with chops and busted open his chin.The finish saw Roderick win with his new submission with what was being described asa reverse texas cloverleaf kind of move.Tough to explain.Crowd is hot and was being described as a better crowd than Edison.Next up they did some filming for The Wrestler.Crowd was really into it.Mickey Rourke did some highflying stuff.There is so much noise I can barely hear him when he calls me for updates.Next match is the 4-corner survival with Nigel,Erick Stevens,Claudio and BJ Whitmer.Claudio defeats Nigel with a Ricola Bomb.Match was said to be very good.Nigel was jawing with the crowd the whole match.Some more filming of The Wrestler took place.Delirious vs.Necro is up now.Delirious beats Necro when Lacey tries to give a chair to Necro but the Haze comes out and distracts Lacey which distracts Necro.Some kid comes down the ramp and tries to jump Lacey which Lacey almost hits the kid.Delirious makes kissy-face facials towards The Haze behind her back.Vulture Squad vs.Aries and Danielson is up now.Eddie Kingston is in the crowd and has bought a ticket and is harassing the ROH students.Teamwork defeats Vulture Squad when Kingston is distracting J-Train and Ruckus which allows Aries to put the Horns Of Aries on Jigsaw for the win.After the match Danielson cuts a promo saying when I do something you cheer,when Aries does something you cheer,when Ruckus does something you cheer but when Jigsaw does something all you people do is tell him to put his mask back on.More of The Wrestler taping.Brent Albright vs. Go Shiozaki is up now.Shiozaki defeats Albright with a moonsault.After the match Sweeney comes out with Bobby Dempsey.Sweeney is out with a white suit on.He offers Albright a spot in Sweet and Sour Inc.Albright responds says he doesn't associate himself with dirtbags.Then Sara Del Rey says she wants out of SNS Inc. because of what happened in NYC with Sweeney and Allison Danger.Del Rey says:Don't call me I'll call you.To what I've got the taping of The Wrestler has been very draining to the crowd and if this show was not used as a movie taping this show has been very good.Kevin Steen vs.Davey Richards is up now.Steen gets on the mic and says NRC stands for No Real Charisma.Steen wins with a package piledriver.More filming for The Wrestler.Briscoes vs.Tyler Black and Joey Matthews is up now.Match is turned into a 'ol School Southern Style Tag Match.Black and Matthews defeat The Briscoes when The Briscoes go for the Springboard Doomsday Device and Lacey slides in a steel chair and Joey Matthews hits the double-arm DDT on Mark for the win.After the match Necro comes out to join The Age Of The Fall to beat down The Briscoes then The Haze comes out and Necro grabs The Haze which brings out Delirious who clears house.Briscoes get on the mic and hype up their No Rules Tag Match agnaist the AOTF for the PPV in Philly.

Sounds like The Wrestler stuff burnt out the crowd a bit. The big news from this show is... Eddie Kingston! About f*cking time
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Vulture Squad vs.Aries and Danielson is up now.Eddie Kingston is in the crowd and has bought a ticket and is harassing the ROH students.Teamwork defeats Vulture Squad when Kingston is distracting J-Train and Ruckus which allows Aries to put the Horns Of Aries on Jigsaw for the win.After the match Danielson cuts a promo saying when I do something you cheer,when Aries does something you cheer,when Ruckus does something you cheer but when Jigsaw does something all you people do is tell him to put his mask back on.

:cool: Finally, i was wondering if he was ever going to make to ROH.
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Sounds like a pretty good show with the tag matches standing out to me as the matches I'd most like to see. Good to see Kingston making his way to RoH, should provide some good match combinations.

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Race To The Top Tournament Night 1 Review- 27/7/07



B.J. Whitmer vs Pelle Primeau - Next!


Davey Richards vs Jigsaw - ok match to kick things off. Felt a bit perfunctory, but then a guess a lot of these first round matches will. Jigsaw looked petty good in the 7 or so minutes he got. Richards wins with the Kimura Lock


Claudio Castagnoli vs Hallowicked - now this is more like it - Chikara style! Ooooh, girl. There

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Results from the 15th, swiped from the ROHBot board:

1.)Claudio Castagnoli vs. Davey Richards is up now.Claudio defeats Davey Richards with a European uppercut.2.)Ruckus & Jigsaw with Julius Smokes vs. Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn is up now.Ruckus and Jigsaw over Pearce and Hagadorn when The Vulture Squad hit a doublestomp Jig-a-tonic combo for the win.After the match Sweeney came out and offered Pearce and Hagadorn business cards and than Claudio came out and chased off Sweeney.3.)Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Brent Albright & BJ Whitmer is up now.Briscoes defeat Albright and Whitmer with a Spike Jay-Driller.This match has been the hottest match of the night and people in General Admission have already started to leave.4.)Bryan Danielson & Austin Aries vs. Nigel McGuinness & Go Shiozakiis up now.Aries and Danielson defeat Go and Nigel when Danielson has the Cattle Mutilation on Nigel and Aries has the Horns Of Aries on Go at the same time and Go taps to the Horns Of Aries.Crowd is starting to pick up steam but its not as hot of a crowd as last night.They have finished the filming for the movie The Wrestler and most of the people seated in General Admission have left.5.)Kevin Steen vs. Joey Matthews is up now.Steen defeats Joey Matthews with the package piledriver.Match is said to be alot better than their Manhattan match last month.6.)Tyler Black vs. Erick Stevens is up now.Tyler Black defeats Erick Stevens when Stevens goes for a Lariat and misses Tyler sweeps his legs and Black gets the pin.7.)FIP World Heavyweight Champion Roderick Strong vs. The Necro Butcher vs. Delirious vs. Eddie Edwards is up now.Necro wins with a Tiger Driver on Delirious.

Eddie Edwards in the main event? :angry: (In Dutch Wagonbach voice) "Oh you gotta be shittin' me"Apparently Kingston, Joker and Sabian will be at the PPV taping tonight
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