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  • 2 weeks later...
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The KRD reveal on this week's TV show is tremendous stuff. Superb.


I'm also digging BJ Whitmer as a dickhead. He's clearly enjoying himself in a similar way to Sheamus in WWE at the moment.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, who has watched Best In The World?


INCREDIBLE main event. I've only watched ROH since it's been on Destination America but it feels very fresh. Nice to see Sabin, Daniels, Kazarian, Sydal doing good and of course Styles and ROH seems to be full of exciting talent. Adam Cole, Jay Briscoe and Jay Lethal all look like stars. There is new blood like Moose and Dalton Castle and then you still have ol' reliable BJ Whitmer :p


Put this in spoilers just in case...


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
I loved the main event, though Jay Lethal seemed like the biggest dick in ROH (story wise) and then the fans (and Kelly, Corino and McGuinness did too tbf) dropped the veneer and started cheering "You deserve it". The fans and storytelling sometimes contradicts each other and I felt that hurt. Not that I wasn't ecstatic to see Lethal win the Heavyweight belt cause he's freaking awesome but still that's my minor complaint.

Edited by Cobra1000
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I'm a big fan of their entire product atm, the weeklies have normally been almost as good as the PPVs. How bloody good is Kyle O'Reilly? I could watch him compete all day, as a singles competitor, with reDRagon. he's absolutely marvellous. Him and Lethal are the ones I sneakily wanna see crop up in NXT the most

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Finding myself at a bit of a loose end last night, I decided to watch wrestling (dot ch) and check Friday's PPV out. First time I've watched a significant amount of RoH (more than clips) since The Wrestling Channel, I think. And I really enjoyed it.


Really liked:


  • Kelly & Corino (and McGuinness, when he joined for the main event) on commentary. Incidentally, I'm guessing the "King Corino" name is a rib on/homage to Jerry Lawler? (I know it's been his Twitter handle for a while)
  • The Kingdom as a quartet - 3 wrestlers I've not really encountered before, and Maria's still great. Particularly liked their ring jackets. The match with Bullet Club was a fun little spotfest
  • "Catching up with" some guys I'd not seen in a while - Styles, Sydal & The Addiction (particularly Daniels' ring jacket)
  • Liked Moose & Elgin, who again I'd never seen too much of before. I think it was the most I've ever enjoyed Roderick Strong too, possibly because he only did one ludicrously contrived backbreaker, IIRC. 
  • Mark Briscoe as a lower card lunatic.
  • Dalton Castle & Silas Young were also both relatively new to me, and great.
  • The "big fight feel" the main event generated.
  • War Machine, although I'd make them both wear exactly matching gear throughout (the trunks/leather apron thing like Hanson wears) and make Hanson shave his head so they look virtually identical.
  • Some good entrance themes knocking about, IMO.


Not so keen on:


  • Daniels being announced as "The Fallen Angel" again. The "Ring General" nickname he got in TNA (and still seems to use a bit in RoH, hence the jacket) is much more fitting for his character now.
  • Didn't see a lot in the Whitmer/Adam Page tag team. Is Whitmer's gimmick that he looks like, and is, a shitarse compared to everyone else?
  • I can live with Bullet Club being an nWo/DX hybrid gimmick, but the endless "Suck Its" got a bit much after a while.
  • Jay Lethal's finisher is a tad bit OTT with the handspring off the ropes every single time. The cutter itself would be a good finisher, with the gimmick being that he can hit it in so many different ways - sometimes the handspring, sometimes the spring back of the buckles like he did during the match, sometimes running from behind the opponent etc. etc.


Overall, very impressed. I think I'll give the weekly TVs a go from here on in.

Edited by Statto
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Yeah, I know - he's one of my favourites, and one of the few wrestlers I follow on Twitter, which actually I think is where I picked up the buzz to decide to give RoH a go.


But on commentary, he seems to just be called "King Corino" - they treat it like his first name, Kevin Kelly says things along the lines of "What's your thoughts on this, King?" - it just smacks of an inside joke callback to when Kelly worked with Lawler.


Oh yeah, I also didn't think much to Daniels' singlet.

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  • Paid Members

BJ Whitmer being an absolute dickhead as part of the angle where Colby Corino is the Decade's young boy is one of my favourite undercard TV angles in wrestling at the moment. What a prick.

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I like the look of Moose who GFW signed. For now kinda all he is is an impressive dropkick and a decent spear but he looks great when he throws himself about a bit, and I've seen him have some entertaining matches (bearing in mind he was playing NFL til 1.5 years ago). I liked the two opposing managers angle, he's got a Roman Reigns/Baron Corbin not-the-fans-chosen-one situation which is making me like him a bit more. His entrance theme is ace too. I'll check GFW if just for him

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I like the look of Moose who GFW signed. For now kinda all he is is an impressive dropkick and a decent spear but he looks great when he throws himself about a bit, and I've seen him have some entertaining matches (bearing in mind he was playing NFL til 1.5 years ago). I liked the two opposing managers angle, he's got a Roman Reigns/Baron Corbin not-the-fans-chosen-one situation which is making me like him a bit more. His entrance theme is ace too. I'll check GFW if just for him

I don't see the Reings/Corbin comparison at all. He's hugely over with the ROH crowd.

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