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By the way does anyone know the best place to get up to date ROH DVD's? ie shows from the last few months?


Either ROHwrestling.com shop for the latest releases, (although of course it's from th states) or Amerchandise.co.uk in the UK!


ROH's official shop is the best, especially if you have the Ringside Membership as you get 15% off.


You'd end up paying more if you bought from Amerchandise, or at least when I've worked it out, they've always been more expensive.

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Ok, let's get back to business


Death Before Dishonor 9

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Survival of the Fittest 2011 – 18/11/12


The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Bravado Brothers – SOTF Qualifier – the result was a foregone conclusion, but it was fun while it lasted. Doomsday Device on Harlem at 6.13 sees “Dem Boys” advance to the finals.


Kyle O’Reilly vs Andy Ridge – SOTF Qualifier – Ridge won his spot in this match by beating Grizzly Redwood in a dark match at DBD9 – a qualifier for a qualifier? Hmm. Anyway, this was Ridge’s best ROH outing by a mile. Very much an EVOLVE style match; fast-paced, lots of strikes – they packed a lot into seven minutes. O’Reilly wins by tap-out to advance; but this match convinced me that Ridge could become a player in ROH – if they give him half a chance.


Mike Bennett vs. Eddie Edwards – SOFT Qualifier – usual Bennett crap, what else can you say? A huge groan goes up when Cruise announces there’s three minutes left in the time limit; but fortunately Edwards avoids the top-rope Side Effect, and makes Bennett tap to the Dragon Sleeper. Phew.


There then follows one of ROH’s periodic production gaffes, when Davey Richards gives Kyle O’Reilly advice on the SOFT final, including dealing with Michael Elgin...who hasn’t wrestled on the this DVD yet. Fail. Tommaso Ciampa vows to qualify for the SOFT final – except of course, we already know who wins the upcoming four way. Double fail. Then Kenny King vows to qualify for the SOFT finals...except of course, we already know who wins the upcoming four-way. Triple fail.


Kenny King vs. Adam Cole vs. Tomasso Ciampa vs. Michael Elgin – SOTF Qualifier – a bit messy in places – at one point King botched a springboard and landed on his head – but it was ok for what it was. Elgin advances with a spinning backfist and a couple of powerbombs on Adam Cole.


El Generico vs. Steve Corino –I would go as far as to say that this is one of Corino’s best outings in his entire ROH career – certainly since his December 05 match with Homicide. And naturally it’s El Generico that carries him to it. Corino kicks out of two brainbusters, and hits the Old School Bomb just as the 15 minute time limit expires. There’s no overtime, but Generico does shake Corino’s hand after the match though. Great storytelling and some solid wrestling too.


Roderick Strong vs. Rhett Titus – SOTF Qualifier – a bit of a nothing match in theory; and so it proved to be in practice. Strong really ought to be putting out feelers to DG:USA – he’s done everything he can in ROH, he’ll never get another World Title run; time to move on. Nothing much happens for 14 minutes; Truth Martini gets involved (what a wash-out he’s been as a manager), and Strong gets the win with the Flying Helluva kick. Ho hum.


Davey Richards & Jay Lethal vs. World’s Greatest Tag Team – well this was an extremely pleasant surprise. Wasn’t expecting much from this at all; but I’d go as far as to say that this was WGTT’s best outing in ROH to date. They managed to keep the pace with Lethal and Richards, and it certainly didn’t feel like a 23 minute match. Haas makes Lethal tap to the Haas of Pain.


Michael Elgin vs. Roderick Strong vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Jay Briscoe vs. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Eddie Edwards – SOTF Final – first things first; the double missed dropkick/ stand-off spot is SO overused in ROH it’s unreal. Thankfully this was better than last year’s dire SOTF final; and as far as the SOFT canon goes, 2011’s final occupies a mid-card spot – not as bad as 2010 or 06, but not really reaching the heights of 04, 05 or 09. The highlights of the first 20 minutes include the Briscoes giving O’Reilly a thumping, and a series of dives that culminates with Elgin hitting a moonsault from the top to the floor. Eddie Edwards eliminates Jay with a cross-special brainbuster at 18.21, and then makes Mark tap to a rather unconvincing Dragon Sleeper at 18.37. Truth Martini takes a ridiculous comedy bump on the apron, which knocks O’Reilly off the top through a table on the outside – that’s another spot that seems to happen on every ROH card. Edwards gains another fairly weak elimination by rolling up Roderick Strong at 20.41. Michael Elgin takes umbrage at this and smashes Edwards with a Spinning Backfist and Lariat to send him packing at 20.58. It has to be said O’Reilly’s facial expressions as he sold the bump through the table and pulled himself back into the ring were hilarious – looks just like a chimp! Tremendous crowd heat for O’Reilly though. It’s not to be for him however, as Elgin gets the victory at 32.00 with his spinning powerbomb, which I hereby christen Spin City. You can’t argue with the booking of the final two men, it made both O’Reilly and Elgin look like stars – it was almost on a par with the Aries/ Danielson exchanges of 04.


Overall – after a couple of poor shows, a return to form for ROH.




EDIT - According to the WO, 10th anni show did 1,300 people on the gate and 2,000 internet buys.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Standards must be really low in ROH these days if 2000 internet buys is considered good for an anniversary show. Chikara did just under that a few months ago, and they arent an established promotion like ROH is. ROH has hit the wall for me. Its no longer a nich

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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It is in quite the embarassing state now.


For all the good that should have come from the business developments, they've actually forgotten the key to success - booking a good product and developing good wrestlers.


Having lost all their best wrestlers to FCW/TNA/WWE, they've failed to pull a decent roster together now, and it's a big shame.


I'll stick to old DVDs and whatnot I think. Sadly I was quite excited about the prospect of regular TV etc, but now it's a product I don't even want to see.

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The key to ROH is to keep it simple. For starters they employ far too many extra's like Brutal Bob, Ernesto Osiris and Prince Nana. They bring in guest talent that people don't want to see like BJ Whitmer, Homicide and Rhyno. They have too many tournament gimmicks like March Mayhem, SOTF, Blind Destiny etc. They have signed talent like Mike Mondo, Mike Bennett and Tomasso Ciampa to contracts despite the fact they aren't the kind of wrestlers that the fans want to see.


If you want to watch an independant company that keeps it simple and is easy to keep track of with great wrestling then do what i did. Jump over to PWG.


Also, the upcoming Evolve cards with Finlay, Callihan, Low Ki and Generico look far more appealing than what ROH is offering. Throw in the DG guys and i think Gabe may start to pull fans away from ROH.

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As gadge noted, with SBS behind them ROH are relatively safe financially. PWG, while having a superior product atm, don't really make much money-wise, thats why they only run ten shows a year these days. With DGUSA, I'd be amazed if they make a profit, but I assume as long as DG are doing ok in Japan, its not really an issue.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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It's kinda frustrating, I want to say I'm still a die hard ROH fan. I wish I could say I still love the company and try to support it in any way, but I just can't. When I first heard about ROH I felt like it was a great idea and have followed it since, but I haven't seen a single show after Final Battle. That show was so bland and silly, I watched the Steen and Corino match and just felt like it was the shit I wanted to get away from (I liked the Steen character but they walked from stupid spot to stupid spot).


I remember seeing ROH live and being blown away top to bottom by the great card, great booking, and excellent wrestlers that did connect on some level. I just don't feel like anymore. I feel more passionate about NXT than ROH these days, which is kinda sad in my opinion.

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