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According to PWInsider.com, Ring of Honor booker Delirious is currently on tour with the Japanese promotion Pro Wrestling NOAH to not only wrestle, but to talk with the NOAH officials about possibly setting up a regular working agreement once Ring of Honor goes to a more full-fledged touring schedule in 2012. While Ring of Honor talent such as Roderick Strong and Eddie Edwards have been making apperances for NOAH in the past year, this would allow NOAH stars like KENTA and Namoichi Marufuji, who have made ROH apperances in the past, to start coming back in for shows here in the US with ROH and have almost a "swapping of talent" type of agreement between the two.



This is excellent news, i've missed the NOAH guys in ROH

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According to PWInsider.com, Ring of Honor booker Delirious is currently on tour with the Japanese promotion Pro Wrestling NOAH to not only wrestle, but to talk with the NOAH officials about possibly setting up a regular working agreement once Ring of Honor goes to a more full-fledged touring schedule in 2012.



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The NOAH guys would certainly give the current product a shot in the arm. If only they could kiss and make up with Dragon Gate; but with Gabe at the helm, this seems unlikely.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Champions vs All Stars - Richmond, VA - 14/1/11


2011! Yay!


Roderick Strong vs Christopher Daniels - This is set up by a show-opening Strong promo where he delights in his Final Battle victory over Davey Richards, then says Daniels is the weak link in the team of Champions for the Champions vs All Stars main event. Daniels naturally objects and the match is on, until that is when the Kings of Wrestling try to break it up and Daniels manages to pin Strong in the confusion at 8:07. The seven and a half minutes or so until the KOW appeared felt much longer and mostly featured Roderick's heel clubbering routine. Not good, but the surrounding angle was OK.


The Bravado Brothers vs Andy Ridge & Grizzly Redwood - You know you're watching a B show when this gets on a main card. It's inoffensive I guess, and after several attempts Ridge manges to hit his "Right Leg" superkick, which gets him and Redwood the win at 8:43. This is your post-Trial Series push, Andy.


Adam Cole vs Mike Bennett - Bennett in ROH here is reminiscent of Chris Masters in WWE in 2005 - A good look, but with a really limited, basic repertoire which means the quality of his matches is almost entirely dependent on who's carrying him. He might be a decent wrestler in a few years, but pushing him while he's as bland as this is bound to overexpose him by then. Naturally he gets the win here after a nasty looking Buckle Bomb followed by a Generic Seated Side Slam at 11:32, but it's Cole who gets the round of applause and the crowd chanting for him afterwards. That tells the whole story by itself really, though this was a watchable undercard encounter .


Before the next match, the Kings of Wrestling come out and try and get El Generico and Davey Richards to wrestle each other to "make things fair" after Roderick and Daniels wrestled earlier, and when that fails miserably they jump their opponents, with the Briscoes quickly making the save. We'll see if this was worthwhile when we get to the main event...


Homicide vs Rhett Titus - The usual from Homicide here - this was alright when they brawled early, but messy at best when they got back in the ring. Rhett gets to kick out of Homicide's Ace Crusher and Lariat, but then gets busted by a headbutt in a strike exchange and pinned after a tame looking brainbuster at 12:14. There's a backstage promo from Titus immediately afterwards which is made more compelling by him only being semi-coherent.


Steve Corino vs Caleb Konley - Corino begins his road to redemption with a promo and a throwaway match with Bland Spanky. No bad behaviour from Corino, though he teases the thumb in the bum then switches to rollup for the pin at 6:33. Nothing to see here really.


Colt Cabana vs Caprice Coleman - Talk about from a blast from the past here, with Coleman making his first appearance since 2004 I think. Cabana lets Coleman one-up him on a bunch of his trademark Euro spots but counters a frog splash with knees and rolls him into a cradle for three at 10:16. Coleman gets a "Please Come Back" chant afterwards, but the match was just good-ish, not brilliant.


Kenny King vs Kyle O'Reilly - A bit of a weird one this, at 12:21 long it plays out like a 20 minute match missing 8-10 minutes of middle. Exhaustion spots just five minutes in seem out of place, and they never step up to their top gears. O'Reilly seems to spend the second half going for MMA-style submissions out of desperation, and it's no surprise when King battles out of a triangle choke and hits the Royal Flush for the pin.


Roderick Strong, Christopher Daniels & The Kings of Wrestling vs Davey Richards, El Generico & The Briscoes - Well, this is a long one, but despite that still comes across very much as a B show main event. There's plenty of good and solid, but really nothing that remarkable. I liked the fact they didn't have a proper face off between Strong and Richards until 25 minutes in, and the period before that went by pretty quickly, which is a good sign, but after that is anticlimatic with a finish that didn't feel like it should be the finish. Mark Briscoe pins Christopher Daniels with the frog elbow off the top at 32:48 to a resounding WTF from everyone.


Overall - 2011! Yay! The first show of the year is always completely irrelevent though, and this one doesn't buck that trend. The Richmond crowd were alright in terms of numbers and reactions, but they only got a house show here. DVD run time is 2 hours, 40 minutes. This could only be considered good value for money if you also want the best of American Wolves bonus disc that comes with it, including the Tables match from HDNet where the Wolves win the titles, Tag Title Classic vs Danielson and Black, Violent Tendencies vs KENTA and Strong and more...

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Yay indeed. As Da Gadge starts on 2011, I finally get around to starting 2010. It is worth pointing out that I was actually once ahead of him, too.


The catch-up continues with:


SoCal Showdown - 29 January 2010 (Los Angeles, CA)


This was the show that ROH promoted at the hotel in conjuction with the WrestleReunion event in LA. California's own PWG also ran there the next night.


Speaking of PWG, the opening match features 4 of their regulars in Colt Cabana & El Generico vs. Scott Lost & Scorpio Sky. As far as I recall, this would be Lost and Sky's first ROH appearance. At this time over in PWG, Lost was getting quite the singles push, with wins over former champions and big names, so it will be interesting to see how he is treated here. Commentator here is JOE DOMBROWSKI, who some may remember for being absolutely awful for 1PW a number of years ago. The match itself was a good one, in my eyes. A rather exciting, enjoyable and very watchable 10-minute bout. A Helluva Kick-Colt45 chain combo from Generico and Cabana gives them the win, showing them gelling well as a new team following the events of 'Final Battle 2009'


Necro Butcher vs. Erick Stevens is an "Anything Goes" match and the next chapter in the seemingly endless Necro vs. Embassy feud. There is no Prince Nana here at WrestleReunion. Boo. Necro comes out carrying a crutch and a roadsign. Starts with a typical brawl through the crowd and round the building, standard Necro Butcher fare really. One of those things that live fans get a kick out of but doesn't often translate well to the home viewer. It is at this point I notice that one of the referees at ringside is PWG's RICK KNOX. A marvellous individual. Bout trundles along at a clubbing, pounding, plodding heavyweight pace. Embassy's Joey Ryan comes out to help (to a big reaction - he's a popular figure in SoCal) but accidentally nails Stevens with the roadsign. The buffoon. Butcher then scores the win with a cheeky roll-up from behind. Ryan and Stevens beat on Butcher post match. The whole segment was a bit "meh" really, and it seems this feud must continue...


Yet another offering of Roderick Strong vs. Delirious next, reprising their feud from the No Remorse Corps days and also rematching from a few shows ago. I hated that last bout bad, so can't say I was looking forward to this. Dombrowski in commentary manages to explain the Pick Six concept at work in this one better than anyone else has managed to so far, meaning even I now fully understand how it works. Thankfully, this bout was much more intense and competitive than last time they met, like they are actually fighting for the win because the Pick Six means something to them. That was distinctly lacking from the last match, and it was so dull. Strong drops Delirious back-first on the ring apron, then rolls him back inside for the pin. Delirious stays down and the referee counts three... before saying it was only a TWO COUNT and the match continues. What the fuck is going on? Boo. Strong continues by hitting the Sick Kick and a Gibson Driver, this time for the 3. Strong stays in the Pick Six and the commentators ty to play it up as him being right in the middle of the title picture. Really?


More Pick Six action follows immediately after with Tyler Black vs. Joey Ryan. You see, Tyler is stillin the Pick Six despite failing to wrest the title from Aries at 'Final Battle'. Crowd is almost totally pro-Joey, as anyone would expect in SoCal against a guy the fans are starting to tire of. Well, anyone except Balck himself, it would seem, as he tries to get a clap going at the start of the match and is booed down. LOL. As the bout develops, commentators try to rebuild Black as a credible title challenger, despite him blowing all those chances, ahead of his rematch at the 8th Anniversary Show in New York next month. Pretty decent match, this. Fans were well into it and genuinely believed on a couple of occasions that Ryan had Tyler beat (inclusing a WONDERFUL nearfall off his trademark superkick). Tyler reverses an oma plata into the buckle-bomb, and then counters a Mustache Ride attempt into the God's Last Gift package brainbuster for the victory. Like I said, good match.


Jerry Lynn vs. Kenny King. Grudge match, based on King taking Lynn out for months with a piledriver on HDNet. Good King pre-match promo in the ring draws great heat, so immediately gives Lynn huge fan support, something he wasn't getting at the end of his last run here. I suppose the WrestleReunion crowd will nostalgia-pop for Lynn too. They fight on the floor and King ends up in the crowd. Lynn takes a running dive over the barrier onto King. This grudge scenario gives Lynn an intensity and an edge, rather than him just running through all of his moves as normal. King blasts Jerry with his own cradle piledriver, seemingly putting him out again. He doesn't cover, however, and Lynn is able to roll him up in a small package out of nowhere for the win. After, King goes for Lynn with a chair, but Lynn dropkicks it back itno his face. Lynn claims the chair and cradle piledrives Kenny right onto it. REVENGE. As a result, though, the referee reverse the decision and gives King the DQ win. I love how it is always Todd Sinclair as the referee who has to make these calls. Champ Austin Aries runs out to check on his buddy. Match was okay.


Before Kevin Steen vs. Human Tornado, we are shown Steen backstage. He says he wants to finally achieve what he knows he can, with no-one holding him back anymore. He refuses to even refer to El Generico by name. The story coming out of 'Final Battle 2009' is that people are sticking up for Generico and are out to get Steen for what he has done. Human Tornado was Generico's PWG tag partner in 2 Skinny Black Guys, who had a run there as World Tag Team Champions a few years back and reformed for a bit in 2009. Tornado hits a huuuge hilo dive to kick-start the match and is all over Steen. Commentators mention that STEVE CORINO has been in the ear of Steen, poisoning his mind. What? Where did that come from?!? Tornado continues the assault with his step-kicks, but Steen cuts him off and goes to work. Match was designed to show the new 'killer instinct' of Steen now he is out for himself. He snatches a cameraphone from a ringside fan and saves a picture of him standing on Tornado's throat... and then one of his balls, before handing it back. Ahem. Follows up with a Sack of Shit spot into the barriers. Back inside, Tornado comes back with the POUNCE!! (for once, a show was not missing a POUNCE - inside joke) and a pimp slap, but Steen fights them off to hit a powerbomb and a package piledriver for the win. Steen continues the attack, prompting Colt Cabana out for the save. Cabana is trying to get through to Steen and find out "Wassup", but Steen has no answers and leaves through the crowd. Good match, effective at establishing the new direction for Kevin Steen in 2010.


Somewhat of a unique attraction bout next, with Austin Aries vs. Jushin 'Thunder' Liger in a non-title contest. Liger still has the coolest entrance theme in wrestling. Since I stopped following NJPW more than 5 years ago, it's been ages since I last heard it. I should also point out that, in the course of writing up this review, I repeatedly keep accidentally typing "Ligero" instead of "Liger". Damn you British-Mexican fiend for infiltrating my subconscious. Customary A-Double speech to start, where he rips on Liger's and the LA crowd's inability to speak English. He starts ragging on Liger's costume before asking "DO YOU SPEAKY ENGRISH? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH??"... to which Liger responds....."YOU....ASSHOLE". Everyone go YAY!. Liger hits brainbuster on the floor in the opening minutes of the match. "Could be some serious damage done" says Dave Prazack on commentary. I'd fucking say so, yes. Aries does manage to get back in, and they proceed to have a really great pro wrestling match. In a great spot, Aries goes for the Heatseeking Missile tope, but Ligero side-steps it and he crashes hard into the barriers. They begin tussling over finishers in the ring, then A-Double does manage to hit the Heatseeking Missile on second attempt. Aries goes for a brainbuster but Liger reverses into one of his own. Liger Bomb for a terrific near fall. Aries with the running dropkick and a brainbuster for 2. The crowd is all like "This is awesome!" and stuff. Aries misses the 450 splash and Liger goes for the running palm strike. Aries drags the referee in the waay, hits a low blow and ANOTHER brainbuster for the win. I really liked this bout. Shorter and more condensed than your typical ROH "epic classic", but excellently worked and presented. Seeing as though the star ratings system is getting quite a bit of attention at the moment, I'd personally but this one at ***3/4. Great fucking match. Standing ovation for Liger (not Ligero) afterwards.


American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) & Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Briscoes (Jay & Mark) and Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) is the big 8-man tag team main event of this show, I guess intended to be a showcase of what ROH's tag team division is al about by featuring the top 4 teams. Bout is also notable for Claudio debuting his Speedos look in ROH. Babyfaces take it in turns to work over Edwards for a while, before heat on Jeremy Buck; the heel combos taking it in turns to blast him with various double-teams coming off tags. Hot tag to Matt, who hits all kinds of individual flashy, flippy stuff. Hero nails Matt with various elbow strikes, before the Kings smash Matt J and Mark B with some spectacular double-team moves. Breaks down with all 8 getting in on the action at the same time, during which Richards hits a moonsault from the 2nd buckle to the pile on the floor. Big moves aplenty now. The bout has built well and it is all exciting stuff. Now it's time for the Wolves to show off their double-team offence, ending when Edwards taps out Nick with a single-leg Boston Crab. Another good match I'd put at ***3/4, and did its job of showing off the ROH tag team ranks.


Bonus DVD content time!! As well as the Video Wire YouTube show recapping the event, building Dark City Fight Club for a shot at the Briscoes and featuring a segment where Steen and Cabana officially end their friendship, there is another match from the live show which is, get this, SCOTTY 2 HOTTY vs. LARRY ZBYSZKO. Now this, this is something I must see. JOHNNY FAIRPLAY from Survivor and just about every North American wrestling promotion at some point is the guest referee, who makes his entrance with some absolutely horrid skank whore. "Which one's Johnny (clap clap clapclapclap)?" chant the fans. Not lying, I LOLed a little. Fairplay says that every world champion in history has sucked, with the exception of David Arquette. Scotty comes out to his old WWF theme music, doing the same act as he had for the last 11 years. Like you would ever want to see him do anything different. Get this, though: Scotty was BOOED by the ROH fans. Good god in heavens you people are literally just the worst people in the entire universe. Lots of stalling from Larry as the fans chant "This is bullshit (clap clap clapclapclap)". FUUUUCCCKKK YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUU. Fans sit booing the match, even booing the tease of The W.O.R.M. I give up. Fairplay grabs Hotty, then delivers a fast count when 'Living Legend' rolls him up. Seems obvious that Fairplay will end up the recipient of The Worm now, then, except COLT CABANA runs in, knocks Scotty down and delivers his own ridiculously crappy version. So Scotty didn't even get to do the Worm? Waste of time.


Overall, this was an enjoyable show. Nothing spectacular, but plenty enough to make it a worthwhile viewing choice. Sets a good direction for ROH in 2010.

Edited by Big Benny HG
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Gadge was once miles ahead of me as well - at one point I was just under a year behind. The fact that ROH stopped running so many shows helped me catch up.


Incidentally Fatty Steen won the PWG title from Claudio last night, which seems to indicate that the latter is WWE-Bound.

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8th Anniversary Show - 13 February 2010 (New York, NY)


Back in NYC so soon after 'Final Battle 2009' for another major show headlined by Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black for the ROH World Title. Yeah, the last one went down well. DVD opens with Tyler sat backstage, talking about how many times he's failed in World Title matches. Don't we know it. Of course, he says tonight he is the best Tyler Black he ever has been and will get the job done.


Despite being a major show in ROH's calendar, this show wasn't being broadcast on iPPV, by the way.


Roderick Strong vs. Brian Kendrick, kicking off the show proper, is announced as the "first time ever in ROH". I'm tryig to think if they'd ever fought up to this point in PWG. Can't remember, not going to bother checking. Pick Six bout. Short, but competitive and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Kendrick gets a nearfall from a tornado DDT. Strong uses his Freaky Retard Strength to power Kendrick into a gutbuster, follows up with the Sick Kick and then uses the Gibson Driver for the win which keeps him in title contention.


Before The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) vs. The Bravado Brothers (Lance and Harlem?), we get to hear some backstage pre-match thoughts from the Bravados, who are dudes from the ROH Wrestling Academy. They say this is their chance and will make an impact. I say these greasy little fuckers are about to get themselves killed. KOW come out with the utterly pointless Sara Del Ray and Shane Hagadorn and are super-popular here in New York. The Kings do, in fact, proceed to kill these greasy little fuckers. Massive KRS-1 brings this squash to a close. Made KOW look ridiculously impressive.


Necro Butcher & Eddie Kingston vs. Erick Stevens & Joey Ryan, in yet another chapter of Necro vs. Embassy, is announced as having "No Rules". Erm, so how exactly are you supposed to win? Butcher and Kingston have 100-year old hardcore wrestler GYPSY JOE in their corner for this one. Massive brawl. Well, duh. It should be pojnted out that Ryan was wrestling this streetfight in what appeared to be white slacks. Necro does the Mr Socko claw on Stevens, before Stevens later powerbombs Kingston off the apron onto the ringside table. A confrontation between Ryan and Joe allows Necro to wrap a PLASTIC BAG around the head of Joey for the win via referee stoppage. So there are rules, then. Not much to this, an unremarkable match and I guess this feud must continue until, well, forever.


2009 tag rivals square off in singles action next, with El Generico vs. Davey Richards. Generico's new partner, Colt Cabana, was in his corner to coutner-act the presence of Hagadorn in Richards'. Richards gets the better of the early mat wrestling exchanges and Generico is hesitant, like his head isn't in the game. A pep-talk from Cabana seems to motivate him and he flies back with armdrags aplenty. Davey takes over, beating him up. Generico's selling continues t be excellent, really drawing me into the match. Richards working over the arm and shoulder of his masked opponent. Generico back with a fabulous flip dive over the ropes to the floor and then a great near-fall off a Michinoku Driver. At this point, they were trading big moves for 2 counts, each giving it all to go for the win. Intense and exciting and the crowd was well into it. Richards got desperate and went up top, only to miss a shooting star press. Generico with the Helluva Kick and a flipping Van Terminator for another fabulous false. Richards throws Generico about with a couple of German suplexes, follows up with a kimura, then transitions into a cross armbar for the tap out win. After, Richards actually goes to shake the hand of his opponent, only for Generico to slap him. "He's not acting like himself" is the story. Excellent match; ****.


Briscoes (Jay & Mark) vs. Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis & Kory Chavis) for the ROH World Tag Team Titles. The teams fought to a double DQ a few shows back and the build has continued on HDNet. Beforehand, we are treated to an incomprehensible backstage Briscoes promo. I think I heard the words "Man Up" in there. DCFC quickly isolate Mark and duff him up. Commentators mention how the Kings of Wrestling have been granted a tag title shot at 'The Big Bang' in Charlotte, the next iPPV. Erm, how, exactly? Hot tag to Jay and the teams go toe-to-toe before a spike Jay-driller on Davis seals the win in quick fashion. Not up to much, this one. Afterwards, KOW ambush again and there is a big 3-way fight. Locker room empties to break it up.


Pick Six series continues with Kenny King vs. Delirious vs. Steve Corino vs. Rasche Brown, King being the guy in the rankings. Corino looks really fat in his return to ROH. King and Corino form an alliance and fight off the babyfaces. Commentators claim that Rashe Brown was once hit by a semi-articulated loory and lived. I hope that isn't a Matt Strikerism, because that's awesome. Brown fights off all 3 opponents, ending with a distinctly ungraceful dive/fall over the ropes to the floor. Corino turns on King, who is then hit by a Rasche Brown spear. Delirious follows up wth Shadows Over Hell on King for the win while Brown and Corino fight. Joe Dombrowski, still on commentary, explains the ramifications for the Pick Six. I've enjoyed the Pick Six, since it creates meaning for all these otherwise pointless midcard singles matches and makes it feel like they are fighting for something, like wins matter, but why couldn't they have explained it all like this months ago? Unremarkable match.


Kevin Steen vs. Colt Cabana continues the situation arising from 'Final Battle 2009', where Steen turned on partner EL Generico and Cabana has being trying to mediate and find out what the hell is going on in Steen's head. Cabana takes the mic and again tries to heal the rift, but Steen is having none of it and the fight is on. Cabana noticeably showed a more serious side with none of his usual messing around or tomfoolery. Steen goes to the outside and looks like he is going to get himself counted out, but Cabana gets on the mic again and calls bullshit. Corino is out next, screaming at Steen "Get in the ring, Kevin! You know what you have to do! Do it for me!". Seems the deal is Corino is brainwashing Steen. Cabana nails Corino and tells Steen to stop listening to him. Generico out now, and he and Steen stand face to face. Generico, however, refuses to blast his former friend with a steel chair, so Steen, showing no such hesitation, whacks him and puts him in a crossface until Cabana makes the save. Steen and Corino bail out. Match itself was thrown out, by the way. As a match, this wasn't anything. As an angle to advance the story, which this obviously was, I found it intriguing and gripping. Took the Steen vs. Generico situation further, while developing the roles of Corino and Cabana.


So, this leaves Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black for the ROH World Title. To save a repeat of the 60 minute draw at 'Final Battle' and ensure there is a rightful winner, this time they had 3 judges at ringside who would award victory in any case of the match not going to a clear decision. Executive Producer Jim Cornette, Aries' choice Kenny King and Black's choice Roderick Strong comprised the judging panel. Just like X-Factor. Or not. Story is that King would obviously favour Aries, Cornette would play it fair and so it could come down to which way Roderick goes. Considering his own title ambitions and series of bouts against Black, that is actually an interesting twist that goes beyond boring old Black vs. Aries for the umpteenth time. Video package shows clips of all the previous Aries vs. Black bouts. In the early going, Black actually has a decent amount of crowd support, which is surprising considering what happened last time. He still gets a lot of boos as well, but plenty of cheers. The 'Final Battle' bout was actually a really good match for the first 30 minutes, before it all went to hell, and this too was a splendid encounter. Aries goes after the neck of Black, but Tyler fights back and dives onto Aries in the crowd. Aries hits a Death Valley Driver on the apron and tries to go for the countout win, the same strategy as last time. Tyler managed to stand up, so Aries hits the Heatseeking Missile. Inside, there are nearfalls off a Rubix Cube, running dropkick, Phoenix splash, brainbuster and a 450 splash. "This is awesome" chants New York, in a bit of change in reaction to last time. Tyler hits God's Last Gift for another 2 and climbs up top to go for another Phoenix splash. Kenny King jumps on the apron to interfere, Roderick jumps up and takes King out but accidentally knocks Tyler from the top rope. Black and Strong argue, ending with Black superkicking Strong to the floor. Jim Cornetteis up next to protest, so Black gives him a superkick too. With the judges all down, "IT'S GOING TO BE DECIDED IN THE RING!!!" proclaim the commentators. A superkick, buckle-bomb, superkick, Phoenix splash combo series (reminiscent of pther ROH World Title changes) is enough to finally give Tyler the win... and the belt. At around about 20 minutes, this was a much better match than 'Final Battle'. Exciting, tense and dramatic with several other twists due to the judges' involvement, I got a kick out of this one. ***3/4.


Entire babyface roster comes out to help Tyler celebrate the end of Aries' reign of terror, but Roderick Strong is not happy, snatches the microphone and declares that he wants a title shot before storming out. Black continues to celebrate as the show ends.


Bonus material is weak, only including the Video Wire YouTube show wrapping up this event and hyping the tournament for the new TV Title on HDNet.


8th Anniversary Show was nowhere near as good as the last ROH major event, which also happened to be in this building just 2 months earlier, in terms of being a better overall event. Having said that, Richards/Generico and Aries/Black are cracking matches better than anything on Final Battle and the Steen/Cabana/Corino/Generico situation is absolutely enthralling. Worth checking out.

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Some EVOLVE related news - apparently the reason Shiima Xion pulled out of E9 is that he just signed for TNA

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Damn, I was looking forward to seeing him! I'm really not having great luck between this and UFC133. I just hope Davey is well enough to for the ROH taping.

Should still be a good show; I'm leaving the hostel in half an hour to get there. Looks a good location.


PS He should be facing Pinkie Sanchez, and the match is now Sanchez vs Lince Dorado

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I feel bad that the one and only time I got to see Shima Xion, I boo'd him as he was facing SJK for one of the Philly feds that used to run the ECW Arena.


The irony of my actions being that due to Keenans fan support at the previous show - Aka 5 or so people - He was turned face at the next.


Happy to see Lince get booked tho, his career has floundered since he appeared mask-less in that Scott Hall video.

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Ah, I wondering what had happened to Lince after he got the boot from Chikara. Is Evolve 7 ever going to be released on DVD?

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Can we steer clear of posting PWG spoilers in here from now on? I've decided I'm gonna follow it spoiler free.


Ok - sorry! :)

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