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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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Popped over to the ROH forum to read some more in-depth results. What a bunch of fanboy cunts. Instead of discussing the product, they're all full of "omg more value in this than WM!" and all that shit. WHO CARES? FFS, I watch ROH AND WWE, and even DG and TNA sometimes. Shocking hey?


Pisses me off when people are more interested in slagging off the opposition than discussing the product they supposedly love. It's the same mentality that TNA have in terms of attacking WWE rather than focusing on their plus points.


No wonder I hardly ever go over there.

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ROH are so bad for those kinds of things it's been glossed over now. It's not a case of "we don't want to complain about it". DDD does complain about a fuckload of ROH stuff so why wouldn't he complain about that? I think it's more a case of "we're used to it".


Plus, WWE aren't bush league enough for it to happen that often. Do you even see time limit draws in WWE anymore?

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Is this really a complaint about 1 minute extra because thats just stupid if the match was good then why complain i don't think there is any normal situation where 1 minute over the time stated at the start of the match would ever be an issue no matter what company it was for.

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ROH are so bad for those kinds of things it's been glossed over now. It's not a case of "we don't want to complain about it". DDD does complain about a fuckload of ROH stuff so why wouldn't he complain about that? I think it's more a case of "we're used to it".


It's not the first time it's happened, the notorious Tyler Black/ Nigel McGuinness match from 2009 springs to mind.


Quick results from DG:USA Mercury Rising 2011 :


* Jon Moxley defeated Arik Cannon via pin

* Brodie Lee won a six-way elimination (Order of elimination: Stalker Ichikawa, AR Fox, Silas Young, Jon Davis, Jimmy Jacobs)

* Masato Yoshino defeated Sami Callihan via submission

* Open the Brave Gate Title Match: Pac

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Evolve 6 : Aries vs Taylor - 20/11/10


Drake Younger vs. Silas Young- Younger has allowed his hair to grow and dyed it blond; he looks like a chav. An average opener, Young hits the headstand into an Arabian press t hand Younger his first defeat in EVOLVE.


Rich Swann vs. Scott Reed vs. Tony Nese vs. A.R. Fox

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Bobby Fish deserves to be in that list more than once his matches with Hero and Castagnoli were both awesome. I have been semi impressed with evolve so far, some decent matches and some really bad ones but the shows seem to lack any kind of flow and alot of the time seem to just be random matches.

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Mine, minus E6 as I haven't seen it yet, would be (live bias for a fair amount)


1: Bobby Fish vs Bryan Danielson - E4

2: Davey Richards vs Kota Ibushi - E1

3: Bryan Danielson vs Munenori Sawa - E5

4: Bobby Fish vs Chris Hero - E3

5: Munenori Sawa vs TJP - E1

6: Chris Hero vs Ikuto Hidaka - E2

7: Kyle O'Reilly vs Ricochet - E5

8: Claudio Castagnoli vs Chuck Taylor - E3

9: Bobby Fish vs Kyle O'Reilly - E1

10: Sami Callihan vs Arik Cannon - E4

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  • 2 weeks later...
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EVOLVE 5: Danielson vs Sawa - 11/9/10 -


Chuck Taylor vs Mike Quackenbush - I knew I was going to be let down a bit by this when I saw it was going on first, as early matches in EVOLVE never go that long. I was proved right, as things still feel like they are getting going when Quack ends Chuck's winning streak abruptly with a roll-up after nine minutes. This is still a solid start to the show, but nothing more.


Up In Smoke vs Aeroform - Another solid but short encounter, Up In Smoke win again to go 3-0 at 7:40. You have to wonder if the tag division in EVOLVE is ever going to get going, Aeroform at 1-4 are glorified jobbers at best, and two of Up In Smoke's victories came against them.


Jimmy Jacobs vs Adam Cole - A good match that makes the most of the eight minutes allotted. Jacobs makes Cole look like a bitch in his post-match interview, though. Jacobs becomes wins leader at 4-1 with the Contra Code.


Sami Callihan vs Drake Younger - Surprisingly, this one gets more time (13:02) and is a real solid, hard hitting battle from the get go. Sami gets busted open, and almost gets the win with the Stretch Muffler, but goes down to the Drake's Landing in the end as Younger wins the batttle of the 2-0 records, taking himself to 3-0 as Sami falls to 2-1. I liked this.


Brad Allen vs Johnny Gargano vs Gran Akuma vs Jon Moxley vs Frightmare vs Rich Swann - An alright 8:36 spotfest, made better by a botch, believe it or not. Brad Allen embarrasses himself with a major failure to do a springboard crossbody, and after that the crowd are pleading with him not to try any advanced moves ever again, which is hilarious. Gargano gets the most moments that make him look good, and steals a pin on Frightmare to go 3-2. He then proclaims himself the baddest man on the planet, and out comes Homicide, who then has a confrontation with Jon Moxley that leaves you wanting more. I've already seen the E6 post-match angle, and am intrigued enough to want to see the Homicide vs Moxley match...


The second half starts with Moxley coming back out to challenge Brodie Lee, who is suspended due to the events of E4, to a rematch. That's not happening in EVOLVE any time soon, as Mox is facing Austin Aries in his last match in this promotion before WWE at E7...


Mercedes Martinez vs Amazing Kong - This one is going along fairly well, I guess, but ends abruptly with a terrible DQ finish as Kong kicks the ref at 7:20. You have to wonder what the point of any of the Martinez matches in EVOLVE has been after this. We later see her interact backstage with Homicide, and even in kayfabe she makes the point that the DQ win wasn't what she wanted.


Kyle O'Reilly vs Ricochet - These two step up here given the semi-main spot, assembling a really satisfying grappler vs flyer bout. Ricochet is able to use his speed to counter most of O'Reilly's bigger strikes, then hit the 630 for the mild upset at 15:16. Both guys go to 2-2 as a result. Very nice effort.


Bryan Danielson vs Munenori Sawa - A cracking battle of wrestling and striking, with Danielson getting massive reactions throughout but the crowd also appreciative of Sawa. Nothing much else to say really, other than I would have liked a bit more match. Danielson nails Sawa with three roundhouse kicks to the head then forces him to tap to the Lebell Lock at 13:52. If this had been on an ROH show in 2009, it'd have been last match of the first half, not main event.


Overall - EVOLVE's best overall show to date.


Chronologically, I have some DGUSA from the end of September up next, but after Atlanta where I really, really enjoyed ROH's two shows while DGUSA Open The Ultimate Gate 2011 was massively disappointing, I think I'm going to go back on the ROH trail for awhile...

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At the moment I'm working my way through PWG's 2010 output. The Generico/ Taylor vs. Bucks outing at As The Worm Turns was superb stuff. Anyway, nicked from PWPonderings, EVOLVE 7 results


1.Shiima Xion defeated Jimmy Jacobs. Post match Xion cut a weird promo but ultimately stated he was using Jacobs as a stepping stone to get into EVOLVE


2. Silas Young defeated Tony Nese. Young is a great talent as always and Nese was truly impressive here. Larry Dallas and Reby Sky were watching from the sidelines. Silas then addressed both Gargano, Dallas, and Sky and apparently it was not positive as it was apparent that Dallas was holding Sky back from going after Young.


3. Johnny Gargano defeated Jon Davis. Gargano won with a crossface. Chuck Taylor and Dallas come out and Dallas tells Gargano and Taylor that he wants them to share the top spot in EVOLVE since they are a team. Neither of them seemed to agree to this.


4. Team CHIKARA (Jigsaw and Frightmare) defeated Facade and Jason Gory. The tributes to Larry Sweeney continue as we got a fist drop from Jigsaw. All four guys were impressive.


5. Sami Callihan defeated the debuting Zack Sabre Jr. Callihan won with a stretch muffler with repeated kicks to the head.


6. AR Fox defeated Rich Swann. AR Fox wins with the "Low Maintain", which is springboard Spanish fly. Unbelievable action in such a short frame of time.


7. Chuck Taylor defeated Akira Tozawa. Taylor won via Awful Waffle. Really good back and forth action. Taylor and Gargano face off in a tie-breaker face off match


8. Johnny Gargano defeated Chuck Taylor. Dallas makes Reby Sky throw in the towel when Gargano has Taylor in a crossface. Gargano gets the win and is now 6-2 and the win leader in EVOLVE. Chuck leaves angry while the fans chant "You screwed Chuck." Gargano says "Chuck screwed Chuck" and praises himself.


9. Austin Aries defeated Jon Moxley. Aries sits down on a sunset flip to pin Moxley, going 2-0 in EVOLVE. Very good match to send Moxley off

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