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I know what you mean, even if the main event is 40 minutes strong, and EVEN if Mark pinning Daniels leads to a shot at the tv title, it all comes across a bit inconsequential.


Pity really that with Final Battle in December and the Anniversary show in February or March usually providing focal points to book end by closing some rivalries or starting new ones, they dont ever think to start with a bang and come out of the tracks in a new year strong by starting something up. I'd love the first show of the year to feature a big faction forming, or an upset that starts one guy breaking out and announcing his quest to bring home the title, or a shocking return or tag team reuniting or SOMETHING that says "here's whats new and exciting about the new year."


Maybe everyone wants breaking in gently after too many mince pies, I dunno.

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Taken from the ROH forum, another show that doesnt look too great but as a Jay Briscoe mark, Im looking forward to seeing the main.


ROH Live Event - 1/15/11 - Charlotte, NC


1. Tag Team Re-Match

The Bravado Brothers of Harlem & Lance over Kyle O'Reilly & Adam Cole via roll-up and holding of the tights on O'Reilly.


2. Challenge Match

"Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus over Caprice Coleman after the Golden Rule


3. Challenge Match

Colt "Boom Boom" Cabana over Grizzly Redwood via Billy Goat's Curse


4. Challenge Match

"The Prodigy" Mike Bennett over Cedric Alexander


5. Ring of Honor World Television Title Match

ROH World Television Champion "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels over Claudio Castagnoli w/ Shane Hagadorn & Sara Del Rey in his 1st defense. During the match, Mike Bennett tried to get Claudio to use the belt on Daniels, but he tossed it back. Daniels won after the BME.


6. Challenge Match

Steve Corino v. Andy "Right Leg" Ridge


~Pre-match, Corino cuts another promo, much like the one from Richmond.


Corino decides to change the match and team with Andy Ridge and brings out Alabama Attitude (Mike Posey & Corey Hollis)


6. Steve Corino & Andy "Right Leg" Ridge over Alabama Attitude of Mike Posey & Corey Hollis following Emerald Dream and a Superkick on Hollis


7. Challenge Match

Davey Richards over "That Young Knock Out Kid" Chris Hero w/ Shane Hagadorn & Sara Del Rey via a cross arm breaker, which was preceded by a shooting star press and kimura. Hero had loaded his Golden Elbow, but Sinclair caught him and removed the pad. MOTN so far.


8. Four Corner Survival Match

El Generico over "Pretty Boy Pitbull" Kenny King, "The Notorious 187" Homicide and Mark Briscoe when he pinned King following a Brainbuster Suplex.


Post-match, Homicide asked Generico for handshake and then hit him with a CopKilla!!!


9. Ring of Honor World Title Match

ROH World Champion Roderick Strong over Jay Briscoe following a Suplex Backbreaker and Gibson Driver.


Highlights included:

~Jay Briscoe gushing blood after Roddy smashes his head into the barricade multiple times on the outside.

~Jay's head is "a faucet of blood" and Roddy told him to "Man Up MFer!"

~Jay Briscoe with a Jay Driller through the ringside table!!!

~Post-match, Strong got on the mic and thanked Jay for the fight and "Manning Up"

Edited by joe mills
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  • Paid Members
Post-match, Homicide asked Generico for handshake and then hit him with a CopKilla!!!


Can't see that being too popular. Why have Homicide do something so heelish when he is about to challenge Roddy - a heel - for the belt? Or am I just old-fashioned?

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It gives Homicide an edge. Since his return he's been quite well behaved. He'll be far better as a tweener going after everyone.


Hope they start announcing the roster for Atlanta soon and i really hope we get some special appearances. From NOAH/NJPW stars preferably.

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  • Paid Members
Post-match, Homicide asked Generico for handshake and then hit him with a CopKilla!!!


Can't see that being too popular. Why have Homicide do something so heelish when he is about to challenge Roddy - a heel - for the belt? Or am I just old-fashioned?


Agreed. Not the first time this has happened though - after they spent five months turning Strong heel he spent the four shows before he won the title wrestling as a face!!

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watch the latest videowire and check out the Bravado Brothers promo, they are two ROH students



from what Ive seen they have looked like jobbers, but they seem to be featured a lot more on recent shows

Edited by joe mills
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  • Paid Members

ROH initially tried to push them as babyfaces; but the fans quite rightly farted on it. So now they have some sort of mamas-boys heel gimmick


Have ROH ever had a decent January?


2006? Hell Freezes Over plus Danielson vs. Styles

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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ROH initially tried to push them as babyfaces; but the fans quite rightly farted on it. So now they have some sort of mamas-boys heel gimmick


Have ROH ever had a decent January?


2006? Hell Freezes Over plus Danielson vs. Styles



Yeah, and Ive just remembered Without Remorse from 2008 being a very good show but generally January shows aren't great.

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There have been some dire ones - "The Last Stand", "It Begins Again" and "Dedicated" spring to mind....

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  • Paid Members

Generally a few major angles always end at Final Battle; so the January shows tend to be a bit lacklustre by virtue of the fact they're trying to get things up and running again.

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I think ROH having a weak January is always noticeable as it always coincides with WWE building up to Wrestlemania season with the Royal Rumble, and even Dragon Gate is having it's roster shake-up about this time. ROH just doesn't seem to have the freshness.


Dragon Gate USA: Uprising - Mississauga, ONT - 8/5/10


Johnny Gargano opens the show with a comedy promo where he describes himself as the hottest free agent in DGUSA. The Rugrats t-shirt is a nice touch, Johnny...


Masaaki Mochizuki vs Akira Tozawa - The first thing you notice here is that this crowd in the Toronto area is much more substantial than the Windsor one from the previous night, albeit still no more than 400. They are armed with thunder sticks though, so make a lot of noise. There's no mention on commentary of Akira Tozawa being involved in KAMIKAZE USA, and the crowd treat this opening battle as a face vs face match, hot for all the action in what is a bit of a sprint. Mochizuki keeps his winning streak going with the high kick in 9:50. This was decent.


Gran Akuma vs Tyson Dux - In another change from the previous evening's show, Dux is a face in this one. What doesn't air on PPV obviously doesn't matter. Gran Akuma works the legs of Dux in a largely mat-based opening portion which is promptly no-sold when the action kicks up a notch. They hit the roll-up sequence, and Akuma holds the tights on an Oklahoma Roll for the pin at 8:32. Not bad, but a rather throwaway encounter.


No Disqualification: Jimmy Jacobs vs Jon Moxley - The crowd reacts nicely to Jacobs on his entrance here. This is a good brawl with liberal interference from the broad in Moxley's corner. Jacobs takes her out with the spear, and Moxley with the Contra Code, but SHINGO and YAMATO run in as well at that point and Moxley picks up the cheap win at 10:45. BxB Hulk runs them off, but Jacobs isn't interested in joining World-1 and leaves to a mixed reaction. Time will tell if this booking is good or not...


Naruki Doi & PAC vs Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw - I don't know if you can really judge this as a wrestling match in any traditional sense, the two face teams instead have a fourteen minute move explosion. Fantastic execution, but no real story, it was a hell of a lot of fun for what it was. Doi pins Jigsaw at 14:03 after a shooting star kick from Pac, then Doi 555 and the Bakatare sliding kick.


There's then supposed to be a match between Rip Impact and Johnny Wave as a result of both men impressing during a seminar in the afternoon, but instead Brodie Lee wipes out the referee before he can start the match then destroys both men. Mmmkay.


CIMA & Dragon Kid vs YAMATO & Shingo - the main story of this one is Dragon Kid trying to get the fall on his former partner Shingo. The match itself plays out in a similar fashion to many of the best ROH tag matches, with both teams trading the advantage and trying to isolate one member of the opposition, building to the inevitable crescendo at the end. There's certainly a lot more substance to this than the earlier tag on the card. Shingo hilariously stops the Canadian crowd's chants of "This Is Awesome!" by reacting as if they're chanting that he's awesome. Brilliant. The crowd completely bite on Kid having the victory when he hits the Ultra Huracanrana, but it's ultimately not to be as Shingo pins him with Stay Dream at 22:25. Here's hoping Kid continues to seek that victory over Shingo, though. Real good match.


Another comedy promo from Johnny Gargano then it's main event time...


Open The Freedom Gate Title Match: BxB Hulk vs Masato Yoshino - A solid main event, slightly let down by some minor execution issues from Hulk and, like the Naruki Doi title defence in Phoenix, no feel that a title change is likely. E.V.O.P. sees BxB Hulk retain in 15:04. The show then ends with the old Gabe special - a bunch of run ins - as Jon Moxley cuts a promo on BxB Hulk to set up an attack by Shingo & YAMATO, Jimmy Jacobs takes out Moxley, then CIMA and Dragon Kid clean house to allow CIMA the usual show-ending speech. Just as we fade to black it's announced that Masaaki Mochizuki is now #1 contender to the Open The Freedom Gate championship..


Overall, Uprising is a solid PPV show and decidely better than the non-PPV show in Windsor the night before. The two tag matches are clearly the highlight. DVD run time is 2 hours, 8 minutes.


Bonus matches


First up, FRAY! is almost watchable for the first time, as Kyle O'Reilly, Cheech & Cloudy and some locals do a bunch of moves until Brodie Lee cleans house, last eliminating Cloudy at 13:59.


SHINGO vs Matt Sydal - This is from FIP, which as usual means Dave Prazak et al at ringside, with Cyber Kong this time in the entourage. The crowd isn't too shabby here either, by FIP standards. The match is set up after some good shenanigans involving FIP champion Bryan Danielson, and has some good action when it gets going. Sydal beats the odds with a small package after evading a lariat at 13:38, and the crowd responds accordingly. Nice.


Susumu Yokosuka vs Austin Aries - Wrestle JAM action here, this time from Korakuen Hall on 12/7/06. Jack Evans at ringside gets the crowd chanting "Aus-tin A-ries", which is funny. Yokosuka is Open The Dream Gate champion, so the result isn't in doubt, though Aries does a good job of pushing the champ. Yokosuka gets to kick out of the brainbuster-450 splash combo, so Aries gets to kick out of the Mugen, but then gets battered with Jumbo No Kachi! a couple of times, and that's it at 13:35. This is probably on a similar level to the Hulk/Yoshino PPV main.


Masaaki Mochizuki & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Shingo & YAMATO - This is the finals of the Summer Adventure Tag League III, and a match I got more excited to see the more of the tournament matches I saw on these DVDs. The fact this is later the same night as the semi-finals means both teams have already wrestled, so therefore it takes awhile for things to get going, and they don't wrestle the sprint style you might expect, but instead they build the match by just battering each other. The good thing about that is it certainly leads to a dramatic finale. Mochizuki kicks out of Galleria from YAMATO, but then is rendered unable to continue by his choke-sleeper, and the ref calls it at 19:27. An excellent finale to the tournament. There's a cool post-match presentation included, which leads to a post-match angle with tension between Nakajima and YAMATO, then Kensuke Sasaki gets slapped in the melee. Yikes! Anyone know if that led to a match?


Three out of the four bonus matches are well worth watching, and turn a solid PPV show into another excellent DVD package. Thumbs way up.

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By Mike Johnson. PWInsider


Ring of Honor's Atlanta debut events over Wrestlemania weekend at Center Stage will both be Internet PPV, ROH President Cary Silkin announced today.

While appearing on the Fight Show in Canada, Silkin commented, "We will be doing our WrestleMania weekend shows live. Both nights will be available live on gofightlive.com"


ROH will be running the former home of WCW Saturday Night on Friday evening 4/1 and Saturday afternoon 4/2.


For ticket information, visit www.rohwrestling.com.

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