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Have ROH Dropped the Pick 6? If so thats a bit random as they made such a big deal of it last year. I only ask as mark/jay briscoe is getting a shot at the title.......yet he wasnt in the pick 6 was he?


Also if they kept this up, it would of been good for a tag team pick 6 considering the tag team division beign how it is. Also Also, WGTT in ROH? awesome! Saw they did a few shows last year, but full time-ish? cool!



I believe it has been dropped, might have been announced on their newswires plus the change of booker may have prompted it.


It seems customary to give Jay a title shot when a new champ is crowned, no doubt Cabana will get one in Chicago

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Have ROH Dropped the Pick 6? If so thats a bit random as they made such a big deal of it last year. I only ask as mark/jay briscoe is getting a shot at the title.......yet he wasnt in the pick 6 was he?


Also if they kept this up, it would of been good for a tag team pick 6 considering the tag team division beign how it is. Also Also, WGTT in ROH? awesome! Saw they did a few shows last year, but full time-ish? cool!



I believe it has been dropped, might have been announced on their newswires plus the change of booker may have prompted it.


It seems customary to give Jay a title shot when a new champ is crowned, no doubt Cabana will get one in Chicago

Didnt a previous stip say cabana would never get a world title shot in chicago after he lost to austin aries?


then again they may of dropped that one also.

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I dont really watch ROH or indy wrestling, but I recently watched Man Up and thought it was a good event, so I'm wondering what are considered the best ROH ppv's?


Im guessing its from 2004-2007? any info would be great, cheers.



The original ROH PPVs ran from 2007-2009; pretty much all of those are worth picking up, apart from the last two, with Driven 2007 and 2008 probably the best of the bunch


ROH has been running I-PPVs since Final Battle 2009, these have all been solid, with the best one being DBD VIII, although SCOH V and GBH 9 are both really good, and FB 2010 sounds great!

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Have ROH Dropped the Pick 6? If so thats a bit random as they made such a big deal of it last year. I only ask as mark/jay briscoe is getting a shot at the title.......yet he wasnt in the pick 6 was he?


Also if they kept this up, it would of been good for a tag team pick 6 considering the tag team division beign how it is. Also Also, WGTT in ROH? awesome! Saw they did a few shows last year, but full time-ish? cool!



I believe it has been dropped, might have been announced on their newswires plus the change of booker may have prompted it.


It seems customary to give Jay a title shot when a new champ is crowned, no doubt Cabana will get one in Chicago

Didnt a previous stip say cabana would never get a world title shot in chicago after he lost to austin aries?


then again they may of dropped that one also.


considering the way the match finished Im sure they'd work around it

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I dont really watch ROH or indy wrestling, but I recently watched Man Up and thought it was a good event, so I'm wondering what are considered the best ROH ppv's?


Im guessing its from 2004-2007? any info would be great, cheers.


any ROH ppv is worth picking up although some are out of print.


Definately get the ippvs ROH have produced if you are going to pick up any recent ROH shows. Final Battle 09 and Big Bang are also very entertaing shows as well as the ippvs mentioned above


For 2008 there are better regular ROH shows than PPVs if you can pick them up. ROH only ran ppv from 2007 (Respect is Earned) to 2009.

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Just read this on the ROHbot forum :


Hi, this is a really weird one and I know this place isn't lonely hearts lol but I was sat next to this really interesting girl at the Phoenix show. You were from London...I also was from the UK. I dunno if you are on here but since we met I have thought about you even when I was with my ex and I just wanted to know if you were on here.


Best thing ever. Wish I'd met some girl grap fans on my travels, even though most of the shows I had my ex with me.

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Just read this on the ROHbot forum :


Hi, this is a really weird one and I know this place isn't lonely hearts lol but I was sat next to this really interesting girl at the Phoenix show. You were from London...I also was from the UK. I dunno if you are on here but since we met I have thought about you even when I was with my ex and I just wanted to know if you were on here.


Best thing ever. Wish I'd met some girl grap fans on my travels, even though most of the shows I had my ex with me.


Christ almighty....

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Bitter Friends, Stiffer Enemies 2 - Chicago Ridge, IL - 24/4/10


Rasche Brown vs Sami Callihan - Sami gets more offense than you might expect in this one, as Brown has his ribs taped. That doesn't mean he has any more chance of winning though, and Brown picks up the win with the Burning Hammer at 6:32. The crowd were into Brown's power moves, so it was a reasonable, inoffensive way to kick off the show I guess.


Dark City Fight Club vs The Bravado Brothers - Poor DCFC, from a really good competitive bout with the American Wolves the previous night to a meaningless squash victory here. The referee stops the match to put the Bravados out of their misery at 5:42.


Eddie Edwards vs Metal Master - This is non-title, and isn't bad, but unlike in Dayton the night before the crowd treat Metal Master as a bit of a joke here. The achilles lock gets it done for Edwards once again in 10:50.


The House of Truth vs Erick Stevens & Shawn Daivari - The HOT face fellow heels for the second night in a row here. There aren't the OTT exchanges of cheating that the previous night's HOT match vs Austin Aries and Rhett Titus had, but there's some solid action as everyone waits for the inevitable face-off between Truth Martini and Prince Nana. Unfortunately all that means is we have to put up with a DQ finish, with the Embassy awarded the victory after Martini interferes blatantly in front of the referee. That makes the 13:20 of match seem a bit of a waste, really.


It should be pointed out that the show felt pretty irrelevent at this stage, but thankfully it picks up from here on out.


Pick 6 Series: Davey Richards (4) vs Roderick Strong (1) - The crowd are REALLY up for this one, a belting match between two of the top contenders, and probably one of the best encounters these two have had with one another. Yes, it's that good. Unfortunately this match put the booking in a bit of a hole, as Davey is just getting his title contendership moving while Roderick has a title shot imminent in NYC. So, the bell rings abruptly for a twenty minute draw at, um, 20:27. Davey demands five more minutes, but Roderick is having none of that this close to his title shot. A good set up for future encounters between the two, I guess.


Rhett Titus vs Petey Williams - This must be the post-intermission match, as the crowd take ages to get into the action and most of it is a bit, well, basic. Rhett has improved beyond the level of this really, but it's a good sign for him that he picks up the victory at 12:09 with feet on the ropes when he avoids the Canadian Destroyer. He even manages to avoid Petey's attempt to hit the Destroyer after the match, and runs to the back in comical fashion.


Austin Aries & Kenny King vs Jay & Mark Briscoe - A neat tag team encounter, based around Aries trying to paper over the cracks in his little faction and incite tension in camp Briscoe, only for the Briscoes to tease a split but only to outsmart Team A-Double. There's then some really good action until King accidentally blasts Aries with a firemans carry uranage. King then eats a Jay Driller, and Aries is left to take the doomsday device and the pin at 14:20. Aries and King then have a shoving match, but hug and make up afterwards. Boo.


The Dark City Fight Club then cut a promo on the American Wolves. More matches between those two teams would be good, but this promo was rubbish.


ROH World Title: Tyler Black vs Chris Hero - A really strong World title match, which has to be ranked better than Black vs King the night before based on Hero being stronger as a contender, a character and a wrestler. Tyler retains when Hero goes down to his regular weakness, God's Last Gift, at 24:04. Top stuff.


Colt Cabana & El Generico vs Kevin Steen & Steve Corino - Only Corino would come out for a come-dressed-as-you-are Chicago Streetfight in an all-white suit. Yeah, that means blood and lots of it was inevitably going to be spilled in this one. They brawl through the crowd, the highlight of which is when Steen and Generico do a sequence on top of the scaffold that usually has the hard camera on it. Corino then breaks a beer bottle on the ring post and uses that to slice Cabana open. Cabana juices aplenty, with Corino also using a fork, Homicide-style, and Cabana taking a 2-on-1 beatdown for a bit until Generico sends Steen through two tables at ringside. More spots with tables, ladders and chairs follow, Generico supposedly busts Corino open with a chair and he juices even more than Cabana. Steen then introduces a barbed wire baseball bat, but it's ultimately his teams undoing, as Corino finds himself locked in the Billy Goats Curse by Cabana and then Generico uses a chair to smash Corino's face into the bat, and that's enough for the referee stoppage at 20:01. A brutal, extremely violent match the likes of which we haven't seen in ROH in some time. Excellent. Make sure to check out the post-match Steen promo in the extras, where he challenges Cabana for a one-on-one match in Manhattan.


Overall, this show started out decidedly average, but four of the top five matches are well worth going out of your way to see and turn this into an easy show to recommend. DVD running time is 2 hours, 51 minutes.

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Is ROH better then our best a good dvd? just wondering cause i just brought it from ebay


Supercard of Honor from the previous night is probably a tad better, but Better Than Our Best is still one of the better shows from ROH's peak period. Blood GEmbassy vs Do Fixer and Cabana vs Homicide are highlights on completely different ends of the wrestling spectrum and Danielson vs Lance Storm was a major novelty at the time.

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I did really enjoy Supercard of Honor, but if push comes to shove I'd rather watch Better Than Our Best, both for the quality of the show - Homicide/Cabana feud ender, great Danielson vs Storm match - and the fact that while most of SOH is great, I honestly feel Danielson v Strong is a waste of an hour. Lots of stalling, no drama til the last ten seconds, 55 minute extended squash.

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The DG Six Man from Better Than Our Best won WO match of the year if I remember correctly, and deservedly so.

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