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Top 10 matches of 2007


Not all will agree I'm sure, but gosh darn it, that's what makes it a game of opinions


10) Cima, Dragon Kid, Ryo Saito & Susumu Yokosuka vs. Delirious, Austin Aries, Rocky Romero & Claudio Castagnoli (All Star Extravaganza III)

9) Takeshi Morishima vs Austin Aries ( The Battle of St Paul)

8) Mike Quackenbush vs Claudio Castagnoli (Race to the Top Night 2)

7) The Briscoe Brothers vs Kevin Steen & El Generico - Street Fight (DBD 5 Night 1)

6) Brian Danielson vs Takeshi Morishima (Manhattan Mayhem II)

5) Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin vs The Briscoe Brothers (Good Times Great Memories)

4) The Briscoe Brothers vs Kevin Steen & El Generico - Ladder Match (Man Up!)

3) Samoa Joe vs Takeshi Morishima (FYF: NY)

2) Naruki Doi & Shingo vs The Briscoe Brothers (FYF: Liverpool)

1) KENTA vs Brian Danielson ( Driven)

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With the Briscoes featuring in four of those matches, I think it just shows how brilliant they are as a tag team for putting on brilliant matches. I put the FYF: Liverpool DVD on the other day just to watch that Briscoes tag match. Considering I'd never attended a live show before that show, that was probably one of the greatest things I've seen in a wrestling ring.

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The Briscoes are shit though really when you think about it.

I know. Terrible team - wheres the psychology? Now Bob Holly and Cody Rhodes - there's a team I'd pay to see
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Top 10 matches of 2007 Not all will agree I'm sure, but gosh darn it, that's what makes it a game of opinions10) Cima, Dragon Kid, Ryo Saito & Susumu Yokosuka vs. Delirious, Austin Aries, Rocky Romero & Claudio Castagnoli (All Star Extravaganza III)9) Takeshi Morishima vs Austin Aries ( The Battle of St Paul)8) Mike Quackenbush vs Claudio Castagnoli (Race to the Top Night 2)7) The Briscoe Brothers vs Kevin Steen & El Generico - Street Fight (DBD 5 Night 1)6) Brian Danielson vs Takeshi Morishima (Manhattan Mayhem II)5) Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin vs The Briscoe Brothers (Good Times Great Memories)4) The Briscoe Brothers vs Kevin Steen & El Generico - Ladder Match (Man Up!)3) Samoa Joe vs Takeshi Morishima (FYF: NY)2) Naruki Doi & Shingo vs The Briscoe Brothers (FYF: Liverpool)1) KENTA vs Brian Danielson ( Driven)

I saw three of those in person :)The one match i'd really disagree with is Joe vs Morishima. I'd probably not have it on the list at all, and certainly not compared to Danielson vs Morishima, which is almost certainly my favourite ROH match of 2007. I'd probably have Danielson vs McGuinness (Driven PPV/Domination live event) and McGuinness vs Aries (Rising Above) on the list, instead of matches 8 and 9. The order would certainly be different, but hey, that's just me. Wait a minute - Quack vs Claudio?? When I think of Race to the Top night 2, I think of the Generico vs Claudio final, and when I think of Quack, I think of Quack and Jigsaw vs Steen and Generico from Domination...
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There's no way you need so many Briscoe's matches. Most are pretty similar and only differ with how good the move spurt is at the end. The MCMG did so much awesome character work in their match that it made the end sequence mean something for a change, and raised it above most Briscoe's efforts. You'd certainly need to justify having two Briscoes/Steen and Generico matches in there.All in all, a bit of a random list. Would be nice if you actually posted what you thought about the matches.

Edited by Alexander
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You'd certainly need to justify having two Briscoes/Steen and Generico matches in there.

I could easily see why the Ladder War would be there, as it's an unbelievably good spotfest. Their other matches were pretty good as well, the norm for both teams, but nothing utterly spectacular. Certainly not in the top 10 ROH matches.
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I can't be arsed to justify anything. Those were just the matches I enjoyed most in 2007. Take them or leave them. Wrestling is pretty subjective, and I see no point trying to make an empirical, objective argument about it. I'm quite prepared to listen to points that the likes of gadgetboy or Haraga make, as they're generally on the money most of the time. What I do object to however, is elitest dickheads telling me what I can and can't put in my top ten.

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I wouldn't argue with the Briscoes/Steen and Generico Streetfight from DBD night 1. That match left me open mouthed at the craziness, and after sooo much hype, the Ladder war left me underwhelmed considering I'd already been wowed by the Streetfight - and Steenerico won that match, which made it more memorable for me. DDD, did you really mean Claudio/Quack? *thinks about going back to rewatch*

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I can't be arsed to justify anything. Those were just the matches I enjoyed most in 2007. Take them or leave them. Wrestling is pretty subjective, and I see no point trying to make an empirical, objective argument about it. I'm quite prepared to listen to points that the likes of gadgetboy or Haraga make, as they're generally on the money most of the time. What I do object to however, is elitest dickheads telling me what I can and can't put in my top ten.

O...K. Wow, that was a bit...Yeah.If it's going to make you throw less toys out the pram for a change, maybe I should say "explain" instead of justify? Or does discourse bring you out in some kind of embarrassing rash? I mean, it's a discussion forum, you know. That means if you post a list with no explanations, and people disagree with choices on your list, you kind of have to say why you made those choices or it doesn't really work. Discussion. I mean, it's your choice if you only want to reply to people who say "nice review m8" to you...Also, reacting like a giant child whenever someone disagrees with you makes you look look silly.
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I've decided to delete wXw from my hard drive and buy the DVDs. The set is good enough to buy. Which means it's onwards and upwards with ROH for the time being.


ROH The Last Stand


Onto another show that I haven't seen. The card looks rather nifty though.


Chad Collyer vs. John Walters - Pure Rules


Once again, the two guys make use of the pure rules. Neither of these guys have the character of a Shelley, so the match isn't as interesting, but both guys make up for it by being completely relentless with their offense. It's a pretty good match, but not a great choice for opener as the crowd weren't interested at all.


Caprice Coleman vs. Hydro vs. Slyk Wagner Brown vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Jack Evans vs. Chris Sabin - Six Man Mayhem


Waaaaayyyyy too short. Most of the guys in this match could make a 15 minute spotfest work. None of the guys in the match get a real chance to shine, so Evans ends up looking better because his little cameos are nuttier than the others. Slyk Wagner Brown comes out looking utterly dire which is a shame because I kinda like him. It's a fast paced match with lots of stuff happening, but it could have been more.


Special K vs. The Backseat Boys vs. The Carnage Crew - No DQ


I heard horror stories about this. Thankfully it was too short to be as bad as some were making out. I don't get why Special K all seemed to be legal in the match. I guess because it was No DQ or something. One of those matches where lots of things happen, without anything actually happening.


BJ Whitmer vs. Dan Maff vs. Xavier vs. Matt Stryker - #1 Contender's Trophy


Four matches in a row with either meaning or a stipulation. Nice. Anyways, what's even nicer is that Xavier seems to have pissed off just about everyone in this match, as he's the glutton for punishment. Maff in particular seems to be taking issue with his presence in the match. That might link with the old Prophecy days actually. Stryker is Stryker, rocking when he's in there, and Whitmer/Maff looks like a good team. It wasn't an all action four way, but it was still good, and probably the first good four way in ROH not to follow the usual formula.


Alex Shelley vs. Jimmy Jacobs


This was essentially two guys showing off what they can do, but when the two guys know each other this well, they make everything click together and it's a brilliant match. Even when Jacobs gets injured, things seem to continue as they would have, with Shelley even deciding that the injured body part was fair game. Crisp and smooth action which was the norm for these guys. I'm sure I can remember them having a stinker though. Hopefully I've skipped it.


CM Punk vs. Homicide


Like their first match against each other, the pace for this is amazing, but Homicide at this point was beginning to dip in form, and you could tell here, as this was nowhere near their electric first match. Yes, the two guys were going all out, but it seemed to mean nothing. "I'll hit you with stuff, and you hit me with stuff", and the stuff I speak of was very disjointed. Thankfully these two guys are good enough that, even on an off day, they can produce a good match. Not great or anything. Just good.


The Briscoes vs. Samoa Joe and Jerry Lynn - ROH Tag Team Championships


Lynn has his own standard, and that makes this tag team match work better than the Danielson one. The awkward stuff is gone from this match, and Lynn pretty much seems to carry the whole thing making it a much better match in the process. He might be overrated, but he still knows what he's doing out there. What also makes this match standout is there is clearly some real heat developing between The Briscoes and Joe born out of the top dog's frustration. Lots to like about this match, and a good main event.





There's plenty of stuff on here that's disappointing, but once again, there's nothing bad, and there's even an awesome match between Jacobs and Shelley.

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