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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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By Stuart Carapola (PWInsider.com) on 2011-06-24 12:51:51


Kevin Kelly welcomes everyone to the press conference at the Sinclair Broadcasting studio in Baltimore. Ring of Honor will be coming to Sinclair stations nationwide this Fall, and today we'llget to speak to some of the stars of Ring of Honor and also talk about this Sunday's Best In The World internet PPV. Kelly introduces the COO of Ring of Honor, Joe Koff.


Koff thanks the press for joining him, and he says that for him, this is the culmination of two passions: wrestling and television. Getting the chance to provide both loves for himself and to the fans, he can't say enough about the amount of work that already has and will continue to go into the product in the weeks and months to come. ROH is a product that deserves to be seen, and through all media avenues, they will bring this product to a broader audience. He said it could not have been done without the dream and work of Cary Silkin, and Cary did a wonderful job of bringing ROH where it is today. Koff introduces Silkin to share his thoughts on this moment.


Silkin says this is a dream come true for him, because nine years of trying to produce the best wrestling he could, and with a lot of help behind the scenes, they've been able to do that. People ask him if it was hard to give up Ring of Honor, and he says it wasn't when they gave it to a company like Sinclair that wants to take the existing product and deliver it to the masses like he couldn't. He's excited to see ROH in this next phase, thanks Joe Koff, and says he's looking forward to this Sunday and the future.


Kevin Kelly gets back up and says that Koff and Silkin will be available for questions at the end, but first he wants to introduce the Executive Producer of ROH, Jim Cornette. Cornette says 9-24-11 will be a historic day for professional wrestling because people have said for years that ROH is the best wrestling product out there, and he's been with every major wrestling company over the last three decades, and he's never been as excited to be involved with anything as he has with ROH. This move is important for the company and the business, because the business is in the doldrums: the mainstream names that everyone knows have gotten older and not a lot of energy has been put into letting the young stars break through, and that's what Ring of Honor has been providing all along. Now, on 9-24-11, the youngest, freshest, and most athletic wrestlers around will make their name. Wrestling has been subject to a lot of bad PR and stereotypes, and ROH wants to move away from entertainment and back to competition, and this program won't be old school wrestling or modern sports entertainment, it's going to be about wrestlers who have paid the price and worked hard, and they're going to tell their stories.


Cornette points out Gary Juster, who has been promoting some of the biggest events in history, and they intend to take ROH and tour around to the markets where Sinclair stations are situated, and also use the internet PPVs to deliver the best wrestling product they can deliver. You can't go forward by going backward, and ROH intends to go forward with a product everyone can be proud of and excited by. He wants to take an opportunity to introduce some of the stars who have signed with ROH and will be in New York this weekend: Truth Martini and Michael Elgin; Prince Nana, Mia Yim, and Tommaso Ciampa, as well as the returning Rhino; Brutal Bob Evans and Mike Bennett; and El Generico. They didn't have room in the studio to bring everyone in, but this is a good look at some of the young, great talent that are a part of ROH.


Kevin Kelly returns to the podium to talk about the World Title Match that will be headlining this weekend's internet PPV, and introduces Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards. Kevin asks Davey for his thoughts going into this weekend, and Davey starts by saying that he and Eddie formed the American Wolves in 2009 and dominated everyone, but then they had a match for the TV Title and Eddie beat him. Davey failed to win the World Title at final Battle, and said that if he fails to win the title in his next opportunity, he's never going to challenge for the ROH World Title again.. He didn't know Eddie was going to be the one he'd challenge, but Eddie wanted it and he's proud of Eddie, but he's going to crush him.


Eddie tells Davey that it's great that he's proud of him, but he's not his little brother or protege, he's the ROH World Champion and the only Triple Crown Champion in company history. With all his accomplishments, there's still that little bit of doubt where he wonders if he's better than Davey Richards. That question drives him every day, and he asked for the match because he needs it, not to show everyone what he's capable of, it's about going out there and beating him because he needs to. Sunday in New York City, they'll see who is the Best In The World.


Cornette says he is going to hold Davey to his word, and if he doesn't win the title, he's welcome to compete there but will never get another title shot, then tells Eddie that he hopes he knows what he asked for. Eddie and Davey shake hands to applause and then leave the set.


Kevin Kelly returns to the podium and reiterates what's at stake for each man this Sunday, as both have the chance to be the flag bearer when the TV program starts this September. The ROH World Title is a prized possession, but they're fighting for the chance to be the champion at the debut show, but the ROH World Tag Team Title will also be up for grabs, and it will be chaotic because four very combustible teams will be in an element where the stakes will be the highest. ROH has assembled the best tag team roster in the world, and he introduces the teams fighting for the title this Sunday, starting with the All Night Express. Titus says he's got nerves, but they give him a sense of confidence and they'll be the new champions. King says you never know what you're going to get in Ring of Honor, but it may come as a shock to everyone else but not to them, they're ready to take it all.


Kevin Kelly introduces the Briscoes and then Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin, and Shelton says that he and Charlie Haas have been competitors all their lives and feel that there's nobody better in tag team wrestling. They came to ROH to prove that and they did it by winning the title, and are now the current reigning ROH World Tag Team Champions. Kevin Kelly ready a latter from the Kings of Wrestling that says that they are teh longest reigning champions in ROH history and refuse to share the podium with Haas & Benjamin, but they'll prove themselve this Sunday when they regain the title. Haas says that the four of them are the best teams in the world, and the ROH World Tag Team Title means more to them than any title they've ever held. The ANX has improved a lot, they had to fight hard to beat the Kings of Wrestling for the title, and then they put themselves over as the best team in the history of the company.


The Briscoes get to their feet and yell at the champions because they'd been here all along, have held the title six times, and not to disrespect them. Haas & Benjamin fire back that they're out of control and need to relax because they're ruining the press conference and to save it for this Sunday. Jay Briscoe says they can do it right now and takes a shot at Haas, leading to Jim Cornette and Kevin Kelly getting between them. A pull apart breaks out and Jay goes head to head with Shelton, with the set nearly being knocked over. Delirious comes out with his mask on to pull them apart and leads the Briscoes out. Haas says they can't represent ROH like that, and they don't want to see it happen if the Briscoes win the title back, but that won't happen. Haas, Benjamin, and the ANX leave as Kevin Kelly apologizes for the conduct of the Briscoes.


Kevin goes back to the podium and apologizes to the affiliates, then Jim Cornette says they're trying to promote professional wrestling in favor of sports entertainment and they let the wrestlers speak for themselves in the ring. They are excited because they feel this will make a mainstream statement about professional wrestling, and again puts over 9-24-11 as the return of Ring of Honor to television. Kevin Kelly says this weekend will be the biggest ROH event ever, and opens it up to questions from the media.


Kevin is asked where Ring of Honor is looking to find new talent and whether they are looking to expand into new markets and bigger arenas. Cornette says ROH has held seminars over the last year or so, looking at various talents from around the country, and that's one of the ways they found Michael Elgin, Tommaso Ciampa, and others. Cornette has also done that with Ohio Valley Wrestling as well, and they want to find the best wrestlers out there who have the ability and mind, body, and soul to make it in the business.


The next question relates to markets such as New York and Philadelphia where Sinclair doesn't have a presence, and what the plan will be in those markets. Joe Koff says they're going to make their initial thrust on the Sinclair networks, and once they're set there, they will look to push the show into other markets. Cornette adds that New York will continue to have regular live events and they are working to get Philadelphia back into their touring schedule, and have no plans to eliminate any markets.


They are asked how soon they move into new markets, and Joe Koff says that will probably begin in the fourth quarter, but reiterates that they will not forget the core markets even as they try to concentrate on markets where Sinclair networks are.


Kevin is asked what they hope to provide that WWE and TNA aren't. Everyone gets a good laugh, then Cornette says that WWE's youth movement isn't pushing the right youth, and in TNA if you're as young as 40 then you get to be on top. They hope to find young talent that hasn't been overexposed but can hang at the level that the top talent in ROH can. The guys in ROH are the best at what they do and they want to accentuate that.


The next question involves expanding the company while trying not to grow too fast. Cornette says Koff won't let that happen because he's a good businessman, and with so many companies talking about how they're going to take the wrestling world over, they don't get past opening a PO Box. They're going to start by running shows in the Sinclair markets and let those percolate before running events there, while continuing to service the core markets. Sinclair has a good handle on this and knows that growing too fast doesn't do anything for anyone. Koff says that they're a television company and this is prime TV content, and they have experience in making sure the TV shows or live events don't move past each other. He says they'll probably do a thousand times the exposure that ROH got on HDNet because they're in more markets. He puts over Bill Fanter, the General Manager of Sinclair, and wants to bring the product around on a schedule that makes sense from all sides.


The next question is for Cornette, who came up through the territories and then lived through the years when there was just WWE, and where he sees the business in the coming years. Cornette says he's been around since the Dead Sea was only sick and he's seen a lot in the business, but he wants to let everyone be themselves and not make up gimmicky back stories because they already have fascinating back stories. They want to provide a place where they can do what they do best and make it financially successful for everyone.


Cornette is asked about what changes there will be in the presentation of the Sinclair TV show compared to what they did on internet PPV and HDNet. Cornette says there will be some changes starting this weekend, and the TV program will basically be starting from scratch. There won't be four minute matches, they'll be seeing competitive matches and why everyone wants to wrestle and what their story is.


The next question has to do with access to old ROH shows and whether there will be any kind of video on demand service. Cornette puts over how strong the video library is and they plan to take advantage of that history and not ignore anything that has happened in the past, especially if it pertains to people appearing on television. Koff adds that they want to cater to the existing fans, but things will change dramatically because an extra 22% of the country will have access to ROH on over-the-air TV. As future technologies come in, they will explore those technologies to make the product available to their fans, but for right now their priority is the TV program, both on TV and eventually streaming to people's phones.


They are asked how the DVD sales and wrestling school will be handled going forward, and Joe Koff says they won't be. DVD sales have been robust, and much of their talent came from the school, and he expects more people to want to enroll in the school once the program expands into new markets. The follow up question is whether the school will remain in Pennsylvania, and Koff says they haven't addressed that yet. Cornette says they're going to take one thing at a time, but don't want to do everything at once because then everything's going to suffer and they don't want to rush.


Cornette is asked about their relationship with Pro Wrestling NOAH and whether they look at running shows in Japan or England. Cornette says Delirious will be working in Japan next month and will be talking business while out there, and ROH wants to keep fostering their relationships and they'd love to have footage of their guys working in front of big crowds in Japan. Japanese wrestling has a lot of similarities to ROH, and he thinks some of the guys like Elgin, Ciampa, and Bennett will be successful in Japan, but he doesn't expect the Japanese fans to come in until they've established their own product on the Sinclair networks.


They are asked if it's tough to find a balance between bringing in established wrestlers while not being considered a haven for washed up old guys. Cornette says that perception goes away when you see what they do in the ring, and they're not going to discriminate against someone if they're in shape and can hang in ROH. They're not going to bring people in just because they're stars, they need to be able to hang if they'll work in ROH.


Next question is whether TV will be taped at live events as they have been, or whether they will return to the studio TV format. Cornette loves studio TV and grew up on it, but wrestling is so far removed that when you compare arena shows vs studio shows, studio shows have a smaller time feel and they will probably want to establish their product in the arenas. The live event atmosphere in ROH is so special, and the fans are as much a part of the show as the wrestlers. They want to capture that live event feel, because that's been captured so well on tape and going to the Hammerstein Ballroom is like soccer hooligans in Argentina.


Kevin Kelly wraps up by thanking everyone again for attending the press conference and says they'll continue to have more information as they move closer to 9-24-11. Cornette says that they will be on all Sinclair networks in every market, so it's a great piece of TV real estate.

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were should we start if we want to watch RoH? we want to start watchign it but diddnt before because they look like skinny kids sometimes. But i read a blog that said it was briilliant, so any places to start guys?

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  • Paid Members

We might see Bucks v Cole/O'Reilly on the preview since I'm sure "Generation Me" are contractually unavailable for other companies' PPV.

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