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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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I think it's a shade premature to be writing them off just yet, although I'll admit was thinking along similar lines myself a few months ago. However, the last few shows I've seen (see reviews passim) have been a marked improvement on the April 2008-February 2009 fare. If these trends continue....

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Another hour draw? Really?


DDD, are you going to look at ROH TV episodes 13-18 before the next pair of DVDs?


That's the first 60 minute draw since Cabana vs. Dragon isn't it?


ROH TV - I wasn't, but I might now you've mentioned it. I think the last show I watched was the once where the Wolves won the belts. ROH on HDNet has a slightly unreal feel to it for me, plus Hogewood's commentary is so bad...he's the best heel commentator in the business, unfortunatly he's supposed to be a babyface! :laugh:

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Hmmm, I'm not sure that wasn't supposed to be 45 minutes, based on the match at Tag Title Classic.

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Hmmm, I'm not sure that wasn't supposed to be 45 minutes, based on the match at Tag Title Classic.


Didn't they make an angle out of it like it was some type of screwjob with the timekeeper with the porno mustache?


Seriously Pearce is awful. Yes ROH has had some cool matches this year but that's mostly due to him just putting 2 great wrestlers in a match and telling them to do there thing. When he starts adding storylines and turning Aries into a chickenshit heel (which despite doing well, he's got too much talent that's perfect for ROH to be wasted with it. Put the gimmick on Joey Ryan. He has charisma, but doesn't have the awesome wrestling talent Aries does despite being quite good).


I know it's hard to follow the old booker as everyone loves Gabe and see him as their new Jesus all because he can take the DG stars and book some good matches with them but what Pearce is doing is useless for the product. The best thing he's done all year was the introduction to Joey Ryan. He needs to do something different. Whether it's take an unknown guy with a shit load of potential and push him up the card by making him have great matches or just give a guy an edge and build a story with him or something. Just do something that you can't achieve in EWR. If ROH needs to grow, they can't paint my numbers.


But speaking of Gabe, despite how over-rated he is, the whole "Abstract Wrestler" deal is awesome.

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Didn't they make an angle out of it like it was some type of screwjob with the timekeeper with the porno mustache?


They tried to turn it into angle, but quickly realised that it was just better to try and erase it from memory. I hate the guy who rings the bell, Guiseppe whatever his name is, he looks like such a tit.


but that's mostly due to him just putting 2 great wrestlers in a match and telling them to do there thing


To be fair though he wasn't even doing that for the first 4 months of his booking reign. ROH from November 08-February 09 was simply dreadful. At least now the guys are having decent matches moreoften than not. Someone hit the nail on the head in a thread about EVOLVE a few weeks ago - it might have been gadge I think - that ROH's real problem at the moment is a lack of talent in the indies generally.


EDIT : Just read that the Young Bucks had a TNA try-out match. I wish that company would die. Still, with Hogan on board there's a reasonable chance of that happening I guess.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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On the ROH board at the mo there's a thread discussing (if you can call it that) the worst bits of booking in ROH history. The main nomination seems to be for Lynns title reign, but that suggests a lack of knowledge of causation, as it was after they killed Tyler Black's main event push that they had no other babyface's to put the belt on. So I'd say that has to be one of the biggest booking botches. Here are a few others :


Xavier's ROH title reign : To this day I don't know why they did it, other than as a swerve after Lo-Ki won the belt. Surely the sensible thing to do would have been to have Daniels take the belt, then build the Lo-Ki/ Daniels program to it's logical conclusion? Instead Xavier's title reign lumbered on for seven months until Joe put it out of it's misery.


No Remorse Corps vs Resilience - on paper it should have been great. In practice it was dreadful. The Resilience never got out of the starting gate, not because of Aries enforced hiatus, but due to the fact they never won a single bloody match!!!


Faction Warfare just..terrible. The thinking behind this was clearly : "bung everyone in a stable, and the rest will do itself." Except it didn't


Samoa Joe vs Jay Briscoe - it tends to be forgotten that by and large the first year of Joe's title reign didn't really set the world on fire. Sure, he had outstanding matches with Daniels and Styles - but then so did the cat. Instead it was largely taken up with a fued with the Brisoces that went on forever. Even Jay's ridiculous juice job in the cage match couldn't salvage it.


Corino vs Homicide post 2003 they tried to reignite this a couple of times in 2005 and 2006, but it just failed spectacularly, culminating in the spectacularly dire Fight With Honor in November 2006. They should have just left it alone...


Dragon Soldier B - I know they didn't have much choice over this one, but still....

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