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ROH PPV Results - Sunday 16th March 2008 - Philadelphia, PACredit - ROH Forum:1) Davey Richards d. Dingo via submission, keylock. ** 2) Sara Del Rey d. Kylie Pierce with a kick to the head, under a minute.3) Tyler Black wins four way, pinning Delirious with a Pheonix Splash. **1/24) Kevin Steen d. Roderick Strong with a package piledriver, ***1/2.5) Jigsaw and Ruckus d. Adam Pearce and BJ Whitmer when Jigsaw rolls up BJ, *.6) Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe d. Joey Matthews and Necro Butcher when Jay hits a J-Driller on Joey while Mark hits a splash off a scaffolding onto Necro through a table.7) Bushwacker Luke d. Shane Hagadorn with a DDT, performed while Shane's feet were drpaed across the top rope.-The Sweeney Show is now up. Sweeney calls out the Hangmen 3, and the decision is made for the factions to merge. Stevens is out, and wants Daniel Puder. Sweeney negotiates, and we got...8) Brent Albright d. Erick Stevens when Sweeney distracts Erick, leading to a half-nelson suplex, ***.9) Bryan Danielson d. Austin Aries via submission with a seated fujiwara armbar, ****1/4.10) ROH World Championship: Nigel McGuinness d. Tyler Black via submission, London Dungeon, ****1/2.NOTES-Place is PACKED, "More than Misawa". Show Name: Take No Prisoners.-The Age of the Fall now has real music, or at least Black.-Steen vs. Strong was "Long with mediocre crowd heat", but match itself was quite good.-After the RuckSaw vs. H3 match, Kingston, Robbie Mireno, and Sabian showed up.They jawjacked with Jigsaw and Smokes, then a pull apart brawl occured. Angle was "badly done", and only got a minor pop. It seems most had no idea who Mireno or Sabian was.- Mark "busted his ****ing head open" but went on with the match. The side of his head is ****ed up bad, apparently. No rating for the match, but it was quite "violent". It was an around the building brawl.- Luke vs. Shane was long, and a dud of a match.-BJ doesn't want to be in SnS, and was beaten down. Albright is in SnS, but did not participate in the beating. H3 is dead and now there is only SnS Inc.-Aries turned down Dragon's handshake postmatch.-Crowd is 70-30 behind Tyler, but kinda dead. Tyler went for a dive, and Nigel hit him with a chair, drawing a huge "Tyler" chant. Crowd is now super behind him, and "totally buying the upset going down".-"CROWD IS FREAKING OUT". Tyler has escaped the Dungeon, and every lariat Nigel has, including the Jawbreaker. Nigel has kicked out of the Small Package Driver, and avoided the Phoenix. Match is really awesome, built around Tyler being a survivor and tired enough thast he's resorting to his big guns rearly. After Tyler kicks out of the Jawbreaker, Nigel levels him with another, and locked in the Dungeon for the win.

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Why does it matter that he's overweight? I dont think it would add anything to his matches if he got in perfect shape, would it? I do prefer wrestlers to look 'the part' but it doesn't bother me with Steen. I would say it bothers me more with Eddie Kingston.

Didn't he used to be able to do a 450 back in the day? In any case, you can only have limited respect for a fat man. I think the FIP thing was non-title. Another big face push for B.J. Whitmer. Great. I read somewhere this weekend that C.M. Punk was boning Whitmer's wife at the same time he was with Traci Brooks :laugh::thumbsup::laugh: Rumours that B.J. used to interrupt sexual intercourse to slap his chest and yell "Come Ohwn!" are un-substansiated
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Sounds like Tyler had a break out match. Glad to see the end of the H3 but Whitmer as a face again :sleeping: , it only seems like he turned 5 minutes ago. The Steen push continues :D if the crowd was losing it for Tyler the heat for Steen's title shot should be off the charts considering how over he's become recently (especially in NYC). Why the fuck would they use Mireno, no wonder the angle never went down well, where was Joker?

Edited by Jun Kasai
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Didn't think it was that long ago :blush: To all the Whitmer haterz you may like/love/be ecstatic at this bit of news

March 17th: Larry Sweeney has started his hostile takeover of Ring Of Honor. Sweeney has made it clear that he isn't after ROH management or ownership. Sweeney has sent word throughout the locker room that he is signing as many talents as he can to representation contracts. Sweeney then says he will lead these men to the top of ROH and increase their value. He will then sell them to Vince and make a profit for himself and for whoever signs with him. Will Sweeney lead ROH talent out of ROH? So far Adam Pearce, Brent Albright & Shane Hagadorn sold their souls to Sweeney as The Hangmen Three have dissolved into Sweet & Sour Inc. BJ Whitmer refused and as a result is out of ROH and off all upcoming shows after an attack. It is possible that last night was Whitmer's final night in ROH. However, all is not coming up aces for Sweeney. SHIMMER Champion Sara Del Rey has taken a leave of absence from Sweet & Sour Inc. and several members of the ROH locker room have privately expressed disgust to Sweeney's plan. This is going to be something to watch closely as Sweeney brings the business side and politics of sports to try to corrupt ROH.

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Im going to be in New York when the 10/05/08 show takes place at the Hammstein Ballroom.I know the venue is easy enough to get to, but how are they for sending tickets to the UK?Should I buy online, or email ROH direct and requestCheers

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Sounds like Tyler had a break out match. Glad to see the end of the H3 but Whitmer as a face again :sleeping: , it only seems like he turned 5 minutes ago. The Steen push continues :D if the crowd was losing it for Tyler the heat for Steen's title shot should be off the charts considering how over he's become recently (especially in NYC). Why the fuck would they use Mireno, no wonder the angle never went down well, where was Joker?

The Tyler/Mcguinness match was crazy good and the crowd dive into the chair shot was brutal. It definitely came across as a break out match fpr Tyler. Aries/Danielson and Briscoes/AOTF were also really good.
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Im going to be in New York when the 10/05/08 show takes place at the Hammstein Ballroom.I know the venue is easy enough to get to, but how are they for sending tickets to the UK?Should I buy online, or email ROH direct and requestCheers

If possible, buy online and use a credit card rather than paypal, and you won't pay anything for postage as it's just tickets in a small envelope. They should be with you in a week.
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BJ Whitmer refused and as a result is out of ROH and off all upcoming shows after an attack. It is possible that last night was Whitmer's final night in ROH.

God I hope so. But knowing what a huge Whitmer mark Gabe is, I suspect he'll be back
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Whitmer will be back to be pushed to the moon again, this time against Chris Hero.Love the idea of Sabian in ROH. Definately pleases me more than Eddie Kingston anyways.

Really? Has he improved vastly in recent times or something? Because every time I've seen him, he was utter cack.
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who cares if steen is overweight, hes fucking awesome

There's only so much respect you can have for a fat man. Don't get me wrong - great wrestler, but that bulbous gut....Yuck.
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