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Guest DJM

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saw Dark Water on sky last nightall i can say is glad i didn't go out and get it on dvd. Total shit the ending was a bit confussing but i got it in the endI bet the oringal was better. Why are the U.S re-make all the classics and making them shit (the ring,dark water,etc)

I agree, It wasn't good at all. I'm surprised they left out the bit in the elevator from the orignal (where she realises she's not holding her daughter) since that was the scariest bit in it.
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Karate KidAwesome. It's just pure 80s cheese, but possibly the greatest 80s cheese movie ever made, the soundtrack is ludicrously corny as is the script too, but it's just so heartfelt too, I love it. The end had me cheering from my sofa.

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Infection J horror film, high quality, the plot is a bit comfusing and a slow starter,but it is a really good, and quite creepy at times film set in a hospital withsupposidly, this virus has spread and infected around the place. Some quiteshocking scenes. I love Japanese film, and its easily greater then anythinghollywood ever produces these days.

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Karate KidAwesome. It's just pure 80s cheese, but possibly the greatest 80s cheese movie ever made, the soundtrack is ludicrously corny as is the script too, but it's just so heartfelt too, I love it. The end had me cheering from my sofa.

Agreed. My favorite moment of the film is just before the final fight where one of the "bad" kids is just screaming "C'mon Johnny, put him in a bodybag!" over and over.
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I agree with Garrett and children of bodom on the American version Dark Water; it is shit. However, while the ending isn't perfect, it's easily the only decent thing about the film.

I didn't think it was as bad as everyone makes it out to be when I watched it about 6-months ago. It has more explanation than the original Dark Water, to the point where maybe too much is explained and everything is given to the viewer. And even though it is more of a drama than a horror for the most part, I enjoyed it about as much as the original.A Bittersweet LifeFrom the Director of A Tale of Two Sisters, A Bittersweet Life tells the story of Sunwoo who is the trusted right hand man of underworld boss Kang. When Kang plans to goes away for three days he asks Sunwoo to keep an eye on his young girlfriend whom he suspects may be cheating on him. Sunwoo keeps an eye on the girl who begins to intrigue him, while keeping things under control at his boss
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SeveranceAll i gotta say is check this film out now its great Danny Dyer is funny as in this, he comes out with some great linesOn awhole a great comedy horror an if you Like Shaun of the Dead you will love this cos its so much better

Just watched this at my local ODEON.Totally agree with the above :thumbsup:

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Like the guys who gets the knife up his ass, and the guy who has his head chopped off. The little smile when he realises that you do get to see the blood coming out your stump.
Edited by SCWPR
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SeveranceAll i gotta say is check this film out now its great Danny Dyer is funny as in this, he comes out with some great linesOn awhole a great comedy horror an if you Like Shaun of the Dead you will love this cos its so much better :)http://www.severancethemovie.co.uk/

I wouldn't say that.Please don't get me wrong! :) Severence is a darn fine movie, pretty scary in places with some horrific imagery, they are very different films.Severence's Story is a bit, lightweight to be honest, although it had some nice ideas, and the actual bad guy was quite surprising! The acting was overly hammy in an environment where it wasn't really that needed, the jokes were contrived and took away from what was a good thriller movie. I mean that scene on the diving board, what was the point in that?Also there should've been more made of the town. A LOT more.Well, I enjoyed it, I would say it was a very good movie with some horrible imagery (in a good way) and well worth seeing. Don't go expecting Shawn of the Dead mark 2 as it's nothing like Shawn of the Dead!!!Also saw Snakes on the Plane last night.Fecking brillaint. Being a fan of snakes I thought I'd be sitting there picking holes in the CGI but I didn't it was thoroughly entertaining and I completely lost myself in the movie! Definately Definately go and see it if you haven't already! Top marks!
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Righto, chaps. This thread in part has encouraged me to watch more films, as I can't remember the last time I watched a movie I haven't seen before. As much as I enjoyed watchin 'Ice Cold In Alex' for the 50th time yesterday, love that flick, it strikes me I should make an effort to watch things I haven't seen before or at least haven't seen in ages. The I can review them in an overly verbose and needlessly controversial way on here, thereby stealing the gimmicks of both Van Dammer and Mr Seven. Kidding, ladies.So, I've got a few things to get started with, but as I'm aiming to do at least one a week, I was wondering if anyone had some good tips for picking up cheap movies. Obviously I'm going to be steering clear of blockbusters and the like in favour of, you know, good films, so is it worth paying for them in bulk from Amazon? Or is there a better way to get hold of them? I'd preffer not to download stuff.Cheers.

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Ferris Beuller's Day OffWhat a classic film, don't we all wish we were Ferris for just one day? He's like a god, I actually think that's how John Hughes intended to make him out as, and he has that inner sparkle which we all wish we could unleash every so often. If you are ever feeling down and want to be motivated into doing something about it, watch Ferris Beuller and you will feel excited about all the possibilities you could undertake if you just lived like Ferris Beuller for one day.I didn't explain much of anything about the film there, but nevertheless, it's great.

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Ready To Rumble

Gordie (David Arquette) and Sean (Scott Caan) try to help their favourite wrestler, Jimmy King (Oliver Platt), regain his glory after some backstage politicking results in him being beaten and losing his job.


It's been years since I saw this film. Watching it now, the 'it's so good it's bad' factors of it are easier to appreciate. There really are loads of problems with with Ready To Rumble. Firstly, Gordie and Sean are a terrible portrayal of wrestling fans, even if it supposed to be a comedy. They're far too old be screaming, "Wrestling's not fake!" at anyone who questions their interest; no fan over the age of thirteen would do that. I doubt anyone over the age of five would cry over a heel winning, either, as they do. The lame attempts at comedy are just as bad. In one of the first scenes, Sean asks, "Hey, Gordie, why does it look like you've got your finger up your butt?" and Gordie responds, "Because I do." That pretty much sets the tone for the movie. Then, when you see the likes of Randy Savage, Sting, DDP, Golberg and other WCW wrestlers on screen, you just can't help but laugh at them for being involved in something so shit. And to think Vince Russo actually put the belt on David Arquette in order to promote this film! :laugh:


Ready To Rumble is pure Wrestlecrap. Most fellow wrestling fans will laugh at it and, at the very least, get a kick out of it. The film does have some sort of strange entertainment value in that sense and there's some nice eye candy in it, too. However, non-wrestling fans will probably use the film as ammunition to take the piss.


By the way, it's quite strange that there are a couple of WWF references in Ready To Rumble, considering that it's a WCW film. Also, is Jimmy The King supposed to be a dig at Jerry Lawler?

Edited by Van_Dammer
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