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Lost Highway


Umm ... what the fuck ?!?!


I actually really enjoyed this movie, but there was just something really buggered up about it. That pale looking guy scared the crap out of me. I didn't get it at all, and before anyone asked what I never got ... probably all of it. Ah well, for some reason, I still enjoyed it a hell of a lot.

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The Elephant Man I'm a huge fan of David Lynch, and this film does not disapoint. It deals with the very human story of Joseph or John Merrick (John Hurt), famously known as 'The Elephant', although after seeing this film I find it tough to refer to him as this, with its connotation of bestial imagery.Rating 9/10

picked that bad-boy up in Blockbuster the other day as part of their 5 for
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Masters Of Horror - ImprintI only have two minor gripes with Imprint. The first is that Billy Drago, who plays the American journalist, isn't a particularly good actor. I haven't seen any other episodes of Masters Of Horror, but the production is really TV movie-like. I suppose that's to be expected, but it seems slightly odd when coupled with Miike's work.Overall, though, Imprint is damn good and it certainly leaves and impression. Download it now.

How dare you diss Billy Drago, he absolutely rules in Delta Force II, the best colombian drug-lord psycho mental bastard ever!
Maybe I shouldn't judge Billy Drago as an actor just yet, as I've only ever seen him in Imprint. Nonetheless, his acting in that is relatively poor. He delivers his major lines unrealistically and, at certain points, really overacts.Pee-wee's Big AdventureI'm familiar with the Pee-wee Herman character and some of the accompying material (such as Pee-wee's Playhouse) as I've seen a few clips and it's been referenced in a number of TV shows and other media. However, I've never seen this 1985 film. As it's directed by Tim Burton and written by Phil Hartman and Paul Reubens (who plays Pee-wee Herman), I knew to expect something unique...The very first factor of the story to be established is Pee-wee's love of his bicycle. After that, the character itself becomes the most prominent part of the film. Pee-wee is an oddball man-child, who lives in a house filled bizarre mechanisms and oversized everyday objects. The quirky and unusual aspects of this comedy become immediately evident, which is pretty much to be expected from Tim Burton. The plot is simple; Pee-wee's bicycle is stolen and he has to find it. Still, it leads to a huge chain of events as the quest takes him to several locations and lands in him differing situations. If anything, the plot is secondary to the 'road trip' element of the movie.Throughout, the humour is quite silly and immature, but it's remarkably childish in some places, which may not appeal to some. However, I loved it, especially because of Pee-wee's hilarious delivery. In fact, his exaggerated tonality, reactions and mannerisms are far superior than a lot of the material.Tim Burton's direction is notably good, too. He incorporates a style that's present in some of his later work and it's truly effective within a zany comedy like this one. It's strange because there's also a fairly dark edge to some of the funniest scenes...In short, Pee-wee's Big Adventure is a thoroughly entertaining and amusing film. I doubt that it'll please everybody, though, because it's an outlandish comedy and I'd imagine that, generally, it's an acquired taste. Edited by Van_Dammer
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Breakdown - ahhhh fuck, why hadnt i seen this movie before!? i think this film is pretty much relatively unknown which is weird considering its got an A-list actor in there, none other than the don himself Kurt fucking Russell...anyway's this movie absolutely fucking rules, pretty much a road-thriller packed with suspense and tension and superbly acted, seriously do yourself a favour and track this down.


Feed - ahhhh what the fuck! the subject matter of this film is completely fucked up, basically about a guy who feeds women to death and broadcasts it live over the internet, there's a couple of other fucked up things involved but i wont mention them. Anyway's what you got is a pretty unstable cop trying to track down the culprit. I think this movie is being stereotyped as abit of a gore film, and there's definatly enough sickness in there for the gore hounds but it's actually a pretty good Seven-style thriller, the cheap look may put off some folks but i think its definatly worth a look.


Donnie Brasco - a film it's taken me way to long to check out. Basically anything involving Al Pacino and gangsters is worth a look. Great movie, sits nicely alongside the other great ganster movies, dunno what else to say but check it!

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The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

Stephen Hillenburg's cartoon with a cult following comes to the big screen.


In this feature-length film, SpongeBob and Patrick journey to Shell City in order to retrieve King Neptune's stolen crown. They encounter many obstacles along the way as the evil Plankton tries to stop them from achieving their goal.


Although the critical response to The SpongBob SquarePants Movie has been mixed, I really liked it. It's obviously a different experience from the eleven-minute TV episodes, but it still maintains a lot of the original charm. For example, the humour is, fundamentally, the same. There's plenty of fantastic juvenile comedy and a couple of songs to keep the youngsters fully entertained, whilst a number of jokes will also keep the older audience giggling. There's a fair amount of stuff that, generally, adults are likely to appreciate more, such as the cameo by David Hasselhoff.


I think the film could have made use of more characters, though. Squidward is definitely one of my favourites from the TV show, but he doesn't actually do much in the film. Also, until the end credits, I didn't even realize that Scarlett Johansson played the part of Mindy. Interestingly, her voice doesn't sound as gruff and husky as usual.


To sum it up, if you like the SpongeBob TV series, then you'll probably like this movie, too. However, if you're not familiar with it, you might just dismiss it as a silly and obscure film. In my opinion, it's a totally fun movie that's very easy to enjoy.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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Thank You for Smoking

A very good film, with a very good cast, some great acting, a great script (full of witty lines), a good & interesting story. Aaron Eckhart is great in the lead(as Nick Naylor) and is very likeable, whilst nearly everyone else is very good in their parts as well. The film has a few problems though - Katie Holmes is mis-cast and generally poor in the film, and while Cameron Bright put in his best performance in a film to date he is still pretty poor on the whole! Also most of the characters are underdeveloped(exept Naylor as you would expect), with the MOD squad(one of the highlights of the film) being generally wasted on the whole. Still a film that is really worth watching though, and one that had the whole cinema laughing throughout.

(Released in the UK - 16/06/2006)





A surprisingly good film, with some good special effects, an interesting plot, some good humour, a somewhat creepy atmosphere, and some unusually built-up characters for a film which many will obviously compare to similar

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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

This is a film that I've seen on practically every list of great movies. It's currently in the twelfth position on the IMDB's Top 250 and was ranked the fourteenth best film of all time by FilmFour.


Jack Nicholson plays Randle McMurphy, a man who is sent to a mental institution for 'evaluation.' Being a rebellious character, he brings the patients together to revolt against the oppressive nurse Nurse Ratched.


I think my expectations for One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest may have been too great. I wouldn't rate it as much as most other people, but I'd still rate very highly indeed. It's undoubtedly a brilliant film and it's truly effective.


Due to the excellent performances by Jack Nicholson and the supporting cast, you genuinely care for the characters and their relationships with each other. It's a really compelling film because of the combination of that and the well-executed story. Additionally, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest has a very memorable, great ending...

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Blazing Saddles : Mel Brooks Classic, funny stuff. Check it out if you haven

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I saw this film with extremely low expectations. The reviews haven't been that favourable and the concept seemed pretty weak, too. Basically, Bob Munro (Robin Williams) and his family take an RV trip. Of course, there are issues within the family, like the fact that they don't spend much time together, so they're pretty dysfunctional.


To be honest, RV was a lot better than I had expected. Although it's nothing special and there have certainly been better family films out lately, it's actually alright and fairly entertaining. There's a mixture of toilet humour, physical comedy, mild innuendo and even some instances of off-beat humour, so it'll satisfy practically all ages.


From what I've heard, the critics have panned Robin Williams' performance, but I thought he was good in this movie. He's a diverse actor and, in my opinion, it's nice to see him doing comedy again because he can carry it well.


Pop star JoJo, who plays Cassie Munro, is quite surprising in this movie, in the sense that her performance isn't completely shit.


Jeff Daniels is awesome in RV, though. He plays his role perfectly and he's just great whenever he's on screen. I realize that he's old now, but Daniels deserves to have some bigger and better parts. As far as I'm aware, he's only known for Dumb & Dumber and Arachnophobia (the greatest B-movie of all time). Personally, I think he's an underrated actor.


I suppose the main negatives in RV are the somewhat cliched characters and cheesy moments...


So, in short, if you're in the mood for something light and entertaining, give RV a try. You'll probably forget most of it within a week, but it's relatively enjoyable. Just don't expect it to be anything more than average.


By the way, the son of the Munro family has a John Cena poster in his room. :thumbsup:

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Hard Candy


I was really looking forward to a twisted fucked up suspenful film, full of twist and turns with a really great message that would make the audience think. Sadly, despite entertaining me, the film did little out. The abrupt, not drawn out start was great - it set up the film well, and got the viewer into the darkend world straight away. Then it drags, the film seemed to go on for ages despite it's 109 minute running time. The suspense is lost when the girl becomes totally unrelatable and unemphathetic to the audience, as she is displayed as pig headed and far too self-assured, as the audience is shown far too soon that she is not in danger throughout. The idea that the audience has trouble contemplating whether the guy is actually a child molestor or not is rubbish, what could have been subtle and great dialogue, is turned into blatant sexual reference, and direct reference to fancying her throughout. I have no idea what the message of this film is, it almost condones brutual vigilants and does not bring up any of the burning issues that surround the child abuse cases the media constantly remind us of; such as legislation, the concept itself and the people behind it. It's not a BAD film, but it certainly does not recoqnise its potential.

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Teen Wolf Too

The love the first Teen Wolf film, which starred Michael J Fox as Scott Howard. It may not be a legendary movie or anything oscar-worthy, but it's a very entertaining and enjoyable flick. So, I decided to check out the sequel, which follows Todd Howard (Scott's cousin). He suffers from the same werewolf problem that ran in Scott's side of the family as he begins university.


I don't think I need to say much about Teen Wolf Too other than; it is unbelievably awful. I simply cannot express just how dire it really is. I was completely bored by the time it was half over, which is when I came to the conclusion that it's quite possibly the worst film that I've ever seen.


Avoid at all costs.

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Thank You For SmokingThat was a lot of fun. Not a lot of laugh out loud moments though. Most of the laughs, for me, came from people's reactions to stuff. Especially Nick, which is a character that's gonna stick in my head for ages. Probably my favourite movie character for a long time.Adam Brody was actually great, and his 'I'm gonna impale your ...' speech was one of the laugh out loud moments I was talking about. I'd recommend it.

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