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Currently loving the DS.Big Brain Academy (B at the moment), Brain Training (Brain Age - 26), Sonic Rush, New Super Mario Brothers, and Wario Ware.All amazing games in their own right, can be great fun to keep training ya brain each day, and compare it with friends and family, then using the Mario and Sonic games for playing while travelling.Gotta get Animal Crossing next tho'.

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Just finished Resident Evil 4 on the GC. Can honestly say it is one of the greatest games I have ever played, it just oozes atmosphere and for the the first time in the RE series this is matched by the quality of the gameplay.

RE4 is an excellent game. I've got it on PS2 and not yet finished it (I'm on the last level), but it's compelling and beautifully made.

Plan to start GTA SA sometime over the weekend, not massive fan of the series and I tend to get stuck on an annoying mission and stop playing them but it was only

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I've changed my mind.Tried GTA SA got lost on the bikes in the first mission and cant be arsed for the time being so I've decided to play RE4 all the way through again as you get to carry all the weapons from the end of your completed game through to the restart (plus a better handgun is available to buy).cant believe I'm playing it again straight away but it really is that good.

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I've changed my mind.Tried GTA SA got lost on the bikes in the first mission and cant be arsed for the time being so I've decided to play RE4 all the way through again as you get to carry all the weapons from the end of your completed game through to the restart (plus a better handgun is available to buy).cant believe I'm playing it again straight away but it really is that good.

Infinite Rocket Launcher is where it's at. I played it through three times straight away, and once again this year.
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Some major Next Gen news is to be announced at 5.01am UK Time.Bloody gaming websites won't say anything till then.EDIT: Fuss about nothing, Nintendo have lots of microchips

Edited by mitch_online_uk
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Games i've just bought and havent played yet:Area 51, Destroy all humans, Silent Hill 4, Metal Slug 3, Metal Gear Solid 2.

When all you want to do is kill stuff for five mins then Metal Slug.
Just gave it a go and had big smiles on my face, just the sort of fun waste of 10 minutes i was looking for. I find immense pleasure in 2D side scrolling shooter efforts and this was tons of fun. Reminds me of my youth.
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Metal Slug is awesome - fantastic visuals and frantic, intense gameplay. After you've played it for a bit, try seeing how far you can get on a single credit, tis pretty tricky.

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Been playing Saints Row at my mate's house.Mainly just laughing at the Insurance Fraud stuff. Even more hilarious when my mate jumped right at a car and it killed him.Also been laughing at the 'THREEEE TWOOOO ONNEEE GOOOOO !!! YEEEEEEE HAR !!!' in the demolition derby arena.The game is actually pretty decent and there's some annoying missions to try and get my teeth into.Probably play Oblivion soon.

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