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You can't softmod an xbox 360.

Yet.It's taken them longer than usual if they've not got it sussed by now, but believe me, at some point someone will have worked out a way round it.
And then microsoft will patch it. When consoles have regular downloadable updates its all rather futile. Take this wii softmod that just been released, I'll give it a few months before nintendo patch it and stop it working.
True, but you could also just choose not to connect to the net with it if you were playing copied games. If you're not downloading the updates, they can't fix the issue on your console.
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Then you'll have to put up with any subsequent bugs.

Not to mention not being able to play online/ play games at all when compulsary updates come along. It just won't work.
True, but until you intend to play a game that requires said compulsory update, there's still no issue. It's like... say a way of playing copied games was found and announced later today, all would be fine on the current crop of games, if I had a 360, did the mod stuff and played any games from now and earlier (and even up to the update that fixes that issue), there is not a single thing that would stop me playing those games.Because a compulsory update appears, doesn't mean all games are suddenly impossible to play, I mean christ... what about those who have a 360 but no net access? Those people don't suddenly get to a cut off point and can't play games anymore (and if they did, there would be a massive issue about it because, y'know... they'd be selling a product to people that can't actually be used to play all the games available).
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Then you'll have to put up with any subsequent bugs.

Not to mention not being able to play online/ play games at all when compulsary updates come along. It just won't work.
True, but until you intend to play a game that requires said compulsory update, there's still no issue. It's like... say a way of playing copied games was found and announced later today, all would be fine on the current crop of games, if I had a 360, did the mod stuff and played any games from now and earlier (and even up to the update that fixes that issue), there is not a single thing that would stop me playing those games.Because a compulsory update appears, doesn't mean all games are suddenly impossible to play, I mean christ... what about those who have a 360 but no net access? Those people don't suddenly get to a cut off point and can't play games anymore (and if they did, there would be a massive issue about it because, y'know... they'd be selling a product to people that can't actually be used to play all the games available).
No, but your limiting yourself to games before that point. Whats the point of a soft mod if you cant play newer games or enjoy newer software updates. I'd rather leave it unmodded in a situation like that.Anyway updates are often put on the game discs themselves as well for those without a networked console, so if a new game came out that you wanted to play, but contained an update which pached the softmod, you'd be screwed. Plus they can have a 'cutoff' point in that case (not that I think they would).I can afford to buy games these days. I'd much rather connect my conole up and get all the benefits of doing so than to keep my console offline so I can play copies.
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I'm not saying there's no benefits from being online with it, just pretty much pointing out that there's enough of a way round it if they decide to go that route... plus if it has to be a set "point" in the history of the updates, they could possibly release the soft mod in such a way that the soft mod loads in and overrides the 360 itself.It's pure speculation, but there will be a way of playing pirated games soon enough (Hell, you can download the games as it is, so I'm sure there must be some way of playing them, or what's the point?)

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Rock Band


So I finally splurged on it after holding out for as long as I could. Quite impressed with the drum kit, though I'm worried about the pads stopping working because of the reports I've read. The guitar is sexy but I prefer my PS2 Guitar Hero ones for functionality because of their fantastic clicky strum bar. Having the extra set of frets for solos is a fun idea. Very wise to put mini control pads on the drums and guitar, though maybe a small button on the mic to let the singer sign in without using a pad might have been a plan. Not used the microphone myself but my cousin used it when we were playing mutliplayer and it seemed to work fine and is sturdily made. Ridiculous amount of packaging and crap to dispose of. The USB hub set-up is smart but it's annoying having cables all over the place in this wireless age.


I've mostly been on the drums so far because the guitar is the same as Guitar Hero and it'll take a whole lot of alcohol before I'll sing in the company of other humans. Enjoying it a lot. Had trouble establishing an understanding between my left leg and my arms for the first couple of songs, but I'm getting better at it now and am finding that my Donkey Konga practice is paying off. Played it on three player with a singer and guitarist and we've been doing alright, hitting 90% and above on most songs, though we're only playing on medium at this point. The vocals seem to be by far the easiest thing to nail as it has the same sort of forgiving nature as Sing Star. If you're making roughly the right noise at roughly the right time it'll let you off. Our singer is getting 100% fairly regularly.


Happy with it generally, our multiplayer session was great fun and the setlist has some good stuff on it. Will browse the DLC for it later on.


Question for those who have owned it for a while: How hard are the drums on hard? I put it straight on medium as my guitaring is at the standard of just being able to clear songs on hard but regularly 100% on medium. Finding the drums comfortable at the minute, is the leap to hard a massive one?



N+. Good old XBox live arcade. Only played the trial game so far but I'm seriously tempted to unlock the full version. It's a very simple puzzley platformer affair but it has some of the most satisfying physics I've experienced in a game. It's like playing Parkour in the form of a 2D platformer, with your little stickman ninja leaping and soaring through the air with grace and finesse. It has very very simplistic visuals, a great soundtrack and the full game has a level editor attached, but it's the sheer joy of the long flying jumps and leaping about using wall-hops and the like that instantly hooked me. Also, when your guy meets his end, he invariably does so in a horribly spectacular manner. Give it a go, it's only a 13MB download.


On the subject of XBLA, I am overjoyed to hear that they're remaking Deathtank~! Deathtank Zwei on the Saturn was one of my all time favourite multiplayer experiences, but given that it was an extra on a Saturn game that required you to own another Saturn game to play it, it's relatively unheard of. It was therefore pretty incredible to see the footage of a shiny Xbox live remake on Youtube. If you've not played it, it's somewhat similar to Worms but it plays in real time and is therefore far more frantic. Cannot wait for this, I hope they do the original justice and just add some gloss rather than attempting to overhaul it and spoiling a classic.

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I'm not saying there's no benefits from being online with it, just pretty much pointing out that there's enough of a way round it if they decide to go that route... plus if it has to be a set "point" in the history of the updates, they could possibly release the soft mod in such a way that the soft mod loads in and overrides the 360 itself.It's pure speculation, but there will be a way of playing pirated games soon enough (Hell, you can download the games as it is, so I'm sure there must be some way of playing them, or what's the point?)

There is.You download custom firmware, much like the PSP, which allows copies to be played, it's just once the new update hits, you've gotta wait a few days for them to crack the new firmware.There USED to be a casemod (much like the fliptop for the PS2) but the security hole was patched.
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Anyone playing Madden 09 on PSP? It runs really,really well for a handheld,and the game modes are almost on par with the console version's. But i cant help thinking it's too easy. The receivers light up green when they are open,and you hit them every time. When you play D,the opposing offense nearly always hand's it off until third down when they throw and nearly always beat you deep. In short,the loading times are minimal,the game modes are nice and in depth,but the game play glitches kill it.Been playing a lot of Madden on 360 also and thankfully it does not contain the same glitches.Really liking the game play elements of the TNA Impact game. The tag team mechanics are in a different league to SDVR. Story mode is enjoyable too.Downloaded the new Metallica album on Guitar Hero 3 and its really really hard on anything other than easy! The practice modes where you can slow down the tracks to help get them down is brilliant. From a Metallica fanboy point of view at least.My Wii has been a little neglected lately,but i do have the odd bash on Carnival games,and i picked up Mario and Sonic Olympics which is also great fun.

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It'll surely be noteworthy to nobody but myself, but I finally achieved my first Guitar Hero 3 goal on Saturday by getting 100% on One on "easy". For a malcoordinated gimp such as myself, this is quite an achievement.

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I'll be softmodding my Wii just to play Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, which for some reason, I don't see getting a UK release for a long time, if ever.


In other news:

I now can't decide which i'm more excited for, Street Fighter IV or...


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I'll be softmodding my Wii just to play Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, which for some reason, I don't see getting a UK release for a long time, if ever.In other news:I now can't decide which i'm more excited for, Street Fighter IV or...

Yeah, seriously, KOFXII is going to be stupendously good. "Interesting" aside, I purchased KOF2002 and KOFXI not long ago for a total of
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I'll be softmodding my Wii just to play Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, which for some reason, I don't see getting a UK release for a long time, if ever.In other news:I now can't decide which i'm more excited for, Street Fighter IV or...

Yeah, seriously, KOFXII is going to be stupendously good. "Interesting" aside, I purchased KOF2002 and KOFXI not long ago for a total of
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