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Recently began playing World Of Warcraft, thus far, it's been awesome. Any tips from long-time players?

Make friends or find a decent guild. At a certain level the game becomes very difficult (and not as much fun) without company.Also, have an alternate char that can get the materials that the other needs. If you have a leatherworker, have a skinning alt.What server are you on?
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Mario Party 8 for the Wii has been recalled. I was a bit worried as the Mrs had bought this today and I didn't want it blowing up my Wii.Fortunately, the "assembly error" seems to have been Nintendo leaving the word "spastic" in the game, which won't bother me enough to return it and wait for the game to be re-pressed.

I didnt even know it had been released yet!Ive been playing flatout ultimate carnage of the xbox360. Great fun, and brilliant graphics too.
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Mario Party 8 for the Wii has been recalled. I was a bit worried as the Mrs had bought this today and I didn't want it blowing up my Wii.Fortunately, the "assembly error" seems to have been Nintendo leaving the word "spastic" in the game, which won't bother me enough to return it and wait for the game to be re-pressed.

Left in the game? How did it get there in the first place? :confused: I can't imagine anyone writing the line, "Mama-mia! Luigi, stop-a acting like a spastic!" and leaving it for the censors to decide later on.
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Recently began playing World Of Warcraft, thus far, it's been awesome. Any tips from long-time players?

Make friends or find a decent guild. At a certain level the game becomes very difficult (and not as much fun) without company.Also, have an alternate char that can get the materials that the other needs. If you have a leatherworker, have a skinning alt.What server are you on?
Cheers bud.As for the server, I've no idea. I've only been playing on the free trial for a couple of days.
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  • Awards Moderator

Recently began playing World Of Warcraft, thus far, it's been awesome. Any tips from long-time players?

Make friends or find a decent guild. At a certain level the game becomes very difficult (and not as much fun) without company.Also, have an alternate char that can get the materials that the other needs. If you have a leatherworker, have a skinning alt.What server are you on?
Cheers bud.As for the server, I've no idea. I've only been playing on the free trial for a couple of days.
On the front login screen, where you type username/password, there's some writing in grey towards the bottom-right under the quit button. That's your server.
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Okay, okay. So right now, i'm STUPIDLY excited.


This month in Retro Gamer magazine, they did a feature on the making of the awesomely amazing 1987 Electric Dreams game Aliens. For those of you old enough to have played it, this was about the earliest experience i'd had of anything resembling a first person shooter and is probably the most scared i've ever been playing a game. Ever.




Go here. NOW.

Download it and play it.

Okay, so most of you probably won't see why I love it so much. But it's ace.



It's just how I remember it. I'm in love all over again.



...and it has 2 PLAYER COOP!


Plus, they've included a map and for anyone who did play the original, will know how important that is.

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I used to have that Aliens game. As far as I remember, it wasn't very good. Every screen looked almost exactly the same and there were hardly things to shoot!

Well, everything looking similar was a limitation of the system at the time, but I thought it added more to the fear. Besides, getting lost was almost part of the game. If each of the 200odd rooms looked very different, you'd be able to sprint to the finish in much quicker time.The lack of things to shoot is deliberate. It's meant to feel claustophobic, it's more of an atmospheric thinking shooter, with you trying to keep all 6 of your characters alive (because they can be killed even if you're not controlling them). If they chucked tons of bad guys at you, you'd stand no chance at all.
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  • Awards Moderator

I used to have that Aliens game. As far as I remember, it wasn't very good. Every screen looked almost exactly the same and there were hardly things to shoot!

Well, everything looking similar was a limitation of the system at the time, but I thought it added more to the fear. Besides, getting lost was almost part of the game. If each of the 200odd rooms looked very different, you'd be able to sprint to the finish in much quicker time.The lack of things to shoot is deliberate. It's meant to feel claustophobic, it's more of an atmospheric thinking shooter, with you trying to keep all 6 of your characters alive (because they can be killed even if you're not controlling them). If they chucked tons of bad guys at you, you'd stand no chance at all.
I felt the original Alien (in a box the size of your settee!) was far more tense:alien_(argus_press)_03.gifWandering round the ship, suddenly a crew member turns 'droid on you! Grab the cat, fry the alien or bail the ship. My favourite scenario was to leg it and leave the ship, allowing Earth to become a happy Alien brothel :)
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