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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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According to wikipedia... * Theme music o Her first entrance theme was "Be Yourself" by Audioslave (which was also used as a theme for the 2005 Diva Search). In WWE DVDs a WWE Production theme called "Indie Rock Cafe" was used when Ashley came to the ring. o Her 2nd and 3rd themes were generic themes. o Ashley's current entrance theme, which was also used for her Playboy unveiling, is titled "Let Me Lite a Fire In You", a WWE Production sung by Bryan Seeley, the lead singer of the band Nuts In A Blender.

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According to wikipedia... * Theme music o Her first entrance theme was "Be Yourself" by Audioslave (which was also used as a theme for the 2005 Diva Search). In WWE DVDs a WWE Production theme called "Indie Rock Cafe" was used when Ashley came to the ring. o Her 2nd and 3rd themes were generic themes. o Ashley's current entrance theme, which was also used for her Playboy unveiling, is titled "Let Me Lite a Fire In You", a WWE Production sung by Bryan Seeley, the lead singer of the band Nuts In A Blender.

thanks, would I be able to download this from somewhere like Ares do you reckon?
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Van Hammer's gimmick before joining The Flock was that he was a rock star/into rock music.Raven debut in ECW came about by Stevie Richards constantly saying he was bringing in someone from Tommy Dreamer's past. Stevie alluded to it being Scott Levy by calling him by his old gimmick names but saying that he had found his true self under the guise of Raven. Raven made his debut, cut a promo on Dreamer and hit Stevie Richards. Raven was working in the WWF as Johnny Polo, manager of the The Quebecers and Adam Bomb. He also worked on commentary on the home video releases and worked behind the scenes editting the weekend shows. He was fired/didn't have his contract renewed because Vince didn't like the influence Raven had on his son, Shane.

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Before joining The Flock, what was Van Hammer's gimmick?How did Raven debut in ECW, and was Scott Levy already working in the company under a different name/gimmick?

Van Hammer hadn't really been around for a while before then. Long before that (as in, he was around in 1992-93), he was a ROCK STAR~! complete with expensive ROCK VIDEO~! and guitar he couldn't play.Raven's ECW debut is covered in detail in Turning The Tables. Stevie Richards wrestled under all of Levy's former gimmicks (Stevie The Body, Stevie Flamingo, Stevie Polo etc.), while Joey Styles mentioned that the artist formerly known as Johnny Polo had left the WWF and was working as a roadie for Stone Temple Pilots, having had something akin to a nervous breakdown, before Levy finally appeared for the "birth" of Raven at the ECW Arena, with the idea that his soul had been destroyed by all the shitty gimmicks he'd had to work under before.
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Basically, when Raven started working behind the scenes he became friends with Shane and started dragging him out drinking and stuff. Vince didn't like it. Raven talks about it in one of his shoots, if I remember correctly.

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Anybody know, how or why The One Man Gang became Akeem? They had the same manager and it was around about the same time frame, did he just go away for a few weeks and come back as Akeem or did he morph into the character like Tito Santana became El Matador.

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