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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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Is there any particular reason The Texas Tornado didn't make the card at Wrestlemania VIII, or was it just one of those things? I could be wrong, but I do believe he was still employed by the WWF by the time WM VIII took place.

He was definitely employed by the company at this point as he was on a European tour later that month. Don't know the reason he wasn't on the WM card though.
He was probably drugged out of his mind, not knowing his ass from a hole in the ground. Given the whole drugs scandal at the time, and that the St. Louis bust was apparently due to a tip-off about the shit Kerry was carrying, they may just have wanted him out of sight.
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Are TNA still papering their TV tapings?  If so, what's the usual fraction of the audience that's paying?

AFAIK- It's in a theme park, they can't actually charge for entry. Outside there will be people doing promotions/flyers for TNA, so tourists which have never heard of TNA before might come in and watch. The percentage of actual die-hard wrestling fans, new people who like it, and people who happened to stumble upon it and thought it was shit - can't be differentiated. TNA believe the positives of being at the theme park outweigh the negatives of 800 or so people watching their product for free.Back in Nashville they sold actual tickets, but had to give out freebies nearer the time to fill out the crowd(baring in mind they were at the same arena every week). Some shows, like their last one was completely sold out, with many more wanting in.It's really hard to guess what paying crowd TNA would draw, it's all dependent on the area, TV and local promotion I guess.

From what I understand, Lex Luger did actually have a metal plate inserted into his arm after a motorcycle accident. It was then used as a gimmick in the WWF, but did WCW ever acknowledge it?

I don't recall WCW ever acknowledging it. He did use it as a major move, often hitting it before the Torture Rack. Also hitting his forarm before he hits the move. I just can't remember WCW mentioning it, they may have once or twice, but in general commentary they'd just call it as a forarm shot or whatever, where as you mentioned WWF commentary would always mention the metal plate face or heel. Edited by shinyahashimoto
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- How was Hulk Hogan received in Japan?

Hulk Hogan was always hugely popular in Japan. He was main eventing in New Japan in 1983 which is before he joined the WWF and became world famous. He also had some interpromotional matches in the early 90's with the short lived SWS promotion. His last match there was at the Tokyo Dome in October 03 where he picked up a serious injury.What move is the Death Penalty? It might have been used by Brian Clarke in WCW? Edited by D R
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Why was WWE Confidential cancelled? I never watched it because it never aired here (although I did see the DVD), but I'm curious as to why it was cancelled.

I believe poor ratings (no other show did any better though) and some people such as Triple H thought the show was "exposing" the business too much. (That's what I remember hearing anyway) Edited by landy1987
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