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Tozawa is a DG dojo guy, yes. I think he's OK, but most don't. But then I like John Cena, so I've probably waived my right to an opinion.You're wrong about Tanizaki. Veeeery wrong. Glad to see you're coming around on Shingo, though. He just gets better and better with every show.Oishi and Asahi are K-Dojo guys. They've had a fair few DG matches now. I really like Oishi, but Asahi's not quite so good. I think Asahi's currently injured.

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Bloody hell.


2/5/2006 Fukuoka, Hakata Star Lanes

1. Naoki Tanisaki{W}, Genki Horiguchi (9:22 Casanova) Keni'chiro Arai, Katsuo{L}

2. Michael{W}, Daniel (5:52 Pinfall) Vangelis, Tozawa{L}

3. Anthony W. Mori{W}, Super Shisa (Elegant Magic) Magnitude Kishiwada, Don Fujii{L}

4. Jack Evans{W}, BxB Hulk (13:34 630) CIMA, Shingo Takagi{L}

5. Open the Brave Gate

Dragon Kid (20:08 No Contest due to Seconds Intrusion) Masato Yoshino

*The belt is currently vacant andin the commissioners' possession

6. Ryo Saito{W}, Magnum TOKYO (23:11 Premium Bridge) Masaaki Mochizuki{L}, Susumu Yokosuka

7. Bonus Match - Ryuukon Trial Series #4

Magnum TOKYO (6:39 AV Star Press) Geni'chiro Tenryuu


I had a feeling Magu would go over in at least one of the ten matches - he's been taking a beating, but looking successively stronger in each one - but after going 25mins in the previous match? Wow.


Ryo over Mochi is obviously great, too. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know :(I do know that the aforementioned Jack Evans really isn't very good after all. Soundbite from the Japan vs Mexico vs USA tag on the 27/12 PPV:Evans: FUCK NIHON, and FUCK MEXICO! AMERICA, BABY! You KNOW where it's at! :laugh:Crowd: *wets best white panties laughing* We are Dragon Gate fans and we bear witness to Blood Generation beating the living shit out of our heroes on a bimonthly basis. Your insults and your flips are weak and inoffensive, as is your penis. *Evans: :( .... um, America ichiban?* translated from the Japanese. HonestWhen you can stand next to Masato Yoshino and still look like you need to eat a few pies, and when you can wrestle on the same show as Michael Iwasa and still look like your offence isn't actually hurting people, then maybe it's time to have a long think about whether this wrestling lark is really the job for you. Know what I'm saying? :/This is the last 2005 show, so after this I'll have seen everything. I'll post a big 2005 wrap-up tomorrow. In JLM's absence (POST, motherfucker :(), it looks like I'm it...In the meantime, some discussion about anything and everything Dragon Gate would be pretty welcome. Y'all ARE still watching... right?

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Dude, the guy's obviously fantastic. But when his first name's Michael, he's a comedy guy, and his offence isn't really supposed to be taken seriously. Now if I compare Jack Evans' offence to Iwasa's, which one of them do you suppose I'd be insulting? :)

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Y'all ARE still watching... right?

No. :(Sadly, I have neither the time nor money to watch/purchase DG DVDs at the moment.The love and intent is still there though... >strokes "Best of 2004" DVD<
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Y'all ARE still watching... right?

No. :(Sadly, I have neither the time nor money to watch/purchase DG DVDs at the moment.The love and intent is still there though... >strokes "Best of 2004" DVD<
Same myself, since Getting my new job (and girlfriend :wub:) I simply dont have the time to watch and/or keep up with all the news and what nots. Not just DG, but wrestling as a whole :(Still, I'll always go back to a DG show if I want to watch something for a bit of fun. Theres still about 10 episodes of TV and PPV tucked away that I havent watched yet.
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  • 3 weeks later...

So the most recent truckload of DVD's turn up courtesy of Si~, and then the board gets hacked by some spotty virgin before I can restart my massive catch-up log. :angry: But the board is back now - so lets see what I can recall...The BH catch-up part II begins with the first Infinity of 2005 - which in actuality mostly covers the tail-end of 2004 after Mochi claimed the ODG at the end of a match versus CIMA that was pretty darn epic, but in my eyes not as great as CIMA/Yokosuka was three months previously. So the festive season is spent at the Pepe Hall Atlas for DG, firstly with a 10-man tag tournament on Xmas Day that is shown mostly clip wise until the final - and hopefully I never see Milano wearing pink Magnum tights again. It looked like Danshoku Dino turned up a few months early :crazy: The final is pretty much like most DG multi-mans, and that is a very good thing, with the newly renamed Naruki Doi getting the upset with the Doi 555 over YOSSINO. This in turn leads to the next night - and a good singles match between YOSSINO and Doi with YOSSINO getting the win back on a flash pin, but Doi showing how good he can be. Level at one each, and with Final M2K needing someone to team with Knessuka for their crack at Triangle Gate - which YOSSINO holds one-third of - the title match in Nagoya is finalised. And with that it's into 2005 proper.But seemingly Nagoya is a bit flat - possibly down to the Aagan firing/quitting? Mochi vs Kid is a Shin M2K reunion in singles, but is pretty dull with Mochi getting the win - but at least Ryo's upset over CIMA was well received. And Magnum mistreating his tag partners seems like a joke only amusing one person really. Waku Waku Fuji Land is dead soon after - as DG realise one top-tier star amusing himself is enough. But it leads to awesomeness at the PPV. Which I will get to later.The Triangle Gate match is OK but no gold - mainly with the continuation of the YOSSINO/Doi mini-series, which Italian Tarzan Boy takes with a modified Blue Thunder Driver (Another Space). Milano is minus the year glasses and the invisible dog and it really looks like there is something missing. Two little details reducing the overall greatness of the package - a lot more than you think it would. Milano makes a play for a Dream Gate shot afterwards - Ryo comes back to remind everyone he beat the last champion motherfuckers, and Kanda takes the mic which means a match between Milano and Ryo is on.So now the 14/1 PPV, which starts with Waku Waku Fuji Land becoming Blood Generation. CIMA, Fujii and Shingo are in, but Super Shisa won't unmask and walks out. Naoki Tanisaki comes out to roar at Shingo (seriously, he was doing that gutteral roar Owashi did everytime he took a microphone in Toryumon/DG) over Shingo not getting treated like shit - and a 6-man tag between the newly formed group and Shisa, Tanisaki and Genki Horiguchi (who came out to stop Tanisaki getting his still-knackered lungs destroyed any more) is made.The opener gets abruptly halted when Doi boots Mochi in the mush and joins BloodGen - the melee sees Shingo hit an Angle Slam drop of some description on Tanisaki - which had to hurt, so the 6-man becomes 8, as BloodGen become 4 - and Magnum and Kid join Shisa and Horiguchi. Comedy for a bit - then Knessuka tear it up with Mori and YOSSINO in the type of match I wasn't really expecting after being disappointed by the Triangle Gate encounter. Kness even gets nostalgic with YOSSINO with the Sol Noches El/Sol Naciente exchanges. I think the best way to avoid the Sol Naciente is quite simple, don't stand up when he rolls over. It needs to be called as business exposing, so there you go.Ryo vs Milano was fucking great stuff. They hyped it perfectly by reminding us how Ryo was Milano's bitch in the early days of T2P - and on a later TV show extended it to the Young Dragons Cup 2000, though that wasn't shown on the PPV for some reason. Seeing Milano vs Ryo from the T2P opening show reminded me how great them shows truly were. Owashi not looking as scary as he became, YASSHI being called Stevie 'brother' Tsujimoto and being awesome with the whacked out submissions that he lost at some point in 2003 - and of course the hexagonal ring. Nothing special now with TNA - but I was blown away by it the first time I saw T2P. Oh yeah, the 2005 match. Milano brought back T2P some more in the early going by breaking out some subs I hadn't seen him do in years - then it kicked into high gear with Ryo getting some offense for the first time ever in a singles against Milano. Slight exaggeration maybe - but the clipped highlights of previous encounters made it seem so. Back and forth for 20 minutes of greatness, before Ryo got the upset with a dragon suplex and continued his early 2005 rise. Next is his title shot against Mochi. Milano just disappeared afterwards - and it might be hindsight - but there were definite foreshadowings of what would come.The main event was just FUCKING GREAT. Memphis came to Dragon Gate with the hate-filled brawling throughout Korakuen Hall - Magnum attempting to kill Doi by hurling chairs at him, Fujii and Horiguchi brawling all over the place, CIMA punking out Kid, before getting a relatively quick pin on Shisa with the Schwein. At this point I realised it was 2/3 falls and more was to come. In some respects it may have better to have one fall end like this to affirm BG well and truly as the new force in Dragon Gate - but I guess they wanted to have a decent length match to get the same point across. So Shisa actually winds up getting a fall over CIMA of all people with a Code Red/Yoshi Tonic - and he could well be the most unselfish main eventer ever. The Doi surge continues apace - even more now with BloodGen, and this is the role he was born for, it just suits him down to the ground more than paying tribute to his baseball playing dad by doing a sacrifice bunt. He pins Kid with the Bakatare sliding kick to seal the win for Blood Generation - and a new heel stable is well and truly born. Great stuff, and a decent PPV both for storyline and the quality of the last three matches.More soon, and hopfully I never type this much in one post again. :)

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Oh, while I remember - Ryo vs Mochi for the Dream Gate is quality stuff. Ryo's rise in under a month is awesome, and he has definitely put in the quality performances to back it up. I am also weirdly hooked on Mochi's theme everytime he enters for a Dream Gate match.I'm starting the 23/2/05 PPV soon, and looking forward to some BloodGen vs M2K greatness.

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Oi! Slow down there Hammah, you're catching up to me, which emphasies just how badly I'm doing. :(Just posting to say thanks for the Dragon storm linkage, I've wanted a copy of I LIKE COLA with the vocals for ages, and Ryo Saito's "I'm a main eventer now, look" theme is excellent too. SPEEEEEEDSTAAR. My housemates have no idea what I'm listening to, I kind of like that. I will catch up, promise. Despite not getting round to it for a long long time, the news snippets I keep reading make me want to get closer to current events. Kanda's retirement was the best thing ever, I wonder what kind of pop could top that? :sly: Good to know that Chocoflake K-ICHI is still alive too. The El Dorado etc. stuff is interesting too. Was always curious to see Hisamaru Tajima in action, there was so much hype around him when Toryumon X first started getting mentioned and I was fairly sure he would never be seen again. Intriguing.

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