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Wrestlemania XX UKFF Guide


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Sorry mate have you looked up the reviews of that hotel, I was thinking of staying there its a great location but the rooms arnt to good. If you can cancel try the presidents hotel from best western around $90 a night 1 bnlock from time square?

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FUCKIN BASTARD! my virgin flights were all wrong. i read the arrival time in NY wrong. i thought it said 2:05pm when in actual fact it said 21:05 pm. lol we're meant to bloody be there by 9! anyway, i got a full refind luckily and have now booked em up with american airlines, at

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Guest webmastfowrestlegame

Ever seen traffic moving in NYC, much less in Rush Hour?Seriously, hopefully you should be fine with just hand luggage but you'll be cutting it fine.

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My flight details areLeaves - 12 March - 1025 Teessidearrives heathrow 1140leaves heathrow 1320arrives JFK at 1610Leaves - 16th March 1900 JFKarrives 655am Heathrow ON 17TH0835am Heathrow to Teessidearrives Teesside 0940.

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does anyone have any idea of where the registation site is gonna be?

If you mean the WWE Travel Package registration - it is in the hotel that we are staying in, usually in the lobby or some small room they've put aside for it.Here's how it's gone each time I've been:Maria (yeah, we're on first name terms :smug: ) who has a title like Travel Package Co-ordinator or something and colleague(s) sit at a table with a load of envelopes. Your tickets to the PPV itself, a map of the arena and any free stuff like Autograph Session tickets are in your envelope and they give you your WM-XX souvenir(s) like T-shirts then too. :thumbsup:
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does anyone have any idea of where the registation site is gonna be?

If you mean the WWE Travel Package registration - it is in the hotel that we are staying in, usually in the lobby or some small room they've put aside for it.
lmao, which begs the question- anybody know where the hotel is gonna be? or where it has been situated in the past in terms of how close theyve been to the arena (in other words, have the past travel package hotels been near the arena?)
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Guest CJ Brown

63 Days Until WrestleMania, 58 until we leave!Take one off each in 25 minutes!

You're flying out Tuesday as well? :)
Yep, Tuesday through to the Thursday after. Leaving from Heathrow at about 9:30am with Virgin. Then off to see the Knicks that evening. So probably we will stay in London the Monday night as we will need to be at Heathrow for 7ish
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