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Washing machine bargains?

Surf Digby

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  • Paid Members

Get yourself an Ad Mag, son. Always lots of everything in there.


Also, Washing machines live longer with Calgone.

  • Paid Members

What's wrong with the old one? Ours has seemingly bit the bullet 3 times but I've managed to fix it each time.

  • Paid Members

Drum, motor, door seal, and the brushes are getting ready for replacing. It's about 13 years old, and has already had a few repairs.

  • Paid Members

They do though, don't they though?


Doing washing in a friend's machine today. Basic coloureds setting. Three fucking hours and it's not finished yet. I want them drying, ironing and folding for this amount of waiting.


Mmmm, fancy some Irn Bru now.


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