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Wrestlers In Equity


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As part of my dissertation, I wrote a theory that professional wrestlers should be eligible for Equity, the actor's and entertainment trade union due to the fact that professional wrestling is accepted as a performance and not a sport. I was stunned to discover upon contacting them, that they have taken a decision to accept membership from professional wrestlers who can prove that they have worked 4 individual paid dates (which is Equity standard for members of any branch).

In my opinion, this is a huge step forward for wrestlers who now have a union they can apply to. What are other people's thoughts?

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I think "real" wrestlers may be hesitant to join as it will involve paying a percentage of their earnings to Equity as far as I know.


I'm sure some of the very seldom weekend warriors will love the idea as it will act towards legitimising that they're "really a wrestler".


In practice I can't see how it can benefit wrestlers, not like Equity membership will increase work, and can't see it being well accepted by promoters.


Obviously all of the above is my view, perhaps someone on the forum with a more hands-on practical experience will share their opinion.

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I think "real" wrestlers may be hesitant to join as it will involve paying a percentage of their earnings to Equity as far as I know.


Percentage!? =S


Actually, thinking about it, there will be a massive range in earnings throughout those covered by this group. Higher paid cases would probably cost more to deal with. So it

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If you search through the forum (try "equity" for example) you should be able to find the previous thread on this. Basically the BWC has taken credit for this recent development, and as you can imagine there was some positive and negative responses from people of this forum.


No doubt the thread would prove VERY interesting reading for you and a useful resource for work.

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Not directly linked to the Equity thing, but for my sins I work in the exciting world of indirect tax, and a while back I came across the following in a HMRC manual for VAT case/request themes:


Wrestling (Professional Wrestling)

Claims arguing that Professional Wrestling is not sport and, as it is non-competitive with a pre-determined outcome, is in fact a 'live performance' qualifying for the cultural exemption.


I just can't fathom out which promoter thought about cultural exemption and entered into negotiations with HMRC on the subject - most likely Dixon given the scale of his operation but you never know.

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Not directly linked to the Equity thing, but for my sins I work in the exciting world of indirect tax, and a while back I came across the following in a HMRC manual for VAT case/request themes:


Wrestling (Professional Wrestling)

Claims arguing that Professional Wrestling is not sport and, as it is non-competitive with a pre-determined outcome, is in fact a 'live performance' qualifying for the cultural exemption.


I just can't fathom out which promoter thought about cultural exemption and entered into negotiations with HMRC on the subject - most likely Dixon given the scale of his operation but you never know.


I remember we spent weeks looking for wrestling related info in the old HMRC days, how the hell did we never find this then?

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Does that mean that wrestling companies are VAT-exempt? I wish someone had told me that a long time ago when it could have made a substantial difference to a business plan I was helping compile. :(

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I remember we spent weeks looking for wrestling related info in the old HMRC days, how the hell did we never find this then?


Cos we were there so couldn't see the woods for the trees. Once you're out the place it all becomes much easier in the real world lol


There's some retro action - our HMRC email activity.

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Huzzah! Not eligible for exemption.


Farms and Professional Wrestling


Due consideration has been given to the issue of both petting farms and professional wrestling and it has been decided that neither activity is eligible for the exemption.


Ant - My E-Mail levels were impressive to say the least. Getting called in for an "informal" meeting with head of office over sending nearly 1000 e-mails in a week.

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