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Who is you're favourite fat guy?

DJ Kris

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I echo the love for Vader, Bam Bam and Boss Man.


Even though he has been complete shit in recent years, in 2005 and 2006, Samoa Joe was tremendous. Now he is about as intimidating as a pink elephent but back in 2005-2006 he was actually a very convincing bad-ass.

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He was as buried as you could bury someone. I bet he regrets the WWF move now.

Wonder what he did to piss someone off?


Can't believe I didn't mention these guys at the start:


UK Pitbulls



Sure they may not be BIG WWE names, but these guys were over everytime they worked. They knew what they were doing, and they were genuinely nice guys. It was sad whan Big Dave was forced to retire and now just last week Bulk announced his retirement. They will leave a big gap in the UK market.

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Bam Bam Bigelow just edges out Vader as the best fat guy wrestler for me. He could really hold up his end and had some great matches. Only as a heel though. Babyface Bam Bam didnt interest me at all. Same with Vader, they should always play the heel.


Bossman and Earthquake I hated them as heels and loved them as babyfaces. Only in the WWF though which is weird. I couldnt buy into their WCW gimmick because i knew them so well as Bossman and Eathquake.


Honorable mention to Kamala as well. He used his size really well and rocked and swayed to perfection building to the moment when he finally went down.

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Happy Humphrey vs Haystacks Calhoun



Are they really two of your favourite fat wrestlers? And if so, why?



I'm pretty sure by this point it has descended into the "Brick-like" state you get in these threads on occasion. People just looking at things that pop up and declaring their like/love for her/him/them/it.

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I'm pretty sure by this point it has descended into the "Brick-like" state you get in these threads on occasion. People just looking at things that pop up and declaring their like/love for her/him/them/it.

I have to say I'm a little disappointed that some people have decided to just post pictures without bothering with any discussion, some not even bothering to post a name!


Should I decide to take this subject a stage further I'll only be counting the ones that have some sort of explanation attached or at least a name. Mostly though, I'd say there's been some good stuff in here.

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I'm pretty sure by this point it has descended into the "Brick-like" state you get in these threads on occasion. People just looking at things that pop up and declaring their like/love for her/him/them/it.

I have to say I'm a little disappointed that some people have decided to just post pictures without bothering with any discussion, some not even bothering to post a name!

SuperStarNeilC only ever seems to post photos with no insight whatsoever, that's his thing.

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